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Customizing Workflow Options⚓︎


This page covers customizing workflow options, which are different from the inputs passed to the WDL. Workflow options are interpreted directly by Cromwell, though WDLs can customize them too. For more information see Cromwell's documentation.

Another important piece of context for this page is the difference between a workflow that actually gets run on Cromwell versus a workload (a WFL-managed set of individual workflows).



  • Workflow options are an arbitrary JSON object stored in a key of options
  • Can be provided per-workflow, for an entire workload, or both
  • Optional -- you only need to specify options if you'd like to override something

Suppose the following valid workload request that you might POST to /create or /exec:

json { "executor": "", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "project": "PO-1234", "items": [ { "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" } }, { "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample5678" } } ] }

You may optionally add arbitrary JSON objects as options either for individual workflows, for the entire workload, or both:

json { "executor": "", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "project": "PO-1234", "common": { "options": { "write_to_cache": false, "google_project": "broad-google-project" } }, "items": [ { "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" }, "options": { "jes_gcs_root": "gs://broad-gotc-something-execution" } }, { "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample5678" }, "options": { "jes_gcs_root": "gs://broad-gotc-different-execution", "default_runtime_attributes": {"maxRetries": 3}, "google_project": "broad-google-project-2" } } ] }


This behavior isn't supported for All-of-Us-related processing.

To recap, in the above example the following workflow options will be set:

  • "jes_gcs_root" will have different values for the different samples
  • "default_runtime_attributes" will override the "maxRetries" value to be 3
  • "write_to_cache" will be false for all samples
  • "google_project" is broad-google-project for the entire workload but is overridden in the second sample to be broad-google-project-2 (providing an option with more granularity gives it higher precedence)

In other words, WFL will recursively merge the options objects together to resolve the options for individual workflows. You can see this in WFL's response, which includes all workflow options calculated for each workflow:

json [{ "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" }, "options": { "jes_gcs_root": "gs://broad-gotc-something-execution", "write_to_cache": false, "google_project": "broad-google-project" } }, { "inputs": { "input_cram": "develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample5678" }, "options": { "jes_gcs_root": "gs://broad-gotc-different-execution", "default_runtime_attributes": {"maxRetries": 3}, "write_to_cache": false, "google_project": "broad-google-project-2" } }]

One note is that WFL already has some default values it passes for workflow options and you'll see those defaults when you look at the returned options for a given workflow. See below for more information.


The diagram below lists the different sources of options for a particular workflow. Precedence is from the bottom up, so "higher" sources override lower ones.

The green "sources" are where you may optionally provide configuration via options, the white "sources" are where WFL may create and supply options by default, and the gray "sources" are outside of WFL's visibility but can still affect the result.

WFL supplies its own derived options usually on a per-module basis, meaning different pipelines that make use of different modules may have different options they derive and supply by default.

Individual module documentation can help provide more info, as will simply looking at WFL's response from the /create or /exec endpoints, which includes those defaults.

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