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The workload Executor models an intermediate stage of a processing pipeline. An Executor uses a supported service in the cloud to execute workflows.

User Guide⚓︎

You can configure the type of Executor used in your workload by changing the executor attribute of your workload request.

Terra Executor⚓︎

You can execute workflows in a Terra workspace using the Terra executor.

The Terra executor will...

  • Coerce available outputs from an upstream Source to a data type acceptable for submission creation (i.e. import a snapshot to the executor workspace as a reference)
  • Update the method configuration with the coerced object as its root entity type
  • Launch a submission
  • Periodically update the statuses of eligible workflows to enable a downstream Sink to consume their outputs

A typical Terra executor configuration in the workload request looks like: json { "name": "Terra", "workspace": "{workspace-namespace}/{workspace-name}", "methodConfiguration": "{method-configuration-namespace}/{method-configuration-name}", "fromSource": "importSnapshot" }

And a real-life example for a known method configuration: json { "name": "Terra", "workspace": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing", "memoryRetryMultiplier": 1.5 "methodConfiguration": "wfl-dev/sarscov2_illumina_full", "fromSource": "importSnapshot" }

The table below summarises the purpose of each attribute in the above request.

Attribute Description
name Selects the Terra executor implementation.
workspace Terra Workspace in which to execute workflows.
memoryRetryMultiplier Retry OutOfMemory Cromwell tasks with memory increased by this factor.
methodConfiguration Method configuration from which to generate submissions.
fromSource Instruction to coerce an output from an upstream Source to a type understood by this executor.


A {workspace-namespace}/{workspace-name} string as it appears in the URL path in the Terra UI.


  • The workspace must exist prior to workload creation.
  • must be a workspace "Writer" in order to import snapshots to the workspace.
  • The workspace must be compatible with any downstream processing stage that consumes its workflows.


A {method-configuration-namespace}/{method-configuration-name} string as it appears in the URL path in the Terra UI.


  • The method configuration must exist within workspace prior to workload creation.


This attribute tells workflow-launcher how to coerce an output from an upstream Source into a data type understood by the executor.


  • Must be one of the following supported coercion instructions.

Workflow-launcher should import Terra Data Repository (TDR) snapshots into workspace as snapshot references, updating methodConfiguration with the reference as its root entity type.

Developer Guide⚓︎

An executor is a Queue that satisfies the Executor protocol below: clojure (defprotocol Executor (update-executor! ^Workload [^Workload workload ] "Consume items from the `workload`'s source queue and enqueue to its executor queue for consumption by a later processing stage, performing any external effects as necessary. Implementations should avoid maintaining in-memory state and making long- running external calls, favouring internal queues to manage such tasks asynchronously between invocations. Note that the `Workload`'s Source queue and Executor are parameterised types and the Source queue's parameterisation must be convertible to the Executor's.") (executor-workflows ^IPersistentVector [^Connection transaction ;; JDBC Connection ^Executor executor ;; This executor instance ^IPersistentVector filters ;; Optional workflow filters to match ;; (ex. status, submission) ] "Use database `transaction` to return workflows created by the `executor` matching the optional workflow `filters` (ex. status, submission).") (executor-throw-if-invalid-retry-filters ;; Executed for side effects [^IPersistentHashmap workload ;; Workload for which a retry is requested ^IPersistentVector filters ;; Workflow filters ] "Throw if workflow `filters` are invalid for `workload`'s retry request.") (executor-retry-workflows! ;; Executed for side effects [^Executor executor ;; This executor instance ^IPersistentVector workflows ;; Workflows to retry ] "Retry/resubmit the `workflows` managed by the `executor`."))


The Executor protocol is implemented by a set of multimethods of the same name. The use of a protocol is to illustrate the difference between the in-memory data model of a Executor and the metadata seen by a user.

To be used in a workload, an Executor implementation should satisfy the processing Stage protocol and the to-edn multimethod in addition to the following multimethods specific to executors:

``clojure (defmulti create-executor "Create anExecutorinstance using the databasetransactionand configuration in the executorrequestand return a[type items]pair to be written to a workload record asexecutor_typeandexecutor_items. Notes: - This is a factory method registered for workload creation. - TheExecutortype string must match a value of theexecutorenum in the database schema. - This multimethod is type-dispatched on the:nameassociation in therequest`." (fn ^[^String ^String] [^Connection transaction ;; JDBC Connection ^long workload-id ;; ID of the workload being created ^IPersistentHashMap request ;; Data forwarded to the handler ] (:name request)))

(defmulti load-executor! "Return the Executor implementation associated with the executor_type and executor_items fields of the workload row in the database. Note that this multimethod is type-dispatched on the :executor_type association in the workload." (fn ^Executor [^Connection transaction ;; JDBC Connection ^IPersistentHashMap workload ;; Row from workload table ] (:executor_type workload))) ```

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