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Workflow Launcher Monitoring⚓︎

Logs from stdout and stderr are sent to Google Logging (Stackdriver) where they can be queried. With the logs, metrics can be created to see developments from those logs over time. From those metrics, we can create alerts that are sent to notification channels of our choosing (slack, email, sms, pubsub, etc.).

To create a metric via command line: gcloud auth login gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID gcloud beta logging metrics create MY-METRIC-NAME --description="description goes here" --filter="filter goes here"

The log entries for WFL should be located under a container name of workflow-launcher-api so logging queries to find said logs should contain resource.labels.container_name="workflow-launcher-api". To look for log severities of error and above, include severity>=ERROR in the metric filter as well. You can exclude specific items in the query with the NOT keyword (ex: NOT "INFO: " excludes messages that contain "INFO: ")

An example query for all wfl errors of severity ERROR and above: resource.labels.container_name="workflow-launcher-api" severity>=ERROR

To create an alert via command line: gcloud auth login gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID gcloud alpha monitoring policies create --policy-from-file="path/to/file"

Example policies can be found here:

When a metric goes over the threshold set by the policy, an alert is sent via the notification channels provided in the configuration. An incident is created in google cloud monitoring under alerts. These incidents will resolve themselves once the time series shows the metric condition of the alert going back under the configured threshold.

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