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WFL Logging⚓︎

There are macros for logging JSON records named for each reporting level (or severity) supported by Google Stackdriver.

Each logging macro takes one required expression argument, and an optional sequence of key/value pairs

For example:

clojure (wfl.log/info (/ 22 7) :is "pi")

A list of the Google Cloud supported logging fields and severities can be found here:

Disable logging by binding wfl.log/*logger* to wfl.log/disabled-logger.

Example: clojure (binding [wfl.log/*logger* wfl.log/disabled-logger] (wfl.log/info "This message will not be logged."))

Logging Levels⚓︎

The severity levels are defined by wfl.log/levels.

By default, any calls at severity "INFO" or above are logged, and severities below "INFO" are ignored.

The GET /logging_level API returns the least severe enabled level.

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/logging_level \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

The response will look something like this: { "level" : "INFO" }

Set the logging level with POST. curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/logging_level?level=DEBUG \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

The response is similar. { "level" : "DEBUG" }

The above change allows all logs at"DEBUG" and higher through.

Log keys⚓︎

Some logging frameworks, such as Stackdriver, treat some field keys in log records specially.

The WFL log calls will translate keywords qualified to the wfl.log namespace into the keys expected by the framework. For example, when logging with Stackdriver, the following info call will add a key to the record logging some-query.

``` clojure (require '[wfl.log :as log]) (let [spanId (+ 1000 (rand-int 1000)))] (log/info some-query ::log/spanId spanId))



Tests are in wfl.unit/logging-test.


Search locally for specific logs this way.

  1. Make sure you have jq installed for your terminal.

  2. Run the server with ./ops/ >> path/to/wfl/log 2>&1

  3. Look up logs by severity and only show the message.

tail -f path/to/wfl/log | grep --line-buffered -w '"severity":"[YOUR_SEVERITY_HERE]"' | jq .message

  1. Look up logs by a label and print the message.

tail -f path/to/wfl/log | grep --line-buffered -w 'my-label' | jq .message

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