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ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing workload⚓︎


An ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing workload specifies the following inputs for each workflow:

  • input_cram or input_bam (required)
  • base_file_name
  • sample_name
  • final_gvcf_base_name
  • unmapped_bam_suffix
  • reference_fasta_prefix

input_cram or input_bam (required)⚓︎

  • Absolute GCS file path (like gs://...)


  • Used for naming intermediate/output files
  • Defaults to the filename of the input_cram or input_bam without the .cram or .bam extension


  • Defaults to the filename of the input_cram or input_bam without the .cram or .bam extension


  • Path to the final VCF (.vcf will be added by the WDL)
  • Defaults to the filename of the input_cram or input_bam without the .cram or .bam extension


  • Defaults to .unmapped.bam


  • Defaults to gs://gcp-public-data--broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38

Note that this pipeline supports specifying arbitrary WDL inputs, either at the workload level through common or individually via items.


ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing workload supports the following API endpoints:

Verb Endpoint Description
GET /api/v1/workload List all workloads, optionally filtering by uuid or project
GET /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/workflows List all workflows for a specified workload uuid
POST /api/v1/create Create a new workload
POST /api/v1/start Start a workload
POST /api/v1/stop Stop a running workload
POST /api/v1/exec Create and start (execute) a workload
Permissions in production

External Whole Genome Reprocessing in gotc-prod uses a set of execution projects, please refer to this page when you have questions about permissions.

Create Workload: POST /api/v1/create⚓︎

Creates a WFL workload. Before processing, confirm that the WFL and Cromwell service accounts have at least read access to the input files.

bash curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "executor": "", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "project": "PO-1234", "items": [{ "inputs": { "input_cram": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth/develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" } }] }'

json { "creator": "", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-10-05T15:50:01Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "project": "PO-1234", "commit": "d65371ca983b4f0d4fa06868e2946a8e3cab291b", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "74d96a04-fea7-4270-a02b-a319dae2dd5e", "version": "0.7.0" }

Note that the ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing pipeline supports specifying cromwell "workflowOptions" via the options map. See the reference page for more information.

Start Workload: POST /api/v1/start⚓︎

Starts a Cromwell workflow for each item in the workload. If an output already exists in the output bucket for a particular input cram, WFL will not re-submit that workflow.

bash curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "uuid": "74d96a04-fea7-4270-a02b-a319dae2dd5e" }'

json { "started": "2020-10-05T15:50:51Z", "creator": "", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-10-05T15:50:01Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "project": "PO-1234", "commit": "d65371ca983b4f0d4fa06868e2946a8e3cab291b", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "74d96a04-fea7-4270-a02b-a319dae2dd5e", "version": "0.7.0" }

Stop Workload: POST /api/v1/stop⚓︎

Included for compatibility with continuous workloads.

bash curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "uuid": "74d96a04-fea7-4270-a02b-a319dae2dd5e" }'

json { "started": "2020-10-05T15:50:51Z", "creator": "", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-10-05T15:50:01Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "project": "PO-1234", "commit": "d65371ca983b4f0d4fa06868e2946a8e3cab291b", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "74d96a04-fea7-4270-a02b-a319dae2dd5e", "version": "0.7.0" }

Exec Workload: POST /api/v1/exec⚓︎

Creates and then starts a Cromwell workflow for each item in the workload.

bash curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "executor": "", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "project": "PO-1234", "items": [{ "inputs": { "input_cram": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth/develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" } }] }'

json { "started": "2020-10-05T16:15:32Z", "creator": "", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-10-05T16:15:32Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-outputs/wgs-test-output/", "project": "PO-1234", "commit": "d65371ca983b4f0d4fa06868e2946a8e3cab291b", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "3a13f732-9743-47a9-ab83-c467b3bf0ca4", "version": "0.7.0" }

Query Workload: GET /api/v1/workload?uuid=<uuid>⚓︎

Queries the WFL database for workloads. Specify the uuid to query for a specific workload.

bash curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

json [{ "creator": "username", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-08-27T16:26:59Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-zero-test/wgs-test-output", "workflows": [ { "updated": "2020-10-05T16:15:32Z", "uuid": "2c543b29-2db9-4643-b81b-b16a0654c5cc", "inputs": { "input_cram": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth/develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" } } ], "project": "wgs-dev", "commit": "d2fc38c61c62c44f4fd4d24bdee3121138e6c09e", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-test-storage/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "813e3c38-9c11-4410-9888-435569d91d1d", "version": "0.7.0" }]

Query Workload with project: GET /api/v1/workload?project=<project>⚓︎

Queries the WFL database for workloads. Specify the project name to query for a list of specific workload(s).

bash curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

json [{ "creator": "username", "pipeline": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing", "executor": "", "release": "ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing_v1.0", "created": "2020-08-27T16:26:59Z", "output": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-zero-test/wgs-test-output", "project": "wgs-dev", "commit": "d2fc38c61c62c44f4fd4d24bdee3121138e6c09e", "wdl": "pipelines/reprocessing/external/wgs/ExternalWholeGenomeReprocessing.wdl", "input": "gs://broad-gotc-test-storage/single_sample/plumbing/truth", "uuid": "813e3c38-9c11-4410-9888-435569d91d1d", "version": "0.7.0" }]

The "workflows" field lists out each Cromwell workflow that was started, and includes their status information. It is also possible to use the Job Manager to check workflow progress and easily see information about any workflow failures.


project and uuid are optional path parameters to the /api/v1/workload endpoint, hitting this endpoint without them will return all workloads. However, they cannot be specified together.

List workflows managed by a workload GET /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/workflows⚓︎

bash curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

json [{ "updated": "2020-10-05T16:15:32Z", "uuid": "2c543b29-2db9-4643-b81b-b16a0654c5cc", "inputs": { "input_cram": "gs://broad-gotc-dev-wfl-ptc-test-inputs/single_sample/plumbing/truth/develop/20k/NA12878_PLUMBING.cram", "sample_name": "TestSample1234" } }]

The "workflows" endpoint lists out each Cromwell workflow that was started, and includes their status information. It is also possible to use the Job Manager to check workflow progress and easily see information about any workflow failures.

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