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Aborting a WFL Workload⚓︎

Aborting a workload is done by aborting individual workflows directly with Cromwell.


This only works with Cromwell! Don't try this script for things running in Terra, it won't work.

Here's a script that can help with that:


Usage: bash QUERY [WFL_URL] [THREADS]⚓︎

QUERY is either like project=PO-123 or uuid=1a2b3c4d⚓︎

WFL_URL is optionally the WFL to abort workflows from⚓︎

Default is the gotc-prod WFL⚓︎

THREADS is optionally the number of threads to use to talk to Cromwell⚓︎

Default is 2⚓︎

Usage: bash QUERY [WFL_URL]⚓︎

QUERY is either like project=PO-123 or uuid=1a2b3c4d⚓︎

WFL_URL is the WFL instance to abort workflows from [default: gotc-prod]⚓︎

WFL_URL="${2:-}" AUTH_HEADER="Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

getWorkloads () { # Query -> [Workload] curl -s -X GET "${WFL_URL}/api/v1/workload?$1" \ -H "${AUTH_HEADER}" \ | jq }

getWorkflows() { # Workload -> [Workflow] uuid=$(jq -r .uuid <<< "$1") curl -s -X GET "${WFL_URL}/api/v1/workload/${uuid}/workflows" \ -H "${AUTH_HEADER}" \ | jq }

mapjq () { jq -c '.[]' <<< "${2}" \ | while read elem; do ${1} "${elem}"; done \ | jq '[ .[] ]' }

main() { # Query -> () workloads=$(getWorkloads "${1}") cromwell=$(jq -r 'map(.executor) | .[0]' <<< "$WORKLOAD")

mapjq getWorkflows "${workloads}"
    | jq -s 'flatten
            | map(select(.status != "Failed" and .status != "Succeeded") | .uuid)
            | .[]' \
    | xargs -I % -n 1 -P ${3:-2} curl -w "\n" -s -X POST "$CROMWELL/api/workflows/v1/%/abort" \
            -H "${AUTH_HEADER}" \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json"


main "$1" ```

The 'QUERY' part is like you'd pass to

You don't necessarily need to query WFL for the workload. As of this writing, the response from /start or /exec includes the workflow UUIDs, so if you stored that response in WORKLOAD then you could abort it without having to query WFL (and trigger WFL's potentially lengthy update process).

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