snM3C v4.0.1 Methods
Methylome and chromatin contact sequencing data was preprocessed for downstream analysis using the snm3C v4.0.1 pipeline (RRID:SCR_025041). Briefly, Cutadapt software was used to demultiplex paired-end sequencing reads from a single 384-well plate to cell-level FASTQ files based on a list of random primer indices, and then further used to sort, filter, and trim reads. Paired-end reads were then aligned to the human hg38 v43 reference genome using HISAT-3N. Custom python scripts from the CEMBA GitHub repository were then called to separate unmapped reads, unique reads, and multi-mapped reads. The unmapped reads were saved to a FASTQ file and used for single-end alignment with HISAT-3N. Overlapping reads were removed and all resulting aligned reads merged into a single BAM. All mapped reads were deduplicated using samtools and Picard. The resulting BAM was used as input to a custom CEMBA python script for chromatin contact calling based on a 2,500 base pair threshold and as input to the ALLCools software for methylation site calling. Key summary statistics for read trimming, mapping, deduplication and chromatin contacts were then calculated and exported to a summary metrics file.
Further details regarding tools, parameters, and references used in the pipeline are available in the YAP documentation.