JUMP Cell Painting Hub

JUMP (Joint Undertaking for Morphological Profiling) Cell Painting is an effort to produce data and resources to make use of Cell Painting data. It is the result of years of work by the JUMP-CP Consortium.

Getting Started with JUMP

What is the purpose of this website? To provide up-to-date info on everything JUMP-related. We aim to minimize friction for developers, technical writers and biologists to produce and access novel insights and tools. We aim to make this the one-stop shop for the vast majority of JUMP questions, be it computational or biological.

Choose Your Own Path

  1. Just exploring the data?

    You can look up images for a sample, distinguishing features, most-similar genes or compounds, and more! See the Interactive Tools page for instructions for these tools.

  2. Want to fetch and analyze data?

  3. Looking to build tools?

Need help or more information?


This resource was developed by Alan F. Muñoz