

Return a table with annotations from the latest version of the corresponding truth data.


Transform methylation level from the GRCh38 methylation resource to a 0-2 scale.


Return a table with annotations from the latest version of the corresponding truth data.

The following annotations are included:
  • hapmap

  • kgp_omni (1000 Genomes intersection Onni 2.5M array)

  • kgp_phase_1_hc (high confidence sites in 1000 genonmes)

  • mills (Mills & Devine indels)

Return type:



A table with the latest version of popular truth data annotations

gnomad.resources.grch38.reference_data.transform_grch38_methylation(ht=None, methylation_expr=None)[source]

Transform methylation level from the GRCh38 methylation resource to a 0-2 scale.


One of ht or methylation_expr must be provided.

The GRCh38 methylation resource provides a score ranging from 0 to 15 for autosomes. The determination of this score is described in Chen et al: For chrX, methylation scores range from 0 to 12, but these scores are not directly comparable to the autosome scores (chrX and autosomes were analyzed separately and levels are relative). Cutoffs to translate these scores to the 0-2 methylation level were determined by correlating these scores with the GRCh37 liftover scores. Proposed cutoffs are: 0, 1-5, 6+ for autosomes, and 0, 1-3, 4+ for chrX.

  • ht (Optional[Table]) – Optional Hail Table with methylation data. Default is None.

  • methylation_expr (Optional[NumericExpression]) – Optional methylation level expression. Default is None.

Return type:

Union[Table, NumericExpression]


Transformed methylation level expression or annotated Hail Table.