
We welcome contributions to the Cell Painting Gallery.

Contributing to Documentation#

If you would like to contribute to our documentation, please make a Pull Request. We particularly welcome contributions to our list of publications using data from the Cell Painting Gallery and to workflows accessing the Cell Painting Gallery.

To ask a question that is not covered by our documentation, you are also welcome to create an Issue in the Cell Painting Gallery repository. Please note that the Cell Painting Gallery is not a place to ask dataset-specific questions. Instead, please direct such questions to the respective dataset repository linked in the README or if no dataset repository, to the authors of any associated publication.

Preparing for data deposition#

In preparation for transferring data, please perform all of the following steps:

Remove special characters in folder names#

To the maximum extent possible, please avoid the following in your folder names

  • Whitespaces

  • Special characters other than _ and -

Please delete these characters if they are present in your folder names.

Prepare project-specific naming#

Reference data structure for comprehensive information on folder structure and naming. Your data must strictly comply with the data structure we have laid out. Additionally it must include all, unblinded metadata.

Validate your data#

We are building a data validator to check compliance with our required structure. It is currently in alpha and for internal use but we plan to develop it to the point that contributors can use it to validate their data before deposition in the future.

Create a pull-request#

Any data contributions to Cell Painting Gallery must be accompanied by a pull request to the Cell Painting Gallery repository with updates to the README to add your dataset to Available datasets. If your dataset is associated with a publication, please also edit Publications.