File manipulation
Last updated on 2025-02-10 | Edit this page
File manipulation and more practice with pipes
Let’s use the tools we’ve added to our tool kit so far, along with a few new ones, to example our SRA metadata file. First, let’s download the data.
$ cd
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd sra_metadata
This file contains a lot of information about the samples that we submitted for sequencing. Here we’re going to use the information in this file to answer some questions about our samples.
How many of the read libraries are paired end?
The samples that we submitted to the sequencing facility were a mix
of single and paired end libraries. We know that we recorded information
in our metadata table about which samples used which library preparation
method, but we don’t remember exactly where this data is recorded. Let’s
start by looking at our column headers to see which column might have
this information. Our column headers are in the first row of our data
table, so we can use head
with a -n
flag to
look at just the first row of the file.
BioSample_s InsertSize_l LibraryLayout_s Library_Name_s LoadDate_s MBases_l MBytes_l ReleaseDate_s Run_s SRA_Sample_s Sample_Name_s Assay_Type_s AssemblyName_s BioProject_s Center_Name_s Consent_s Organism_Platform_s SRA_Study_s g1k_analysis_group_s g1k_pop_code_s source_s strain_s
That is only the first line of our file, but because there are a lot
of columns, the output likely wraps around your terminal window and
appears as multiple lines. Once we figure out which column our data is
in, we can use a command called cut
to extract the column
of interest.
Because this is pretty hard to read, we can look at just a few column
header names at a time by combining the |
redirect and
takes a -f
flag, which stands for
“field”. This flag accepts a list of field numbers, in our case, column
numbers. Here we are extracting the first four column names.
BioSample_s InsertSize_l LibraryLayout_s Library_Name_s
The LibraryLayout_s column looks like it should have the information
we want. Let’s look at some of the data from that column. We can use
to extract only the 3rd column from the file and then
use the |
operator with head
to look at just
the first few lines of data in that column.
We can see that there are (at least) two categories, SINGLE and
PAIRED. We want to search all entries in this column for just PAIRED and
count the number of matches. For this, we will use the |
operator twice to combine cut
(to extract the column we
want), grep
(to find matches) and wc
(to count
We can see from this that we have only two paired-end libraries in the samples we submitted for sequencing.
How many single-end libraries are in our samples?
How many of each class of library layout are there?
We can extract even more information from our metadata table if we
add in some new tools: sort
and uniq
. The
command will sort the lines of a text file and the
command will filter out repeated neighboring lines in
a file. You might expect uniq
to extract all of the unique
lines in a file. This isn’t what it does, however, for reasons involving
computer memory and speed. If we want to extract all unique lines, we
can do so by combining uniq
with sort
. We’ll
see how to do this soon.
For example, if we want to know how many samples of each library type
are recorded in our table, we can extract the third column (with
), and pipe that output into sort
If you look closely, you might see that we have one line that reads
“LibraryLayout_s”. This is the header of our column. We can discard this
information using the -v
flag in grep
, which
means return all the lines that do not match the search
This command returns a sorted list (too long to show here) of PAIRED
and SINGLE values. We can use the uniq
command to see a
list of all the different categories that are present. If we do this, we
see that the only two types of libraries we have present are labelled
PAIRED and SINGLE. There aren’t any other types in our file.
If we want to count how many of each we have, we can use the
(count) flag for uniq
- How many different sample load dates are there?
- How many samples were loaded on each date?
- There are two different sample load dates.
- Six samples were loaded on one date and 31 were loaded on the other.
6 25-Jul-12
31 29-May-14
Can we sort the file by library layout and save that sorted information to a new file?
We might want to re-order our entire metadata table so that all of
the paired-end samples appear together and all of the single-end samples
appear together. We can use the -k
(key) flag for
to sort based on a particular column. This is similar
to the -f
flag for cut
Let’s sort based on the third column (-k3
) and redirect
our output to a new file.
Can we extract only paired-end records into a new file?
We also might want to extract the information for all samples that
meet a specific criterion (for example, are paired-end) and put those
lines of our table in a new file. First, we need to check to make sure
that the pattern we’re searching for (“PAIRED”) only appears in the
column where we expect it to occur (column 3). We know from earlier that
there are only two paired-end samples in the file, so we can
for “PAIRED” and see how many results we get.
There are only two results, so we can use “PAIRED” as our search term to extract the paired-end samples to a new file.
Sort samples by load date and export each of those sets to a new file (one new file per unique load date).
Making code more customizeable using command line arguments
In Lesson 05 (Writing Scripts) we used the grep
line tool to look for FASTQ records with lots of Ns from all the .fastq
files in our current folder using the following code:
This is very useful, but could be more customizeable. We may want to be able to run this command over and over again without needing to copy and paste it and allow the user to specify exactly which file they want to examine for bad reads.
We can accomplish these goals by including the above command in a
script that takes in user input via a command line argument. We can
slightly modify our
file to do so. Use
to copy your
into a new
script called
. Make the
following modifications to
is our command line argument. The line
tells Bash to take the first thing you type
after the name of the script itself and assign that value to a variable
called filename.
For example, this script can be run in the following way to output the bad reads just from one file:
We can then take a look at what the output file currently contains
using head scripted_bad_reads.txt
@SRR098026.1 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:968 length=35
+SRR098026.1 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:968 length=35
@SRR098026.2 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:312 length=35
+SRR098026.2 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:312 length=35
@SRR098026.3 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:570 length=35
This should be same output as using our original code and manually modifying the original standalone code on the command line to “SRR098026.fastq” on the command line, which should give us the same output as above:
$ grep -B1 -A2 -h NNNNNNNNNN SRR098026.fastq | grep -v '^--' > scripted_bad_reads.txt
head scripted_bad_reads.txt
@SRR098026.1 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:968 length=35
+SRR098026.1 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:968 length=35
@SRR098026.2 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:312 length=35
+SRR098026.2 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:312 length=35
@SRR098026.3 HWUSI-EAS1599_1:2:1:0:570 length=35