Source code for gnomad_qc.v5.data_ingestion.federated_validity_checks

"""Script to generate annotations for variant QC on gnomAD v4."""

import argparse
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import hail as hl
from gnomad.assessment.validity_checks import (
from gnomad.resources.grch38.gnomad import public_release
from gnomad.utils.reference_genome import get_reference_genome
from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError

from gnomad_qc.v5.configs.validity_inputs_schema import schema
from gnomad_qc.v5.resources.basics import get_logging_path

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger("federated_validity_checks")

[docs]def validate_config(config: Dict[str, Any], schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Validate JSON config inputs. :param config: JSON configuration for parameter inputs. :param schema: JSON schema to use for validation. :return: None. """ # Validate config file against schema. try: validate(instance=config, schema=schema)"JSON is valid.") except ValidationError as e: raise ValueError(f"JSON validation error: %s, {e.message}")
[docs]def validate_ht_fields(ht: hl.Table, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Check that necessary fields defined in the JSON config are present in the Hail Table. :param ht: Hail Table. :param config: JSON configuration for parameter inputs. :return: None. """ indexed_array_annotations = config["indexed_array_annotations"] # Check that all neccesaary fields are present in the Table. missing_fields = {} # Check that specified global annotations are present. global_fields = [i for i in indexed_array_annotations.values()] missing_global_fields = [i for i in global_fields if i not in ht.globals] missing_fields["globals"] = missing_global_fields # Check that specified row annotations are present. row_fields = [i for i in indexed_array_annotations.keys()] + config[ "struct_annotations_for_missingness" ] missing_row_fields = [i for i in row_fields if i not in ht.row] missing_fields["rows"] = missing_row_fields # Check that freq_annotations_to_sum values are present in the 'freq' struct. freq_field_names = list(ht.freq.dtype.element_type) freq_annotations = config["freq_annotations_to_sum"] + [config["nhomalt_metric"]] missing_freq_fields = [i for i in freq_annotations if i not in freq_field_names] missing_fields["missing_freq_fields"] = missing_freq_fields # Check that sort_order values are present as keys within freq_meta_expr. freq_meta_keys = set( key for item in hl.eval(eval(config["freq_meta_expr"])) for key in item.keys() ) missing_sort_order_keys = [ i for i in config["freq_sort_order"] if i not in freq_meta_keys ] missing_fields["missing_sort_order_keys"] = missing_sort_order_keys if any(missing_fields.values()): error_message = "Validation failed. Missing fields:\n" + "\n".join( f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in missing_fields.items() if value ) raise ValueError(error_message) else:"Validated presence of config fields in the Table.")
[docs]def check_missingness( ht: hl.Table, missingness_threshold: float = 0.5, struct_annotations: List[str] = ["grpmax", "fafmax", "histograms"], ) -> None: """ Check for and report the fraction of missing data in the Table. :param ht: Input Table. :param missingness_threshold: Upper cutoff for allowed amount of missingness. Default is 0.50. :param struct_annotations: List of struct annotations to check for missingness. Default is ['grpmax', 'fafmax', 'histograms']. :return: None """"Checking for missingness within struct annotations...")"Struct annotations being checked: %s.", struct_annotations) # Determine missingness of each struct annotation. metric_missingness = {} for metric in struct_annotations: metric_missingness.update(check_missingness_of_struct(ht[metric], metric)) missingness_struct = ht.aggregate(hl.struct(**metric_missingness)) missingness_dict = flatten_missingness_struct(missingness_struct) # Report whether or not each metric pass or fails the missingness check # based on the missingness_threshold. for field, missingness in missingness_dict.items(): if missingness > missingness_threshold: "FAILED missingness check for %s: %.2f%% missing", field, 100 * missingness, ) else: "Passed missingness check for %s: %.2f%% missing", field, 100 * missingness, )"Checking for missingness of info and non-info fields...") # Gather info and non-info metrics (or if doesn't exist, set to an empty list) # and substract missingness dict. info_metrics = ( set( - missingness_dict.keys() if "info" in ht.row else set() ) non_info_metrics = set(ht.row) - {"info"} - missingness_dict.keys() n_sites = ht.count()"Info metrics are %s", info_metrics)"Non-info metrics are %s", non_info_metrics) compute_missingness( ht, info_metrics, non_info_metrics, n_sites, missingness_threshold )
[docs]def validate_federated_data( ht: hl.Table, freq_meta_expr: hl.expr.ArrayExpression, missingness_threshold: float = 0.50, struct_annotations_for_missingness: List[str] = ["grpmax", "fafmax", "histograms"], freq_annotations_to_sum: List[str] = ["AC", "AN", "homozygote_count"], freq_sort_order: List[str] = ["gen_anc", "sex", "group"], nhomalt_metric: str = "nhomalt", verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Perform validity checks on federated data. :param ht: Input Table. :param freq_meta_expr: Metadata expression that contains the values of the elements in `meta_indexed_expr`. The most often used expression is `freq_meta` to index into a 'freq' array (example: ht.freq_meta). :param freq_annotations_to_sum: List of annotation fields within `meta_expr` to sum. Default is ['AC', 'AN', 'homozygote_count']. :param freq_sort_order: Order in which groupings are unfurled into flattened annotations. Default is ["gen_anc", "sex", "group"]. :param nhomalt_metric: Name of metric denoting homozygous alternate count. Default is "nhomalt". :param verbose: If True, show top values of annotations being checked, including checks that pass; if False, show only top values of annotations that fail checks. Default is False. :return: None """ # Summarize variants and check that all contigs exist. expected_contigs = [f"chr{i}" for i in range(1, 23)] + ["chrX", "chrY"]"Summarizing variants and checking contigs...") summarize_variants(ht, expected_contigs=expected_contigs) # Check for missingness."Checking for missingness...") check_missingness( ht, missingness_threshold, struct_annotations=struct_annotations_for_missingness, ) # Check that subset totals sum to expected totals."Checking summations...") has_gen_anc = any("gen_anc" in entry for entry in hl.eval(freq_meta_expr)) has_pop = any("pop" in entry for entry in hl.eval(freq_meta_expr)) if has_gen_anc and has_pop: raise ValueError( "Both 'gen_anc' and 'pop' labels found within freq_meta_expr! Only one label can be used." ) elif has_gen_anc: gen_anc_label_name = "gen_anc" elif has_pop: gen_anc_label_name = "pop" else: raise ValueError( "Neither 'gen_anc' nor 'pop' labels found within freq_meta_expr! One label must be used." ) sum_group_callstats( t=ht, sexes={i["sex"] for i in hl.eval(freq_meta_expr) if "sex" in i}, subsets=[""], pops={ i[gen_anc_label_name] for i in hl.eval(freq_meta_expr) if gen_anc_label_name in i }, groups=["adj"], verbose=verbose, sort_order=freq_sort_order, delimiter="_", metric_first_field=True, metrics=freq_annotations_to_sum, gen_anc_label_name=gen_anc_label_name, )"Checking sex chromosomes metrics...") info_metrics = list( contigs = ht.aggregate(hl.agg.collect_as_set( check_sex_chr_metrics( t=ht, info_metrics=info_metrics, contigs=contigs, verbose=verbose, delimiter="_", nhomalt_metric=nhomalt_metric, )
# TODO: consider adding check_global_and_row_annot_lengths, check for raw and adj.
[docs]def main(args): """Perform validity checks for federated data.""" hl.init( log="/federated_validity_checks.log", tmp_dir="gs://gnomad-tmp-4day", ) hl.default_reference("GRCh38") test_n_partitions = args.test_n_partitions config_path = args.config_path verbose = args.verbose try: # Read in config file and validate. with hl.hadoop_open(config_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) validate_config(config, schema) # TODO: Add resources to intake federated data once obtained. ht = public_release(data_type="exomes").ht() # Check that fields specified in the config are present in the Table. validate_ht_fields(ht=ht, config=config) # Confirm Table is using build GRCh38. build = get_reference_genome( if build != "GRCh38": raise ValueError(f"Reference genome is {build}, not GRCh38!") # Filter to test partitions if specified. if test_n_partitions: "Filtering to %d partitions and sex chromosomes.", test_n_partitions ) test_ht = ht._filter_partitions(range(test_n_partitions)) x_ht = hl.filter_intervals( ht, [hl.parse_locus_interval("chrX")] )._filter_partitions(range(test_n_partitions)) y_ht = hl.filter_intervals( ht, [hl.parse_locus_interval("chrY")] )._filter_partitions(range(test_n_partitions)) ht = test_ht.union(x_ht, y_ht) # Create row annotations for each element of the indexed arrays and their # structs. annotations = unfurl_array_annotations(ht, config["indexed_array_annotations"]) ht = ht.annotate(**annotations)) validate_federated_data( ht=ht, missingness_threshold=config["missingness_threshold"], struct_annotations_for_missingness=config[ "struct_annotations_for_missingness" ], freq_meta_expr=eval(config["freq_meta_expr"]), freq_annotations_to_sum=config["freq_annotations_to_sum"], freq_sort_order=config["freq_sort_order"], nhomalt_metric=config["nhomalt_metric"], ) finally:"Copying hail log to logging bucket...") hl.copy_log(get_logging_path("federated_validity_checks"))
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--test-n-partitions", help=( "Use only N partitions of the input (as well as sex chromosomes) for testing purposes. Defaults" "to 2 if passed without a value." ), nargs="?", const=2, type=int, ) parser.add_argument( "--config-path", help=( "Path to JSON config file for defining parameters. Paramters to define are as follows:" "missingness_threshold: Float defining upper cutoff for allowed amount of missingness. Missingness above this value will be flagged as 'FAILED'." "indexed_array_annotations: Dictionary of indexed array annotations which will be unfurled. Example: {'faf': 'faf_index_dict', 'freq': 'freq_index_dict'}." "struct_annotations_for_missingness: List of struct annotations to check for missingness." "freq_meta_expr: Metadata expression that contains the values of the elements in `meta_indexed_expr`. The most often used expression" "is `freq_meta` to index into a 'freq' array. Example: ht.freq_meta." "freq_annotations_to_sum: List of annotation fields within `freq_meta_expr` to sum. Example: ['AC', 'AN', 'homozygote_count']." "freq_sort_order: Order in which groupings are unfurled into flattened annotations. Default is ['gen_anc', 'sex', 'group']." ), type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", help="Log successes in addition to failures during validation", action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args)