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This page provides steps for running the pipeline using demo data.

Quick Start on Cromwell

This section walks you through the steps of running pipeline using demo data on a managed Cromwell server.

Setup Environment

  • A running instance of a Cromwell server.

  • Install Cromshell and configure it to connect with the Cromwell server you are using. You may refer to the documentation on Cromshell README.

Build Inputs

We provide options for building example inputs that you may use as a reference to configure a Terra workspace or Cromwell submissions (advanced) with your own data. Please refer to this page for instructions on how to build these inputs.


Important: The example input files contain MELT inputs that are NOT public (see Requirements). These include:

  • GATKSVPipelineSingleSample.melt_docker and GATKSVPipelineBatch.melt_docker - MELT docker URI (see Docker readme)
  • GATKSVPipelineSingleSample.ref_std_melt_vcfs - Standardized MELT VCFs (GatherBatchEvidence) The input values are provided only as an example and are not publicly accessible.
  • In order to include MELT, these values must be provided by the user. MELT can be disabled by deleting these inputs and setting GATKSVPipelineBatch.use_melt to false.


> mkdir gatksv_run && cd gatksv_run
> mkdir wdl && cd wdl
> cp $GATK_SV_ROOT/wdl/*.wdl .
> zip *.wdl
> cd ..
> bash scripts/inputs/ -d $GATK_SV_ROOT
> cp $GATK_SV_ROOT/inputs/build/ref_panel_1kg/test/GATKSVPipelineBatch/GATKSVPipelineBatch.json GATKSVPipelineBatch.my_run.json
> cromshell submit wdl/GATKSVPipelineBatch.wdl GATKSVPipelineBatch.my_run.json cromwell_config.json wdl/

where cromwell_config.json is a Cromwell workflow options file. Note users will need to re-populate batch/sample-specific parameters (e.g. BAMs and sample IDs).