Practical examples

Last updated on 2024-09-20 | Edit this page



  • How can we work with files specific to the biological sciences in Unix?


  • Explain how to use common Unix tools (eg. grep, sed etc) to extract information from a specialized biological file format (example: GFF )
  • Demonstrate how to use a specialized Unix tool (eg. h5ls) to inspect biological data in a specialized file format (example: AnnData with single cell RNAseq data)

Apologies - this section is still being refined. The general examples commands are shown but the expected outputs still need to be added.


Unix/Linux provides many small tools and utilities that can easily interact with each other using their built-in Input and Output streams, allowing you to perform complex data manipulations on the command line without writing a formal program or script.

This bonus section provides some examples of how to use Unix for biology-specific tasks.

Data wrangling using grep, pipes and file redirection

Background: The CHESS gene catalog curates the set of all human genes and their transcripts through analysis of GTEx RNA sequencing data and manual assessment of RefSeq and GENCODE annotations and overlap. This catalog reports a different count of protein-coding genes in the human genome compared to RefSeq and GENCODE. To identify the overlap of genes across all three annotations sets, we need the total list of protein-coding gene names by extracting them from the annotation files.

Task: generate file with unique list of protein-coding gene names from CHESS annotation file (GFF)

Download cb_unix_shell.tgz to your home directory and unpack it.

$ cd
$ wget
$ gunzip chess3.1.3.GRCh38.assembly.gff.gz

First head the file to see the signature of a protein-coding gene in the file

$ head chess3.1.3.CHM13.assembly.gff
##gff-version 3
#!gff-spec-version 1.21
chr1	CHESS	gene	11874	14409	.	+	.	ID=CHS.1;gene_name=DDX11L1;gene_type=transcribed_pseudogene
chr1	RefSeq	transcript	11874	14409	.	+	.	ID=CHS.1.1;Parent=CHS.1;gene_name=DDX11L1;gene_type=transcribed_pseudogene;db_xref=RefSeq:NR_046018.2,GENCODE:ENST00000456328.2;assembly_id=NA;cds_adjustment_status=0;exon_adjustment_status=0;original_source=BestRefSeq
chr1	RefSeq	exon	11874	12227	.	+	.	Parent=CHS.1.1;gene_name=DDX11L1
chr1	RefSeq	exon	12613	12721	.	+	.	Parent=CHS.1.1;gene_name=DDX11L1
chr1	RefSeq	exon	13221	14409	.	+	.	Parent=CHS.1.1;gene_name=DDX11L1
chr1	CHESS	gene	14362	29370	.	-	.	ID=CHS.2;gene_name=WASH7P;gene_type=transcribed_pseudogene
chr1	RefSeq	transcript	14362	29370	.	-	.	ID=CHS.2.1;Parent=CHS.2;gene_name=WASH7P;gene_type=transcribed_pseudogene;db_xref=RefSeq:NR_024540.1;assembly_id=NA;cds_adjustment_status=0;exon_adjustment_status=0;original_source=BestRefSeq
chr1	RefSeq	exon	14362	14829	.	-	.	Parent=CHS.2.1;gene_name=WASH7P`

It seems we can locate protein coding gene names in the file with the following search:


… where the gene “DNASE1” could be replaced with any gene name.

To identify such a string with any gene name inserted, we recognize that a gene name may contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens. We therefore turn to to see if we can devise an appropriate regular expression to identify the string above containing any gene name

After identifying an appropriate regex, we grep the file for these lines, instruct to only report the exact matching sequence (-o), and save the results to a text file

 grep -o ';gene_name=[a-zA-Z0-9-]*;gene_type=protein_coding' chess3.1.3.CHM13.assembly.gff | uniq > chess3.1.3_genes.txt

Isolate individual gene names from the matching lines

grep -o "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*" chess3.1.3_genes_temp.txt | sort >chess3.1.3_genes.txt

Alternatively, this final clean up step can be done with sed

grep -o ';gene_name=[a-zA-Z0-9-]*;gene_type=protein_coding' chess3.1.3.CHM13.assembly.gff | uniq > newfile.txt
sed 's/;gene_name=//' newfile.txt > newnewfile.text
sed 's/;gene_type=protein_coding//' newnewfile.text > justthegenes.txt

Introducing h5ls, a Unix tool to peek into AnnData objects

Let’s get an example h5ad file and put it in our home directory

$ cd
$ wget

If you have an AnnData file locally AND you have the hdf5 library installed locally (which you do if you have the AnnData or ScanPy library installed), you can use the hdf5 command line tool h5ls to quickly peek inside an AnnData file. HDF5 files have two types of objects, Datasets and Groups. Example:

> h5ls example.h5ad
X                        Dataset {700, 765}
layers                   Group
obs                      Group
obsm                     Group
obsp                     Group
raw                      Group
uns                      Group
var                      Group
varm                     Group
varp                     Group

Go deeper by appending a Group name to the file:

> h5ls example.h5ad/obs
G2M_score                Dataset {700}
S_score                  Dataset {700}
bulk_labels              Group
index                    Dataset {700}
louvain                  Group
n_counts                 Dataset {700}
n_genes                  Dataset {700}
percent_mito             Dataset {700}
phase                    Group

Too focused? Get the entire directory tree for the file with h5ls -r

> h5ls -r example.h5ad

Too much information? Do a more focused recursive h5ls by specifying a deeper path in the object (in this example, the deeper path is ‘/obs’):

> h5ls -r example.h5ad/obs
/G2M_score               Dataset {700}
/S_score                 Dataset {700}
/bulk_labels             Group
/bulk_labels/categories  Dataset {10}
/bulk_labels/codes       Dataset {700}
/index                   Dataset {700}
/louvain                 Group
/louvain/categories      Dataset {11}
/louvain/codes           Dataset {700}
/n_counts                Dataset {700}
/n_genes                 Dataset {700}
/percent_mito            Dataset {700}
/phase                   Group
/phase/categories        Dataset {3}
/phase/codes             Dataset {700}

Notice that for AnnData objects, there are some Group objects that have nested datasets named categories and codes these are often Pandas’ categorical data. You can get the unique list of categorical labels with h5dump -d:

> h5dump -d "obs/phase/categories" example.h5ad
HDF5 "example.h5ad" {
DATASET "obs/phase/categories" {
      CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
   DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 3 ) / ( 3 ) }
   DATA {
   (0): "G1", "G2M", "S"
   ATTRIBUTE "encoding-type" {
         CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
         CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
      DATA {
      (0): "string-array"
   ATTRIBUTE "encoding-version" {
         CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
         CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
      DATA {
      (0): "0.2.0"



[1] "This new lesson looks good"

Key Points

  • Use common Unix tools to work with specialized file formats for biological data
  • Look for less common tools that may be more efficient or more quickly accessible to increase your productivity.