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The workload Sink models the terminal stage of a processing pipeline. A Sink writes workflow outputs to a desired location in the cloud.

User Guide⚓︎

You can configure the type of Sink used in your workload by changing the sink attribute of your workload request.

Terra Workspace Sink⚓︎

You can write workflow outputs to a Terra Workspace using the Terra Workspace sink. A typical Terra Workspace sink configuration in the workload request looks like: json { "name": "Terra Workspace", "workspace": "{workspace-namespace}/{workspace-name}", "entityType": "{entity-type-name}", "identifier": "{workflow-identifier}", "fromOutputs": { "attribute0": "output0", "attribute1": ["output1", "output2"], "attribute3": "$literal", ... } } The table below summarises the purpose of each attribute in the above request.

Attribute Description
name Selects the Terra Workspace sink implementation.
workspace The Terra Workspace to write pipeline outputs to.
entityType The entity type in the workspace to write outputs to.
identifier Selects the workflow attribute (output or input) to use as the entity name.
fromOutputs Mapping from outputs to attribute names in the entityType.


The workspace is a "{workspace-namespace}/{workspace-name}" string as it appears in the URL path in the Terra UI. The workspace must exist prior to workload creation. You must ensure that is a workspace "Writer" in order to write entities to the workspace.


The entityType is the name of the entity type in the workspace that entities will be created as. The entity type must exist prior to workload creation and must be a table in the workspace.


WFL tries to find a workflow output whose name matches identifier, checking workflow input names as a fallback. The matching value will be the name of the newly created entity.

Both workflow outputs and inputs are checked for matches since depending on use case, the logical unique identifier may be either.


  • If an identifier has no matching workflow output or input, WFL will not be able to resolve a workflow to an entity name and will fail to write its outputs to the workspace data table.
  • When two workflows share the same identifier value, the first set of outputs will be overwritten by the second in the workspace.


An eMerge Arrays workflow has an output called "chip_well_barcode_output" that uniquely identifies its inputs and outputs.

By setting "identifier": "chip_well_barcode_output" in the sink configuration, entities will be created using the "chip_well_barcode_output" as the entity name.

Below, the outputs for a successful workflow with a "chip_well_barcode_output" of "204126290052_R01C01" have been written to the destination data table.


fromOutputs configures how to create new entities from pipeline outputs by mapping the output names to attributes in the entityType. Note that all attribute names must exist in the entityType before the workload creation.

fromOutputs allows a small amount of flexibility in how to construct an entity and supports the following relations:

  • "attribute": "output" Direct mapping from an output to an attribute

  • "attribute": ["output0", "output2"] Make an attribute from a list of pipeline outputs.

  • "attribute": "$value" Use the literal "value" for an attribute.

Terra Data Repository Sink⚓︎

You can write workflow outputs to a Terra Data Repository dataset using the Terra DataRepo sink. A typical Terra DataRepo sink configuration in the workload request looks like: json { "name": "Terra DataRepo", "dataset": "{dataset-id}", "table": "{table-name}", "fromOutputs": { "column0": "output0", "column1": ["output1", "output2"], "column3": "$literal", ... } } The table below summarises the purpose of each attribute in the above request.

Attribute Description
name Selects the Terra Workspace sink implementation.
dataset The UUID of dataset to monitor and read from.
table The name of the dataset table to monitor and read from.
fromOutputs Mapping from outputs to columns in the table.


The dataset attribute is the UUID that uniquely identifies the TDR dataset you want workflow-launcher to write workflow outputs to.


The table is the name of the table in the dataset that you want workflow-launcher to write workflow outputs to. Once a workflow succeeds, its outputs will be ingested as new rows in that table (see note). You cannot write to more than one table per Terra DataRepo sink.


workflow-launcher transforms outputs into a form conformant with the table in the dataset using the transformation described by fromOutputs. The columns in your table don't have to be an exact match for the output names. See below for more details.


fromOutputs configures how to create new rows in the table from pipeline outputs by mapping the output names to columns in the table.

fromOutputs allows a small amount of flexibility in how to construct an entity and supports the following relations:

  • "column": "output" Direct mapping from an output to a column

  • "column": ["output0", "output2"] Make a column from an array of pipeline outputs.

  • "column": "$value" Use the literal "value" for a column.


Any output not included in fromOutputs will not be ingested into the dataset


Any column not included in fromOuputs will not have a value in the newly added row.

Developer Guide⚓︎

A sink is one satisfying the Sink protocol as below: clojure (defprotocol Sink (update-sink! ^Workload [^Workload workload ;; This sink instance ] "Update the internal state of the `Workload`'s sink, consuming objects from the `Workload`'s executor queue, performing any external effects as required. Implementations should avoid maintaining in-memory state and making long- running external calls, favouring internal queues to manage such tasks asynchronously between invocations. Note that the `Workload`'s Sink and its Executor Queue are parameterised types and the Executor Queue's parameterisation must be convertible to the Sink's."))


The Sink protocol is implemented by the update-sink! multimethod. It's documented thus as a means of differentiating the in-memory data model from the metadata a user sees.

To be used in a workload, a Sink implementation should satisfy Stage, the to-edn multimethod and the following multimethods specific to Sinks:

``clojure (defmulti create-sink "Create aSinkinstance using the databasetransactionand configuration in the sinkrequestand return a[type items]pair to be written to a workload record assink_typeandsink_items. Notes: - This is a factory method registered for workload creation. - TheSinktype string must match a value of thesinkenum in the database schema. - This multimethod is type-dispatched on the:nameassociation in therequest`." (fn ^[^String ^String] [^Connection transaction ;; JDBC Connection ^long workload-id ;; ID of the workload being created ^IPersistentHashMap request ;; Data forwarded to the handler ] (:name request)))

(defmulti load-sink! "Return the Sink implementation associated with the sink_type and sink_items fields of the workload row in the database. Note that this multimethod is type-dispatched on the :sink_type association in the workload." (fn ^Sink [^Connection transaction ;; JDBC Connection ^IPersistentHashMap workload ;; Row from workload table ] (:sink_type workload))) ```

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