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API Usage

Staged Workload API Overview⚓︎

Users interact with staged workloads via the following WFL API endpoints:

Verb Endpoint Description
GET /api/v1/workload List all workloads, optionally filtering by uuid or project
GET /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/workflows List all unretried workflows for workload uuid, filtering by supplied filters
POST /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/retry Retry unretried workflows matching given filters in workload uuid
POST /api/v1/create Create a new workload
POST /api/v1/start Start a workload
POST /api/v1/stop Stop a running workload
POST /api/v1/exec Create and start (execute) a workload

These endpoints play into a staged workload's lifecycle thusly:

  1. The caller needs to create a workload and specify the source, executor, and sink.

    If all stage requests pass verification, the caller will receive the newly created workload object with an assigned uuid in response.

  2. Next, the caller needs to start the newly created workload. Once started, WFL will continue to poll for new inputs in the source until stopped.

    (Alternatively: callers can execute a workload request to create and start a workload within a single call, sidestepping the possibility of creating a workload but forgetting to start it.)

  3. Stopping a workload will not cancel analysis in progress, but WFL will stop polling for new inputs, and will mark the workload finished once any previously-identified inputs have undergone processing.

    • Example: the caller may wish to stop a continuous workflow if maintenance is required on the underlying method.

The caller can also retry workflows in a workload matching a Terra submission ID and optional workflow status (ex. "Failed").

API Usage Examples⚓︎

Here you'll find example requests and responses for the endpoints enumerated above.

Workload Response Format⚓︎

Many of the API endpoints return staged workloads in their responses.

An example workload response at the time of this writing is formatted thusly:

{ "started" : "2021-07-14T15:36:47Z", "watchers" : [ ["slack", "C000XXX0XXX"] ], "labels" : [ "hornet:test", "project:okotsopo testing enhanced source, executor, sink logging" ], "creator" : "", "updated" : "2021-08-06T21:41:28Z", "created" : "2021-07-14T15:36:07Z", "source" : { "snapshots" : [ "67a2bfd7-88e4-4adf-9e41-9b0d04fb32ea" ], "name" : "TDR Snapshots" }, "finished" : "2021-08-06T21:41:28Z", "commit" : "9719eda7424bf5b0804f5493875681fa014cdb29", "uuid" : "e66c86b2-120d-4f7f-9c3a-b9eaadeb1919", "executor" : { "workspace" : "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing_okotsopo_20210707", "methodConfiguration" : "wfl-dev/sarscov2_illumina_full", "fromSource" : "importSnapshot", "name" : "Terra" }, "version" : "0.8.0", "sink" : { "workspace" : "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing_okotsopo_20210707", "entityType" : "flowcell", "fromOutputs" : { "submission_xml" : "submission_xml", "assembled_ids" : "assembled_ids", ... }, "identifier" : "run_id", "name" : "Terra Workspace" } }

Worth mentioning is that the contents of the source, executor and sink blocks within the response will be formatted according to the corresponding stage implementation.

Get Workloads⚓︎


A request to the /api/v1/workload endpoint without a uuid or project parameter returns all workloads known to WFL. That response might be large and take awhile to process.

GET /api/v1/workload?uuid={uuid}

Query WFL for a workload by its UUID.

Note that a successful response from /api/v1/workload will always be an array of workload objects, but specifying a uuid will return a singleton array.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/workload' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -d $'{ "uuid": "e66c86b2-120d-4f7f-9c3a-b9eaadeb1919" }'

GET /api/v1/workload?project={project}

Query WFL for all workloads with a specified project label.

The response is an array of workload objects.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/workload' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -d $'{ "project": "PO-1234" }'

Get Workflows⚓︎

GET /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/workflows

Query WFL for all unretried workflows associated with workload uuid.


Fetching workflows in a workload without any other filters may yield a large response and take a long time to process, such as for long-running continuous workloads.

``` WFL=http://localhost:3000 UUID=e8bc2c14-2396-469e-80fe-ebfed8d60a22 # workload UUID

curl -X GET \ "$WFL/api/v1/workload/$UUID/workflows" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Accept: application/json' ```

The response is a list of WFL workflow records, each of which tell us:

  • WFL submitted methodConfiguration in workspace with the snapshot reference as its root entity type

  • The resulting submission had Terra submission UUID

  • The workflow had Terra workflow UUID and is processing the snapshot row with entity as its row UUID

  • At WFL's last poll at updated, we noted that the workflow had status

  • Once a workflow has succeeded, consumed is populated with a timestamp when WFL has "sunk" its outputs to their destination

[ { "retry": null, "workspace": "emerge_prod/Arrays_test_AD", "updated": "2022-01-03T21:35:40Z", "workflow": "99956c17-26af-4d50-8954-9de9ecc4f733", "reference": "4de4b53c-3904-43f9-a155-9f2e2460eb42", "status": "Aborted", "id": 1, "methodConfiguration": "emerge_prod/Arrays_TDR_GH-1560", "consumed": null, "submission": "fbb96180-f6a5-4895-a154-72d133e442db", "entity": "d4ce2b14-49d6-4209-95ab-424e2edf1741" } ]

GET /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/workflows?submission={submission}&status={status}

Query WFL for all unretried workflows associated with workload uuid, filtering by any workflow filters specified as query params:

  • submission - Terra submission ID (must be a valid UUID)
  • status - Workflow status (must be a valid Cromwell workflow status)

The response has the same format as when querying without filters.

``` WFL=http://localhost:3000 UUID=e8bc2c14-2396-469e-80fe-ebfed8d60a22 # workload UUID SUBMISSION=fbb96180-f6a5-4895-a154-72d133e442db # Terra submission UUID STATUS=Aborted # Cromwell workflow status

curl -X GET \ "$WFL/api/v1/workload/$UUID/workflows?submission=$SUBMISSION&status=$STATUS" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Accept: application/json' ```

Retry Workload⚓︎

POST /api/v1/workload/{uuid}/retry

Resubmit all unretried workflows associated with workload uuid and request body filters.


  • The request body filters must be valid
  • Workflows must exist in the workload for the specified filters
  • The workload should be started

With all prerequisite fulfilled, WFL will then...

  • Submit the retry to the executor
  • (If necessary) remark the workload as active so that it will be visible in the update loop

The response is the updated workload object.

Further information found in general retry documentation.

``` WFL=http://localhost:3000 UUID=e8bc2c14-2396-469e-80fe-ebfed8d60a22 # workload UUID SUBMISSION=fbb96180-f6a5-4895-a154-72d133e442db # Terra submission UUID

curl -X POST \ "$WFL/api/v1/workload/$UUID/retry" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{ \"submission\": \"$SUBMISSION\" }" ```

Create Workload⚓︎

POST /api/v1/create

Create a new workload from a request. Expected request format documented within staged workload navigation.

The response is the newly created workload object with an assigned uuid.

curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/create" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "watchers": [ ["slack", "C000XXX0XXX"], ["email", ""] ], "labels": [ "hornet:test" ], "project": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "source": { "name": "Terra DataRepo", "dataset": "4bb51d98-b4aa-4c72-b76a-1a96a2ee3057", "table": "flowcells", "snapshotReaders": [ "" ] }, "executor": { "name": "Terra", "workspace": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "methodConfiguration": "wfl-dev/sarscov2_illumina_full", "fromSource": "importSnapshot" }, "sink": { "name": "Terra Workspace", "workspace": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "entityType": "flowcell", "identifier": "run_id", "fromOutputs": { "submission_xml" : "submission_xml", "assembled_ids" : "assembled_ids", "num_failed_assembly" : "num_failed_assembly", ... } } }'

Start Workload⚓︎

POST /api/v1/start?uuid={uuid}

Start an existing, unstarted workload uuid.

The response is the updated workload object.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/start' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d $'{ "uuid": "fb06bcf3-bc10-471b-a309-b2f99e4f5a67" }'

Stop Workload⚓︎

POST /api/v1/stop?uuid={uuid}

Stop a running workload uuid.

The response is the updated workload object.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/stop' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d $'{ "uuid": "fb06bcf3-bc10-471b-a309-b2f99e4f5a67" }'

Execute Workload⚓︎

POST /api/v1/exec

Create and start (execute) a workload from a request. Expected request format documented within staged workload navigation.

The response is the newly created and started workload object with an assigned uuid.

curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/exec" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "watchers": [ ["slack", "C000XXX0XXX"] ], "labels": [ "hornet:test" ], "project": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "source": { "name": "Terra DataRepo", "dataset": "4bb51d98-b4aa-4c72-b76a-1a96a2ee3057", "table": "flowcells", "snapshotReaders": [ "" ] }, "executor": { "name": "Terra", "workspace": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "methodConfiguration": "wfl-dev/sarscov2_illumina_full", "fromSource": "importSnapshot" }, "sink": { "name": "Terra Workspace", "workspace": "wfl-dev/CDC_Viral_Sequencing _ranthony_bashing_copy", "entityType": "flowcell", "identifier": "run_id", "fromOutputs": { "submission_xml" : "submission_xml", "assembled_ids" : "assembled_ids", "num_failed_assembly" : "num_failed_assembly", ... } } }'

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