Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)

To use the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor with Hail on Google Dataproc, the --vep flag must be included when starting the cluster. Note that a cluster’s VEP configuration is tied to a specific reference genome.

hailctl dataproc start cluster-name --vep GRCh37 --packages gnomad


VEP data is stored in requester pays buckets. Reading from these buckets will bill charges to the project in which the cluster is created.

Import variants into a sites-only Hail Table:

import hail as hl

ds = hl.import_vcf("/path/to/data.vcf.gz", reference_genome="GRCh37", drop_samples=True).rows()

Annotate variants with VEP consequences:

from gnomad.utils.vep import vep_or_lookup_vep

ds = vep_or_lookup_vep(ds, reference="GRCh37")

vep_or_lookup_vep uses a precomputed dataset to drastically speed up this process.

Identify the most severe consequence for each variant:

from gnomad.utils.vep import process_consequences

ds = process_consequences(ds)

process_consequences adds worst_consequence_term, worst_csq_for_variant, worst_csq_by_gene and other fields to ds.vep.