"""Utils module containing generic functions that are useful for adding transcript expression-aware annotations."""
import logging
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import hail as hl
from gnomad.utils.filtering import filter_to_gencode_cds
from gnomad.utils.vep import (
format="%(asctime)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s",
datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
logger = logging.getLogger("transcript_annotation_utils")
"""List of reproductive tissues in GTEx."""
"Cells_Transformedfibroblasts", # Only in v7.
"Cells_Culturedfibroblasts", # Only in v10.
"""List of cell lines in GTEx."""
[docs]def get_tissues_to_exclude(
t: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable],
reproductive: bool = True,
cell_lines: bool = True,
min_samples: Optional[int] = 100,
) -> List[str]:
Get list of tissues to exclude from pext analyses and mean pext across tissues.
.. note::
The default value of 100 for the `min_samples` parameter is used because for
small sample sizes, the variation in the number of expressed genes is higher.
For sample sizes over 100, the number of expressed genes reaches saturation,
leading to more stable estimates. See the following study for more
:param t: Table/MatrixTable with 'tissue' annotation for each sample. If a
MatrixTable is input, samples are expected as columns.
:param reproductive: Whether to exclude reproductive tissues. Default is True.
:param cell_lines: Whether to exclude cell lines. Default is True.
:param min_samples: Optional minimum number of samples required for a tissue to be
included. If None, tissues will not be excluded based on sample size. Default
is False.
:return: List of tissues to exclude from pext analyses and mean pext across tissues.
under_min_samples = []
if min_samples is not None:
if isinstance(t, hl.MatrixTable):
num_s_per_tissue = t.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.counter(t.tissue)).items()
num_s_per_tissue = t.aggregate(hl.agg.counter(t.tissue)).items()
under_min_samples = [t for t, n in num_s_per_tissue if n < min_samples]
tissues_to_exclude = (
(REPRODUCTIVE_TISSUES if reproductive else [])
+ (CELL_LINES if cell_lines else [])
+ under_min_samples
logger.info("Excluding tissues: %s", tissues_to_exclude)
return tissues_to_exclude
[docs]def summarize_transcript_expression(
mt: hl.MatrixTable,
transcript_expression_expr: Union[
hl.expr.NumericExpression, str
] = "transcript_tpm",
tissue_expr: Union[hl.expr.StringExpression, str] = "tissue",
summary_agg_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> hl.Table:
Summarize a transcript expression MatrixTable by transcript, gene, and tissue.
The `summary_agg_func` argument allows the user to specify a Hail aggregation
function to use to summarize the expression by tissue. By default, the median is
The returned Table has a row annotation for each tissue containing a struct with the
summarized tissue expression value ('transcript_expression') and the proportion of
expression of transcript to gene per tissue ('expression_proportion').
Returned Table Schema example::
Row fields:
'transcript_id': str
'gene_id': str
'tissue_1': struct {
transcript_expression: float64,
expression_proportion: float64
'tissue_2': struct {
transcript_expression: float64,
expression_proportion: float64
Key: ['transcript_id', 'gene_id']
:param mt: MatrixTable of transcript (rows) expression quantifications (entry) by
sample (columns).
:param transcript_expression_expr: Entry expression indicating transcript expression
quantification. Default is 'transcript_tpm'.
:param tissue_expr: Column expression indicating tissue type. Default is 'tissue'.
:param summary_agg_func: Optional aggregation function to use to summarize the
transcript expression quantification by tissue. Example: `hl.agg.mean`. Default
is None, which will use a median aggregation.
:return: A Table of summarized transcript expression by tissue.
if summary_agg_func is None:
summary_agg_func = lambda x: hl.median(hl.agg.collect(x))
if isinstance(transcript_expression_expr, str):
transcript_expression_expr = mt[transcript_expression_expr]
if isinstance(tissue_expr, str):
tissue_expr = mt[tissue_expr]
mt = mt.group_cols_by(tissue=tissue_expr).aggregate(
ht = mt.rename({"tx": ""}).make_table().key_by("transcript_id", "gene_id")
# Annotate with the proportion of expression of transcript to gene per tissue.
ht = ht.annotate(expression_proportion=get_expression_proportion(ht))
ht = ht.select(
t: hl.struct(
for t in ht.expression_proportion
return ht
[docs]def get_expression_proportion(ht: hl.Table) -> hl.expr.StructExpression:
Calculate the proportion of expression of transcript to gene per tissue.
:param ht: Table of summarized transcript expression by tissue.
:return: StructExpression containing the proportion of expression of transcript to
gene per tissue.
tissues = list(ht.row_value)
# Calculate the sum of transcript expression by gene per tissue.
gene_ht = ht.group_by("gene_id").aggregate(
**{tissue: hl.agg.sum(ht[tissue]) for tissue in tissues}
# Return the proportion of expression of transcript to gene per tissue.
gene = gene_ht[ht.gene_id]
return hl.struct(
tissue: hl.utils.misc.divide_null(ht[tissue], gene[tissue])
for tissue in tissues
[docs]def filter_expression_ht_by_tissues(
ht: hl.Table,
tissues_to_keep: Optional[List[str]] = None,
tissues_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> hl.Table:
Filter a Table with a row annotation for each tissue to only include specified tissues.
:param ht: Table with a row annotation for each tissue.
:param tissues_to_keep: Optional list of tissues to keep in the Table. Default is
all non-key rows in the Table.
:param tissues_to_exclude: Optional list of tissues to exclude from the Table.
:return: Table with only specified tissues.
if tissues_to_keep is None and tissues_to_exclude is None:
"No tissues_to_keep or tissues_to_exclude specified. Returning input Table."
return ht
if tissues_to_keep is None:
tissues = list(ht.row_value)
if tissues_to_exclude is not None:
logger.info("Filtering tissues: %s", tissues_to_exclude)
tissues = [t for t in tissues if t not in tissues_to_exclude]
ht = ht.select(*tissues)
return ht
[docs]def tissue_expression_ht_to_array(
ht: hl.Table,
tissues_to_keep: Optional[List[str]] = None,
tissues_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None,
annotations_to_extract: Optional[Union[Tuple[str], List[str]]] = (
) -> hl.Table:
Convert a Table with a row annotation for each tissue to a Table with tissues as an array.
The output is a Table with one of the two formats:
- An annotation of 'tissue_expression' containing an array of structs by
tissue, where each element of the array is the Table's row value for a given
tissue_expression': array<struct {
transcript_expression: float64,
expression_proportion: float64
- One array annotation for each field defined in the 'annotations_to_extract'
argument, where each array is an array of the given field values by tissue.
'transcript_expression': array<float64>
'expression_proportion': array<float64>
The order of tissues in the array is indicated by the "tissues" global annotation.
:param ht: Table with a row annotation for each tissue.
:param tissues_to_keep: Optional list of tissues to keep in the tissue expression
array. Default is all non-key rows in the Table.
:param tissues_to_exclude: Optional list of tissues to exclude from the
tissue expression array.
:param annotations_to_extract: Optional list of tissue struct fields to extract
into top level array annotations. If None, the returned Table will contain a
single top level annotation 'tissue_expression' that contains an array of
structs by tissue. Default is ('transcript_expression', 'expression_proportion').
:return: Table with requested tissue struct annotations pulled into arrays of
tissue values and a 'tissues' global annotation indicating the order of tissues
in the arrays.
ht = filter_expression_ht_by_tissues(ht, tissues_to_keep, tissues_to_exclude)
tissues = list(ht.row_value)
ht = ht.select_globals(tissues=tissues)
ht = ht.select(tissue_expression=[ht[t] for t in tissues])
if annotations_to_extract is not None:
ht = ht.select(
a: ht.tissue_expression.map(lambda x: x[a])
for a in annotations_to_extract
return ht
[docs]def tx_filter_variants_by_csqs(
ht: hl.Table,
filter_to_cds: bool = True,
gencode_ht: Optional[hl.Table] = None,
filter_to_genes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
match_by_gene_symbol: bool = False,
filter_to_csqs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
ignore_splicing: bool = True,
filter_to_protein_coding: bool = True,
vep_root: str = "vep",
include_polyphen_prioritization: bool = False,
) -> hl.Table:
Prepare a Table of variants with VEP transcript consequences for annotation.
.. note::
When `filter_to_cds` is set to True, the returned Table will be further
filtered by defined 'amino_acids' annotation, which is to filter out certain
consequences, such as 'stop_retained_variant', that are kept by all CDS
intervals but don't belong to CDS of the transcript they fall on.
:param ht: Table of variants with 'vep' annotations.
:param gencode_ht: Optional Gencode resource Table containing CDS interval
information. This is only used when `filter_to_cds` is set to True. Default is
None, which will use the default version of the Gencode Table resource for
the reference build of the input Table `ht`.
:param filter_to_cds: Whether to filter to CDS regions. Default is True. And it
will be further filtered by defined 'amino_acids' annotation.
:param filter_to_genes: Optional list of genes to filter to. Default is None.
:param match_by_gene_symbol: Whether to match by gene symbol instead of gene ID.
Default is False.
:param filter_to_csqs: Optional list of consequences to filter to. Default is None.
:param ignore_splicing: If True, ignore splice consequences. Default is True.
:param filter_to_protein_coding: Whether to filter to protein coding transcripts.
Default is True.
:param vep_root: Name used for root VEP annotation. Default is 'vep'.
:param include_polyphen_prioritization: Whether to include PolyPhen prioritization
when processing VEP consequences. Default is False.
:return: Table of variants with preprocessed/filtered transcript consequences
prepared for annotation.
additional_filtering_criteria = None
if filter_to_cds:
logger.info("Filtering to CDS regions...")
ht = filter_to_gencode_cds(ht, gencode_ht=gencode_ht)
additional_filtering_criteria = [
lambda csq: hl.is_defined(csq.amino_acids) & (csq.amino_acids != "*")
if ignore_splicing:
logger.info("Filtering VEP consequences to exclude splice consequences...")
ht = ht.annotate(
vep_root: ht[vep_root].annotate(
lambda csq: csq.annotate(
lambda x: ~hl.literal(CSQ_SPLICE).contains(x)
.filter(lambda csq: hl.len(csq.consequence_terms) > 0)
logger.info("Processing VEP consequences...")
ht = process_consequences(
return filter_vep_transcript_csqs(
[docs]def tx_annotate_variants(
ht: hl.Table,
tx_ht: hl.Table,
tissues_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None,
tissues_to_exclude_from_mean: Optional[List[str]] = None,
vep_root: str = "vep",
vep_annotation: str = "transcript_consequences",
) -> hl.Table:
Annotate variants with transcript-based expression values or expression proportion from GTEx.
:param ht: Table of variants to annotate, it should contain the nested fields:
:param tx_ht: Table of transcript expression information.
:param tissues_to_exclude: Optional list of tissues to exclude from the output.
Default is None.
:param tissues_to_exclude_from_mean: Optional list of tissues to exclude when
calculating the mean expression proportion across all tissues. Default is None.
:param vep_root: Name used for root VEP annotation. Default is 'vep'.
:param vep_annotation: Name of annotation under vep_root, one of the processed
consequences: ["transcript_consequences", "worst_csq_by_gene",
"worst_csq_for_variant", "worst_csq_by_gene_canonical",
"worst_csq_for_variant_canonical"]. For example, if you want to annotate
each variant with the worst consequence in each gene it falls on and the
transcript expression, you would use "worst_csq_by_gene". Default is
:return: Input Table with transcript expression information annotated.
# Filter to tissues of interest.
if tissues_to_exclude is not None:
tx_ht = filter_expression_ht_by_tissues(
tx_ht, tissues_to_exclude=tissues_to_exclude
tissues_to_exclude_from_mean = tissues_to_exclude_from_mean or []
tissues = list(tx_ht.row_value)
exp_prop_mean_tissues = [
t for t in tissues if t not in tissues_to_exclude_from_mean
# Calculate the mean expression proportion across all desired tissues.
tx_ht = tx_ht.annotate(
[tx_ht[t].expression_proportion for t in exp_prop_mean_tissues],
# Explode the processed transcript consequences to be able to key by
# transcript ID.
ht = explode_by_vep_annotation(ht, vep_annotation=vep_annotation, vep_root=vep_root)
ht = ht.transmute(
**tx_ht[ht[vep_annotation].transcript_id, ht[vep_annotation].gene_id],
ht = ht.annotate_globals(
# NOTE: `exp_prop_mean_tissues` global will be the same as `tissues`
# if no tissues were specified in `tissues_to_exclude_from_mean` argument
return ht
[docs]def tx_aggregate_variants(
ht: hl.Table,
additional_group_by: Optional[Union[Tuple[str], List[str]]] = (
) -> hl.Table:
Aggregate transcript-based expression values or expression proportion from GTEx.
:param ht: Table of variants annotated with transcript expression information.
:param additional_group_by: Optional list of additional fields to group by before
sum aggregation. If None, the returned Table will be grouped by only "locus"
and "gene_id" before the sum aggregation.
:return: Table of variants with transcript expression information aggregated.
tissues = hl.eval(ht.tissues)
grouping = ["locus", "gene_id"]
if additional_group_by is not None:
grouping = grouping + list(additional_group_by)
# Previous steps of the transcript annotation pipeline require that the input ht is
# keyed by locus and alleles so that the correct transcripts are retained when
# filtering variants by transcript (with `tx_filter_variants_by_csqs`) and exploding
# the VEP annotation (in `tx_annotate_variants`). However, if "alleles" is not
# present in the additional_group_by, a transcript that is associated with multiple
# alleles at a locus may not be represented correctly after deduplicating locus and
# transcript combinations with a distinct operation, since this operation
# deduplicates by selecting a random row. To ensure the desired values are selected
# during `distinct()` filter, we re-key the tx_ht by locus, gene_id, transcript_id,
# and any additional_group_by fields prior to running `distinct()'.
if "alleles" not in additional_group_by:
ht = ht.key_by(*grouping, "transcript_id").distinct()
# Aggregate the transcript expression information by locus, gene_id and
# annotations in additional_group_by.
ht = ht.group_by(*grouping).aggregate(
**{t: hl.struct(**{a: hl.agg.sum(ht[t][a]) for a in ht[t]}) for t in tissues},
# If 'alleles' is in the Table, key by 'locus' and 'alleles'.
keys = ["locus"]
if "alleles" in ht.row:
ht = ht.key_by(*keys)
return ht
# Functions for preparing transcript expression data for the gnomAD browser.
[docs]def clean_tissue_name_for_browser(tissue_name: str) -> str:
Clean and formats a tissue name for browser compatibility.
This function converts uppercase letters to lowercase and adds underscores
between words where necessary. Additionally, it replaces certain combined
words with their corresponding formatted versions.
:param tissue_name: Tissue name to clean and format.
:return: Cleaned and formatted tissue name.
formatted_name = ""
for char in tissue_name:
if char.isupper():
if len(formatted_name) > 0 and formatted_name[-1] != "_":
formatted_name += "_"
formatted_name += char.lower()
formatted_name += char
# Dictionary of tissue names that need to be reformatted that will not be formatted
# correctly with for loop above.
replacements = {
"basalganglia": "basal_ganglia",
"nucleusaccumbens": "nucleus_accumbens",
"spinalcord": "spinal_cord",
"cervicalc": "cervical_c",
"substantianigra": "substantia_nigra",
"culturedfibroblasts": "cultured_fibroblasts",
"lowerleg": "lower_leg",
"transformedlymphocytes": "transformed_lymphocytes",
"anteriorcingulatecortex": "anterior_cingulate_cortex",
"b_a24": "ba24",
"b_a9": "ba9",
"e_b_v": "ebv",
for original, replacement in replacements.items():
formatted_name = formatted_name.replace(original, replacement)
return formatted_name
[docs]def create_tx_annotation_by_region(ht: hl.Table) -> hl.Table:
Create transcript annotation by region for loading into the gnomAD browser.
This function processes a Hail Table to create transcript annotations by region.
It calculates the mean expression proportion, handles missing values, and organizes
the data by genomic regions. Regions are split based on changes in the following
fields: 'gene_id', 'exp_prop_mean', and 'tissues'.
.. table:: Input Hail Table
:widths: auto
| locus | gene_id | exp_prop_mean | tissue1 | tissue2 |
| chr1:1 | gene1 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.3 |
| chr1:2 | gene1 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.3 |
| chr1:3 | gene1 | 0.6 | 0.3 | 0.4 |
| chr1:4 | gene2 | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.6 |
| chr1:5 | gene2 | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.6 |
| chr1:6 | gene2 | 0.8 | 0.6 | 0.7 |
.. table:: Output Hail Table
:widths: auto
| gene_id | regions |
| gene1 | [{'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 1, 'stop': 2, 'mean': 0.5, |
| | 'tissues': {'tissue1': 0.2, 'tissue2': 0.3}}, |
| | {'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 3, 'stop': 3, 'mean': 0.6, |
| | 'tissues': {'tissue1': 0.3, 'tissue2': 0.4}}] |
| gene2 | [{'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 4, 'stop': 5, 'mean': 0.7, |
| | 'tissues': {'tissue1': 0.5, 'tissue2': 0.6}}, |
| | {'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 6, 'stop': 6, 'mean': 0.8, |
| | 'tissues': {'tissue1': 0.6, 'tissue2': 0.7}} |
:param ht: Input Hail Table with transcript expression information.
:return: Hail Table with transcript annotations by region.
# Get a list of tissues and drop the 'tissues' field from the Table.
tissues = hl.eval(ht.tissues)
ht = ht.select_globals()
# Slightly restructure fields and replace NaNs and missing values with 0s.
set_nan_to_zero = lambda x: hl.if_else(hl.is_missing(x) | hl.is_nan(x), 0.0, x)
ht = ht.select(
tissues=hl.struct(**{t: set_nan_to_zero(ht[t]) for t in tissues}),
# Order by gene_id and position, then drop the locus field.
ht = ht.order_by(ht.gene_id, hl.asc(ht.pos)).drop("locus")
# Key by all fields except 'pos' and collect by key into a field named 'pos'.
ht = ht.key_by(*[r for r in ht.row_value if r != "pos"]).collect_by_key("pos")
# Annotate with 'start' and 'stop' positions for regions by merging adjacent
# positions.
ht = ht.annotate(
lambda i, j: hl.if_else(
j.pos > (i[-1][1] + 1),
i.append((j.pos, j.pos)),
i[:-1].append((i[-1][0], j.pos)),
[(ht.pos[0].pos, ht.pos[0].pos)],
# Key by 'gene_id' and transform 'pos' into 'start' and 'stop' fields.
ht = ht.key_by("gene_id")
ht = ht.transmute(start=ht.pos[0], stop=ht.pos[1])
# Select fields in preferred order and collect by key into a field named 'regions'.
ht = ht.select("chrom", "start", "stop", "mean", "tissues")
ht = ht.collect_by_key("regions")
return ht