Source code for gnomad.utils.slack

# noqa: D100

import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import typing
from contextlib import contextmanager

from slack import WebClient

[docs]class SlackClient: """ Slack API client. :param token: Slack API token """ def __init__(self, token: str): self._client = WebClient(token=token) self._display_name_map = None def _load_display_name_map(self): display_name_map = {} response = self._client.users_list(limit=100) for user in response["members"]: if not (user["deleted"] or user["is_bot"]): display_name_map[user["profile"]["display_name"]] = user["id"] while response["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]: next_cursor = response["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"] response = self._client.users_list(cursor=next_cursor, limit=100) for user in response["members"]: if not (user["deleted"] or user["is_bot"]): display_name_map[user["profile"]["display_name"]] = user["id"] self._display_name_map = display_name_map def _get_direct_message_channel(self, user: str): if not self._display_name_map: self._load_display_name_map() if user.startswith("@"): user = user[1:] try: user_id = self._display_name_map[user] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"User '{user}' not found in this workspace") else: response = self._client.conversations_open(users=[user_id]) return response["channel"]["id"]
[docs] def send_file( self, to: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str]], file: typing.Optional[str] = None, content: typing.Optional[str] = None, filename: str = "data.txt", filetype: str = "text", comment: typing.Optional[str] = None, ): """ Send a file to Slack channel(s) and/or user(s). :param to: Channel(s) (prefixed with '#') and/or user(s) (prefixed with '@') to send message to :param file: Path of file to upload :param content: File content to upload :param filename: Filename of file :param filetype: File type identifier :param comment: Text for message sharing file """ if not (content or file) or (content and file): raise ValueError( "One, but not both, of 'content' or 'file' must be provided" ) if isinstance(to, str): to = [to] for channel_or_user in to: if channel_or_user.startswith("@"): channel = self._get_direct_message_channel(channel_or_user) else: channel = channel_or_user optional_args = {} if file: optional_args["file"] = file else: optional_args["content"] = content if comment: optional_args["initial_comment"] = comment self._client.files_upload( channels=channel, filename=filename, filetype=filetype, **optional_args, )
[docs] def send_message( self, to: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str]], message: str, icon_emoji: typing.Optional[str] = None, ): """ Send a message to Slack channel(s) and/or user(s). :param to: Channel(s) (prefixed with '#') and/or user(s) (prefixed with '@') to send message to :param message: Message content (long messages will be converted to snippets) :param icon_emoji: Emoji to use as icon for message """ if isinstance(to, str): to = [to] for channel_or_user in to: if channel_or_user.startswith("@"): channel = self._get_direct_message_channel(channel_or_user) else: channel = channel_or_user if len(message) > 4000: self._client.files_upload( channels=channel, content=message, filename="message.txt", filetype="text", ) else: optional_args = {} if icon_emoji: optional_args["icon_emoji"] = icon_emoji self._client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text=message, parse="full", **optional_args )
[docs]@contextmanager def slack_notifications(token: str, to: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str]]): """ Send a Slack notification after some code runs. If the wrapped code block raises an exception, the notification will include the exception and stack trace. Example usage: .. code-block:: python with slack_notifications(token, "@username"): run_analysis() :param token: Slack API token :param to: Channel(s) (prefixed with '#') and/or user(s) (prefixed with '@') to send notification to """ process = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: yield slack_client = SlackClient(token) slack_client.send_message( to, f":white_check_mark: Success! {process} finished!" ) except Exception as e: slack_client = SlackClient(token) slack_client.send_file( to, content=traceback.format_exc(), filename=f"error_{process}_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')}.log", filetype="text", comment=f":x: Error in {process}", ) raise