Source code for gnomad.utils.release

# noqa: D100

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import hail as hl

from gnomad.resources.grch38.gnomad import (
from gnomad.utils.vcf import SORT_ORDER, index_globals

    format="%(asctime)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s",
    datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_faf_index_dict( faf_meta: List[Dict[str, str]], groups: List[str] = ["adj"], pops: List[str] = POPS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE]["exomes"], sexes: List[str] = SEXES, label_delimiter: str = "_", ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Create a look-up Dictionary for entries contained in the filter allele frequency annotation array. :param faf_meta: Global annotation containing the set of groupings for each element of the faf array (e.g., [{'group': 'adj'}, {'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'nfe'}]) :param groups: List of sample groups [adj, raw]. Default is GROUPS :param pops: List of sample global population names for gnomAD data type. Default is POPS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE]["exomes"]. :param sexes: List of sample sexes used in VCF export. Default is SEXES :param label_delimiter: String used as delimiter when making group label combinations :return: Dictionary of faf annotation population groupings, where values are the corresponding 0-based indices for the groupings in the faf_meta array """ def _get_index(label_groups): return index_globals(faf_meta, label_groups, label_delimiter) index_dict = { **_get_index(dict(group=groups)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, pop=pops)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, sex=sexes)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, pop=pops, sex=sexes)), } return index_dict
[docs]def make_freq_index_dict( freq_meta: List[Dict[str, str]], groups: List[str] = GROUPS, pops: List[str] = POPS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE]["exomes"], sexes: List[str] = SEXES, subsets: List[str] = SUBSETS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE], downsamplings: Optional[List[int]] = None, label_delimiter: str = "_", ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Create a look-up Dictionary for entries contained in the frequency annotation array. .. note: Downsampling groupings are only computed on 'adj'-filtered genotypes :param freq_meta: List containing the set of groupings for each element of the freq array (e.g., [{'group': 'adj'}, {'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'nfe'}]) :param groups: List of sample groups [adj, raw]. Default is GROUPS :param pops: List of sample global population names for gnomAD data type. Default is POPS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE]["exomes"]. :param sexes: List of sample sexes used in VCF export. Default is SEXES :param subsets: List of sample subsets in dataset. Default is SUBSETS[CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE] :param downsamplings: List of downsampling cohort sizes present in global frequency array :param label_delimiter: String used as delimiter when making group label combinations :return: Dictionary keyed by the grouping combinations found in the frequency array, where values are the corresponding 0-based indices for the groupings in the freq_meta array """ def _get_index(label_groups): return index_globals(freq_meta, label_groups, label_delimiter) index_dict = { **_get_index(dict(group=groups)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, pop=pops)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, sex=sexes)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, pop=pops, sex=sexes)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, subset=subsets)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, subset=subsets, pop=pops)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, subset=subsets, sex=sexes)), **_get_index(dict(group=groups, subset=subsets, pop=pops, sex=sexes)), } if downsamplings: index_dict.update( {**_get_index(dict(downsampling=downsamplings, group=["adj"], pop=pops))} ) return index_dict
[docs]def make_freq_index_dict_from_meta( freq_meta: List[Dict[str, str]], label_delimiter: str = "_", sort_order: Optional[List[str]] = SORT_ORDER, ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Create a dictionary for accessing frequency array. The dictionary is keyed by the grouping combinations found in the frequency metadata array, where values are the corresponding 0-based indices for the groupings in the frequency array. For example, if the `freq_meta` entry [{'pop': 'nfe'}, {'sex': 'XX'}] corresponds to the 5th entry in the frequency array, the returned dictionary entry would be {'nfe_XX': 4}. :param freq_meta: List of dictionaries containing frequency metadata. :param label_delimiter: Delimiter to use when joining frequency metadata labels. :param sort_order: List of frequency metadata labels to use when sorting the dictionary. :return: Dictionary of frequency metadata. """ # Confirm all groups in freq_meta are in sort_order. Warn user if not. if sort_order is not None: diff = hl.eval(hl.set(freq_meta.flatmap(lambda i: i.keys()))) - set(sort_order) if diff: logger.warning( "Found unexpected frequency metadata groupings: %s. These groupings" " are not present in the provided sort_order: %s. These groupings" " will not be included in the returned dictionary.", diff, sort_order, ) index_dict = {} for i, f in enumerate(hl.eval(freq_meta)): if sort_order is None or len(set(f.keys()) - set(sort_order)) < 1: index_dict[ label_delimiter.join( [ f[g] for g in sorted( f.keys(), key=(lambda x: sort_order.index(x)) if sort_order else None, ) ] ) ] = i return index_dict