Source code for gnomad.utils.plotting

# noqa: D100

import json
import logging
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import bokeh
import hail as hl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral8, d3, viridis  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap

from gnomad.utils.vep import (

    format="%(asctime)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s",
    datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Setting some defaults for
if "old_show" not in dir():
    old_show =

[docs] def new_show(t, n=10, width=140, truncate=40, types=True): # noqa: D103 old_show(t, n, width, truncate, types) = new_show TOOLS = "hover,save,pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom" COLOR_CPG = "#2E9FFE" COLOR_TI = "#458B00" COLOR_TV = "#EA4444" ACG = "#422efe" CCG = "#2e73fe" GCG = "#2ec3fe" TCG = "#2efef7" COLOR_METHYLATED_CPG = "#2E37FE" variant_type_colors = { "CpG": COLOR_CPG, "non-CpG": COLOR_TI, "non-CpG transition": COLOR_TI, "transversion": COLOR_TV, "ACG": ACG, "CCG": CCG, "GCG": GCG, "TCG": TCG, "methylated CpG": COLOR_METHYLATED_CPG, } COLOR_SYN = "#AAAAAA" COLOR_MIS = "#FF6103" COLOR_LOF = "#9D1309" variant_annotation_colors = {x: COLOR_LOF for x in CSQ_CODING_HIGH_IMPACT} variant_annotation_colors.update({x: COLOR_MIS for x in CSQ_CODING_MEDIUM_IMPACT}) variant_annotation_colors.update( {x: COLOR_SYN for x in CSQ_CODING_LOW_IMPACT + CSQ_NON_CODING} ) variant_annotation_colors.update( { "stop_lost": COLOR_MIS, "splice_region_variant": COLOR_SYN, "start_lost": COLOR_SYN, "Synonymous": COLOR_SYN, "Missense": COLOR_MIS, "LoF": COLOR_LOF, "PTV": COLOR_LOF, } ) variant_annotation_names = dict( zip(CSQ_ORDER, [x.replace("_variant", "").replace("_", " ") for x in CSQ_ORDER]) ) variant_annotation_names["stop_gained"] = "nonsense" variant_annotation_names["5_prime_UTR_variant"] = "5' UTR" variant_annotation_names["3_prime_UTR_variant"] = "3' UTR" dataset_colors = {"ExAC": "#4682B4", "gnomAD": "#73AB3D"}
[docs]def plot_hail_hist( hist_data: hl.Struct, title: str = "Plot", log: bool = False, fill_color: str = "#033649", outlier_fill_color: str = "#036564", line_color: str = "#033649", hover_mode: str = "mouse", hide_zeros: bool = False, ) -> bokeh.plotting.figure: """ Plot histogram from Hail hist aggregation. `hist_data` can (and should) come straight from ht.aggregate(hl.agg.hist(, start, end, bins)) :param hist_data: Data to plot :param title: Plot title :param log: Whether the y-axis should be log :param fill_color: Color to fill the histogram bars that fall within the hist boundaries :param outlier_fill_color: Color to fill the histogram bars that fall outside the hist boundaries :param line_color: Color of the lines around the histogram bars :param hover_mode: Hover mode; one of 'mouse' (default), 'vline' or 'hline' :param hide_zeros: Remove hist bars with 0 count :return: Histogram plot """ return plot_multi_hail_hist( {"hist": hist_data}, title=title, log=log, fill_color={"hist": fill_color}, outlier_fill_color={"hist": outlier_fill_color}, line_color=line_color, hover_mode=hover_mode, hide_zeros=hide_zeros, alpha=1.0, )
[docs]def plot_multi_hail_hist( hist_data: Dict[str, hl.Struct], title: str = "Plot", log: bool = False, fill_color: Dict[str, str] = None, outlier_fill_color: Dict[str, str] = None, line_color: str = "#033649", hover_mode: str = "mouse", hide_zeros: bool = False, alpha: float = None, ) -> bokeh.plotting.figure: """ Plot multiple histograms on the same plot. Each histogram can (and should) come straight from ht.aggregate(hl.agg.hist(, start, end, bins)) Example usage: .. code-block:: python plot_multi_hail_hist(ht.aggregate(hl.agg.group_by(ht.pop, hl.agg.hist(, start, end, bins)))) :param hist_data: Data to plot :param title: Plot title :param log: Whether the y-axis should be log :param fill_color: Color to fill the histogram bars that fall within the hist boundaries :param outlier_fill_color: Color to fill the histogram bars that fall outside the hist boundaries :param line_color: Color of the lines around the histogram bars :param hover_mode: Hover mode; one of 'mouse' (default), 'vline' or 'hline' :param hide_zeros: Remove hist bars with 0 count :param alpha: Alpha value (if None, then 1.0/len(hist_data) is used) :return: Histogram plot """ low = int(log) if alpha is None: alpha = 1.0 / len(hist_data) if fill_color is None: color_palette = d3["Category10"][max(3, len(hist_data))] fill_color = { hist_name: color_palette[i] for i, hist_name in enumerate(hist_data.keys()) } if outlier_fill_color is None: outlier_fill_color = fill_color p = ( figure(title=title, y_axis_type="log", tools=TOOLS) if log else figure(title=title, tools=TOOLS) ) hists = [] for label, hist in hist_data.items(): data = {} distance = abs(hist.bin_edges[0] - hist.bin_edges[1]) data["top"] = [x + low for x in hist.bin_freq] data["left"] = hist.bin_edges[:-1] data["right"] = hist.bin_edges[1:] data["color"] = [fill_color[label]] * len(hist.bin_freq) if hist.n_smaller > 0: data["top"].insert(0, hist.n_smaller + low) data["left"].insert(0, hist.bin_edges[0] - distance) data["right"].insert(0, hist.bin_edges[0]) data["color"].insert(0, outlier_fill_color[label]) if hist.n_larger > 0: data["top"].append(hist.n_larger + low) data["left"].append(hist.bin_edges[-1]) data["right"].append(hist.bin_edges[-1] + distance) data["color"].append(outlier_fill_color[label]) data["bottom"] = [low] * len(data["top"]) data["label"] = [label] * len(data["top"]) hist_source = ColumnDataSource(data) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object hide_zeros_filter = BooleanFilter([top > 0 for top in["top"]]) view = ( CDSView(source=hist_source, filters=[hide_zeros_filter]) if hide_zeros else CDSView(source=hist_source) ) hists.append( ( label, [ p.quad( top="top", bottom="bottom", left="left", right="right", source=hist_source, view=view, fill_color="color", alpha=alpha, line_color=line_color, ) ], ) ) tooltips = [("bin", "$index"), ("bin_edges", "(@left, @right)"), ("freq", "@top")] if len(hist_data) > 1: tooltips.insert(0, ("label", "@label")) p.add_layout( Legend( items=hists, location=(0, 0), orientation="horizontal", click_policy="hide", ), "above", ) p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = tooltips p.select_one(HoverTool).mode = hover_mode num_data_points = sum([sum(x.bin_freq) for x in hist_data.values()]) p.add_layout(Title(text=f"({num_data_points:,} data points)"), "above") return p
[docs]def plot_hail_hist_cumulative( hist_data: hl.Struct, title: str = "Plot", normalize: bool = True, line_color: str = "#036564", line_width: int = 3, log: bool = False, hover_mode: str = "mouse", ) -> bokeh.plotting.figure: """ Plot cumulative histogram from Hail hist aggregation. `hist_data` can (and should) come straight from ht.aggregate(hl.agg.hist(, start, end, bins)) :param hist_data: Data to plot :param title: Plot title :param normalize: Whether to normalize the data (0,1) :param line_color: Color of the line :param line_width: Width of the line :param log: Whether the y-axis should be log :param hover_mode: Hover mode; one of 'mouse' (default), 'vline' or 'hline' :return: Histogram plot """ cumulative_data = np.cumsum(hist_data.bin_freq) + hist_data.n_smaller np.append(cumulative_data, [cumulative_data[-1] + hist_data.n_larger]) num_data_points = max(cumulative_data) if normalize: cumulative_data = cumulative_data / num_data_points p = ( figure(title=title, y_axis_type="log", tools=TOOLS) if log else figure(title=title, tools=TOOLS) ) p.add_layout(Title(text=f"({num_data_points:,} data points)"), "above") p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "(@x, @y)")] p.select_one(HoverTool).mode = hover_mode data_source = ColumnDataSource( {"x": hist_data.bin_edges[:-1], "y": cumulative_data} ) p.line( x="x", y="y", line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width, source=data_source ) return p
[docs]def plot_hail_hist_both( hist_data: hl.Struct, title: str, normalize: bool = True, log: bool = False ): # noqa: D103 p1 = plot_hail_hist(hist_data, title, log) p2 = plot_hail_hist_cumulative( hist_data, f"{title} (Cumulative)", normalize, log=log ) return Tabs( tabs=[TabPanel(child=p1, title="Raw"), TabPanel(child=p2, title="Cumulative")] )
[docs]def set_font_size(p, font_size: str = "12pt"): # noqa: D103 p.title.text_font_size = font_size p.legend.label_text_font_size = font_size p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = font_size p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = font_size p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = font_size p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = font_size if hasattr(p.xaxis, "group_text_font_size"): p.xaxis.group_text_font_size = font_size return p
[docs]def linear_and_log_tabs(plot_func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Tabs: # noqa: D103 panels = [] for axis_type in ["linear", "log"]: fig = plot_func(**kwargs, axis_type=axis_type) panel = TabPanel(child=fig, title=axis_type) panels.append(panel) return Tabs(tabs=panels)
[docs]def plot_hail_file_metadata( t_path: str, ) -> Optional[Union[Grid, Tabs, bokeh.plotting.figure]]: """ Take path to hail Table or MatrixTable (gs://bucket/path/, output Grid or Tabs, respectively. Or if an unordered Table is provided, a Figure with file sizes is output. If metadata file or rows directory is missing, returns None. """ panel_size = 600 subpanel_size = 150 files = hl.hadoop_ls(t_path) rows_file = [x["path"] for x in files if x["path"].endswith("rows")] entries_file = [x["path"] for x in files if x["path"].endswith("entries")] # cols_file = [x['path'] for x in files if x['path'].endswith('cols')] success_file = [ x["modification_time"] for x in files if x["path"].endswith("SUCCESS") ] data_type = "Table" metadata_file = [x["path"] for x in files if x["path"].endswith("metadata.json.gz")] if not metadata_file: logger.warning("No metadata file found. Exiting...") return None with hl.hadoop_open(metadata_file[0], "rb") as f: overall_meta = json.loads( rows_per_partition = overall_meta["components"]["partition_counts"]["counts"] if not rows_file: logger.warning("No rows directory found. Exiting...") return None rows_files = hl.hadoop_ls(rows_file[0]) if entries_file: data_type = "MatrixTable" rows_file = [x["path"] for x in rows_files if x["path"].endswith("rows")] rows_files = hl.hadoop_ls(rows_file[0]) row_partition_bounds, row_file_sizes = get_rows_data(rows_files) total_file_size, row_file_sizes, row_scale = scale_file_sizes(row_file_sizes) if not row_partition_bounds: logger.warning("Table is not partitioned. Only plotting file sizes") row_file_sizes_hist, row_file_sizes_edges = np.histogram( row_file_sizes, bins=50 ) p_file_size = figure(plot_width=panel_size, plot_height=panel_size) p_file_size.quad( right=row_file_sizes_hist, left=0, bottom=row_file_sizes_edges[:-1], top=row_file_sizes_edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649", ) p_file_size.yaxis.axis_label = f"File size ({row_scale}B)" return p_file_size all_data = { "partition_widths": [ -1 if x[0] != x[2] else x[3] - x[1] for x in row_partition_bounds ], "partition_bounds": [ f"{x[0]}:{x[1]}-{x[2]}:{x[3]}" for x in row_partition_bounds ], "spans_chromosome": [ "Spans chromosomes" if x[0] != x[2] else "Within chromosome" for x in row_partition_bounds ], "row_file_sizes": row_file_sizes, "row_file_sizes_human": [f"{x:.1f} {row_scale}B" for x in row_file_sizes], "rows_per_partition": rows_per_partition, "index": list(range(len(rows_per_partition))), } if entries_file: entries_rows_files = hl.hadoop_ls(entries_file[0]) entries_rows_file = [ x["path"] for x in entries_rows_files if x["path"].endswith("rows") ] if entries_rows_file: entries_files = hl.hadoop_ls(entries_rows_file[0]) entry_partition_bounds, entry_file_sizes = get_rows_data(entries_files) total_entry_file_size, entry_file_sizes, entry_scale = scale_file_sizes( entry_file_sizes ) all_data["entry_file_sizes"] = entry_file_sizes all_data["entry_file_sizes_human"] = [ f"{x:.1f} {entry_scale}B" for x in row_file_sizes ] title = f"{data_type}: {t_path}" msg = ( f"Rows: {sum(all_data['rows_per_partition']):,}<br/>Partitions:" f" {len(all_data['rows_per_partition']):,}<br/>Size: {total_file_size}<br/>" ) if success_file[0]: msg += success_file[0] source = ColumnDataSource(pd.DataFrame(all_data)) p = figure(tools=TOOLS, plot_width=panel_size, plot_height=panel_size) p.title.text = title p.xaxis.axis_label = "Number of rows" p.yaxis.axis_label = f"File size ({row_scale}B)" color_map = factor_cmap( "spans_chromosome", palette=Spectral8, factors=list(set(all_data["spans_chromosome"])), ) p.scatter( "rows_per_partition", "row_file_sizes", color=color_map, legend="spans_chromosome", source=source, ) p.legend.location = "bottom_right" p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [ (x, f"@{x}") for x in ( "rows_per_partition", "row_file_sizes_human", "partition_bounds", "index", ) ] p_stats = Div(text=msg) p_rows_per_partition = figure( x_range=p.x_range, plot_width=panel_size, plot_height=subpanel_size ) p_file_size = figure( y_range=p.y_range, plot_width=subpanel_size, plot_height=panel_size ) rows_per_partition_hist, rows_per_partition_edges = np.histogram( all_data["rows_per_partition"], bins=50 ) p_rows_per_partition.quad( top=rows_per_partition_hist, bottom=0, left=rows_per_partition_edges[:-1], right=rows_per_partition_edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649", ) row_file_sizes_hist, row_file_sizes_edges = np.histogram( all_data["row_file_sizes"], bins=50 ) p_file_size.quad( right=row_file_sizes_hist, left=0, bottom=row_file_sizes_edges[:-1], top=row_file_sizes_edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649", ) rows_grid = gridplot([[p_rows_per_partition, p_stats], [p, p_file_size]]) if "entry_file_sizes" in all_data: title = f"Statistics for {data_type}: {t_path}" msg = ( f"Rows: {sum(all_data['rows_per_partition']):,}<br/>Partitions:" f" {len(all_data['rows_per_partition']):,}<br/>Size:" f" {total_entry_file_size}<br/>" ) if success_file[0]: msg += success_file[0] source = ColumnDataSource(pd.DataFrame(all_data)) panel_size = 600 subpanel_size = 150 p = figure(tools=TOOLS, plot_width=panel_size, plot_height=panel_size) p.title.text = title p.xaxis.axis_label = "Number of rows" p.yaxis.axis_label = f"File size ({entry_scale}B)" color_map = factor_cmap( "spans_chromosome", palette=Spectral8, factors=list(set(all_data["spans_chromosome"])), ) p.scatter( "rows_per_partition", "entry_file_sizes", color=color_map, legend="spans_chromosome", source=source, ) p.legend.location = "bottom_right" p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [ (x, f"@{x}") for x in ( "rows_per_partition", "entry_file_sizes_human", "partition_bounds", "index", ) ] p_stats = Div(text=msg) p_rows_per_partition = figure( x_range=p.x_range, plot_width=panel_size, plot_height=subpanel_size ) p_rows_per_partition.quad( top=rows_per_partition_hist, bottom=0, left=rows_per_partition_edges[:-1], right=rows_per_partition_edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649", ) p_file_size = figure( y_range=p.y_range, plot_width=subpanel_size, plot_height=panel_size ) row_file_sizes_hist, row_file_sizes_edges = np.histogram( all_data["entry_file_sizes"], bins=50 ) p_file_size.quad( right=row_file_sizes_hist, left=0, bottom=row_file_sizes_edges[:-1], top=row_file_sizes_edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649", ) entries_grid = gridplot([[p_rows_per_partition, p_stats], [p, p_file_size]]) return Tabs( tabs=[ TabPanel(child=entries_grid, title="Entries"), TabPanel(child=rows_grid, title="Rows"), ] ) else: return rows_grid
[docs]def scale_file_sizes(file_sizes): # noqa: D103 min_file_size = min(file_sizes) * 1.1 total_file_size = sum(file_sizes) all_scales = [("T", 1e12), ("G", 1e9), ("M", 1e6), ("K", 1e3), ("", 1e0)] for overall_scale, overall_factor in all_scales: if total_file_size > overall_factor: total_file_size /= overall_factor break for scale, factor in all_scales: if min_file_size > factor: file_sizes = [x / factor for x in file_sizes] break total_file_size = f"{total_file_size:.1f} {overall_scale}B" return total_file_size, file_sizes, scale
[docs]def get_rows_data(rows_files): # noqa: D103 file_sizes = [] partition_bounds = [] parts_file = [x["path"] for x in rows_files if x["path"].endswith("parts")] if parts_file: parts = hl.hadoop_ls(parts_file[0]) for i, x in enumerate(parts): index = x["path"].split(f"{parts_file[0]}/part-")[1].split("-")[0] if i < len(parts) - 1: test_index = ( parts[i + 1]["path"] .split(f"{parts_file[0]}/part-")[1] .split("-")[0] ) if test_index == index: continue file_sizes.append(x["size_bytes"]) metadata_file = [ x["path"] for x in rows_files if x["path"].endswith("metadata.json.gz") ] if metadata_file: with hl.hadoop_open(metadata_file[0], "rb") as f: rows_meta = json.loads( try: partition_bounds = [ ( x["start"]["locus"]["contig"], x["start"]["locus"]["position"], x["end"]["locus"]["contig"], x["end"]["locus"]["position"], ) for x in rows_meta["jRangeBounds"] ] except KeyError: pass return partition_bounds, file_sizes
[docs]def pair_plot( data: pd.DataFrame, label_col: str = None, colors: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]] = None, tools: str = "save,pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom,box_select,lasso_select,help", tooltip_cols: List[str] = None, ) -> Column: """ Plot each column of `data` against each other and returns a grid of plots. The diagonal contains a histogram of each column, or a density plot if labels are provided. The lower diagonal contains scatter plots of each column against each other. The upper diagonal is empty. All columns should be numerical with the exception of the `label_col` if provided. If a color dict containing provided mapping labels to specific colors can be specified using `color_dict` :param data: Dataframe to plot :param label_col: Column of the DataFrame containing the labels :param colors: RGB hex colors. If a dict is provided, it should contain the mapping of label to colors. :param tools: Tools for the resulting plots :param tooltip_cols: Additional columns that should be displayed in tooltip :return: Grid of plots (column of rows) """ if tooltip_cols is None: tooltip_cols = [] if label_col is None else [label_col] elif label_col not in tooltip_cols: tooltip_cols.append(label_col) if label_col is None and colors is not None: logger.warning("`colors_dict` ignored since no `label_col` specified") colors_col = "__pair_plot_color" colors_dict = {} if label_col is None: data[colors_col] = viridis(1) * len(data) else: if not isinstance(colors, dict): labels = set(data[label_col]) color_palette = viridis(len(labels)) if colors is None else colors colors_dict = {l: color_palette[i] for i, l in enumerate(labels)} else: colors_dict = colors data[colors_col] = [colors_dict.get(l, "gray") for l in data[label_col]] tools = "hover," + tools data_cols = [ c for c in data.columns if c not in [colors_col, label_col] + tooltip_cols ] data_ranges = [ DataRange1d( start=rmin - (abs(rmin - rmax) * 0.05), end=rmax + (abs(rmin - rmax) * 0.05) ) for rmin, rmax in zip(data[data_cols].min(axis=0), data[data_cols].max(axis=0)) ] data_source = ColumnDataSource(data={c: data[c] for c in data.columns}) n_cols = len(data_cols) plot_grid = [] for i in range(n_cols): row = [None] * n_cols for j in range(i + 1): p = figure( x_axis_label=data_cols[j] if i == n_cols - 1 else "", y_axis_label=data_cols[i] if j == 0 else "", tools=tools, ) p.x_range = data_ranges[j] if i == j: if label_col is None: hist, edges = np.histogram( data[data_cols[i]], density=False, bins=50 ) p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:]) else: density_data = ( data[[label_col, data_cols[i]]] .groupby(label_col) .apply( lambda df: np.histogram( df[data_cols[i]], density=True, bins=20 ) ) ) for label, (hist, edges) in density_data.iteritems(): line_source = ColumnDataSource( { "edges": edges[:-1], "hist": hist, label_col: [label] * len(hist), } ) p.line( "edges", "hist", color=colors_dict[label], legend=label_col, source=line_source, ) p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [ (label_col, f"@{label_col}") ] else: p.y_range = data_ranges[i] if label_col is not None: data_cols[j], data_cols[i], source=data_source, color=colors_col, legend=label_col, ) else: data_cols[j], data_cols[i], source=data_source, color=colors_col ) if tooltip_cols: p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [ (x, f"@{x}") for x in tooltip_cols ] row[j] = p plot_grid.append(row) return gridplot(plot_grid, toolbar_location="left")