Source code for gnomad.utils.parse

"""This module contains utility functions for general parsing."""

import logging
from typing import Optional

import hail as hl

    format="%(asctime)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s",
    datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
logger = logging.getLogger("parse_utils")

[docs]def parse_variant( variant_str: Optional[str] = None, contig: Optional[str] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, ref: Optional[str] = None, alt: Optional[str] = None, build: Optional[str] = None, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Create a Struct with the locus and alleles from a variant string or contig, position, ref, and alt. :param variant_str: Variant string in the format contig-position-ref-alt or contig:position:ref:alt. :param contig: Chromosome of the variant. :param position: Variant position. :param ref: Reference allele. :param alt: Alternate allele. :param build: Reference genome build. If not provided, will infer from the variant string or contig. If 'chr' is present in the contig, will assume GRCh38, otherwise GRCh37. :return: Struct with the locus and alleles. """ if not variant_str and not all([contig, position, ref, alt]): raise ValueError( "Either `variant_str` must be provided or all of `contig`, `position`, " "`ref`, and `alt`." ) if not build: build = "GRCh37" if (variant_str and variant_str.startswith("chr")) or ( contig and contig.startswith("chr") ): build = "GRCh38""No build provided. Assuming build: %s", build) try: if variant_str and ":" not in variant_str: contig, position, ref, alt = variant_str.split("-") if all([contig, position, ref, alt]): variant_str = f"{contig}:{position}:{ref}:{alt}" return hl.parse_variant(variant_str, reference_genome=build) except BaseException: raise ValueError( f"Invalid variant format: {variant_str}. Valid formats: \n" f" contig-position-ref-alt \n" f" contig:position:ref:alt" )