Source code for gnomad.utils.constraint

"""Script containing generic constraint functions that may be used in the constraint pipeline."""

import copy
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import hail as hl
from hail.utils.misc import divide_null, new_temp_file

from gnomad.utils.reference_genome import get_reference_genome
from gnomad.utils.vep import (

    format="%(asctime)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s",
    datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
logger = logging.getLogger("constraint_utils")

Minimum median exome coverage differentiating high coverage sites from low coverage sites.

Low coverage sites require an extra calibration when computing the proportion of expected variation.

[docs]def get_mu_annotation_expr( ht: hl.Table, mutation_ht: hl.Table, mu_expr: Union[str, hl.expr.Float64Expression] = "mu_snp", ) -> hl.expr.Float64Expression: """ Get mutation rate annotation expression from the mutation rate Table. .. note:: Function expects that `ht` includes `mutation_ht`'s key fields. Note that these annotations don't need to be the keys of `ht`. The standard keys used are: 'context', 'ref', 'alt', and 'methylation_level'. This function converts the mutation rate Table into a dictionary and uses the mutation rate HT key fields in the input Table to get the mutation rate annotation expression. The dictionary is used instead of joining the mutation rate Table to the input Table to avoid unnecessary shuffling given the small size of the mutation rate Table. :param ht: Input Table that will be annotated with the returned mutation rate expression. :param mutation_ht: Mutation rate Table. :param mu_expr: Mutation rate expression or annotation name in `mutation_ht`. Default is 'mu_snp'. :return: Mutation rate annotation expression. """ if isinstance(mu_expr, str): mu_expr = mutation_ht[mu_expr] mutation_dict = mutation_ht.aggregate( hl.agg.group_by(mutation_ht.key, hl.agg.collect(mu_expr)), _localize=False ).map_values(lambda x: x[0]) return mutation_dict.get(hl.struct(**{k: ht[k] for k in mutation_ht.key}))
[docs]def annotate_with_mu( ht: hl.Table, mutation_ht: hl.Table, mu_annotation: str = "mu_snp", ) -> hl.Table: """ Annotate SNP mutation rate for the input Table. .. note:: Function expects that `ht` includes `mutation_ht`'s key fields. Note that these annotations don't need to be the keys of `ht`. The standard keys used are: 'context', 'ref', 'alt', and 'methylation_level'. :param ht: Input Table to annotate. :param mutation_ht: Mutation rate Table. :param mu_annotation: The name of mutation rate annotation in `mutation_ht`. Default is 'mu_snp'. :return: Table with mutational rate annotation added. """ mu = get_mu_annotation_expr(ht, mutation_ht, mutation_ht[mu_annotation]) return ht.annotate( **{mu_annotation:, mu).or_error("Missing mu")} )
[docs]def count_variants_by_group( ht: hl.Table, freq_expr: Optional[hl.expr.ArrayExpression] = None, freq_meta_expr: Optional[hl.expr.ArrayExpression] = None, count_singletons: bool = False, count_downsamplings: Tuple[str] = (), downsamplings: Optional[List[int]] = None, additional_grouping: Tuple[str] = (), partition_hint: int = 100, omit_methylation: bool = False, use_table_group_by: bool = False, singleton_expr: Optional[hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = None, max_af: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Union[hl.Table, Any]: """ Count number of observed or possible variants by context, ref, alt, and optionally methylation_level. Performs variant count aggregations based on specified criteria (`count_singletons`, `count_downsamplings`, and `max_af`), and grouped by: 'context', 'ref', 'alt', 'methylation_level' (optional), and all annotations provided in `additional_grouping`. If variant allele frequency information is required based on other parameter selections (described in detail below) and `freq_expr` is not supplied, `freq_expr` defaults to `ht.freq` if it exists. `freq_expr` should be an ArrayExpression of Structs with 'AC' and 'AF' annotations. This is the same format as the `freq` annotation that is created using `annotate_freq()`. Variant allele frequency information is needed when: - `max_af` is not None - `freq_expr[0].AF` is used to filter to only variants with a maximum allele frequency of `max_af` prior to counting variants. In the standard `freq` ArrayExpression annotated by `annotate_freq()`, this first element corresponds to the allele frequency information for high quality genotypes (adj). - `count_singletons` is True and `singleton_expr` is None - If singleton counts are requested and no expression is specified to determine whether a variant is a singleton, `singleton_expr` defaults to `freq_expr[0].AC == 1`. In the standard `freq` ArrayExpression annotated by `annotate_freq()`, this corresponds to allele count of only 1 in the callset after filtering to high quality genotypes. - `count_downsamplings` is not empty - When downsampling counts are requested, `freq_expr` needs to contain frequency information for downsamplings within each population requested. In addition to needing `freq_expr`, this also requires the use of `freq_meta_expr`. If `freq_meta_expr` is None, `freq_meta_expr` it defaults to `ht.freq_meta` if it exists. Similar to `freq_expr`, `freq_meta_expr` is expected to have the same format as the `freq_meta` global annotation that is created using `annotate_freq()`. `freq_meta_expr` is used to determine the index of allele frequency information within `freq_expr` for each population requested and it's downsamplings. This function will return a Table with annotations used for grouping ('context', 'ref', 'alt', 'methylation_level' (optional), `additional_grouping`) and 'variant_count' annotation. .. note:: The following annotations should be present in `ht`: - ref - the reference allele - alt - the alternate base - context - trinucleotide genomic context - methylation_level - methylation level (optional if omit_methylation==True) - freq - allele frequency information (AC, AN, AF, homozygote count; not required if `freq_expr` is given) - freq_meta - an ordered list containing the frequency aggregation group for each element of the `freq` array row annotation (not required if `freq_meta_expr` is given) :param ht: Input Hail Table. :param freq_expr: ArrayExpression of Structs with 'AC' and 'AF' annotations. If `freq_expr` is None and any of `count_downsamplings`, `max_af`, and `count_singletons` is True, `freq_expr` would be `ht.freq`. :param freq_meta_expr: ArrayExpression of meta dictionaries corresponding to `freq_expr`. If `count_downsamplings` and `freq_meta_expr` is None, `freq_meta_expr` would be `ht.freq_meta`. :param count_singletons: Whether to count singletons (defined by `singleton_expr`). Default is False. :param count_downsamplings: Tuple of populations to use for downsampling counts. Default is (). :param downsamplings: Optional List of integers specifying what downsampling indices to obtain. Default is None, which will return all downsampling counts. :param additional_grouping: Additional features to group by. e.g. 'exome_coverage'. Default is (). :param partition_hint: Target number of partitions for aggregation. Default is 100. :param omit_methylation: Whether to omit 'methylation_level' from the grouping when counting variants. Default is False. :param use_table_group_by: Whether to group `ht` before aggregating the variant counts. If `use_table_group_by` is False, function will return a hl. StructExpression. Default is False. :param singleton_expr: Expression for defining a singleton. When `count_singletons` is True and `singleton_expr` is None, `singleton_expression` would be `freq_expr [0].AC == 1`. Default is None. :param max_af: Maximum variant allele frequency to keep. By default, no cutoff is applied. :return: Table including 'variant_count' annotation and if requested, `singleton_count` and downsampling counts. """ if freq_expr is None and ( count_downsamplings or max_af or (count_singletons and singleton_expr is None) ): logger.warning( "freq_expr was not provided, using 'freq' as the frequency annotation." ) freq_expr = ht.freq if count_downsamplings and freq_meta_expr is None: logger.warning( "freq_meta_expr was not provided, using 'freq_meta' as the frequency" " metadata annotation." ) freq_meta_expr = ht.freq_meta if count_singletons and singleton_expr is None: logger.warning( "count_singletons is True and singleton_expr was not provided, using" " freq_expr[0].AC == 1 as the singleton expression." ) singleton_expr = freq_expr[0].AC == 1 grouping = hl.struct(context=ht.context, ref=ht.ref, alt=ht.alt) if not omit_methylation: "'methylation_level' annotation is included in the grouping when counting" " variants." ) grouping = grouping.annotate(methylation_level=ht.methylation_level) for group in additional_grouping: grouping = grouping.annotate(**{group: ht[group]}) "The following annotations will be used to group the input Table rows when" " counting variants: %s.", ", ".join(grouping.keys()), ) if max_af: "The maximum variant allele frequency to be included in `variant_count` is" " %.3f.", max_af, ) agg = {"variant_count": hl.agg.count_where(freq_expr[0].AF <= max_af)} else: agg = {"variant_count": hl.agg.count()} if count_singletons: "Counting singleton variants and adding as 'singleton_count' annotation." ) agg["singleton_count"] = hl.agg.count_where(singleton_expr) for pop in count_downsamplings: "Counting variants in downsamplings for population '%s', and adding as" " 'downsampling_counts_%s' annotation.", pop, pop, ) agg[f"downsampling_counts_{pop}"] = downsampling_counts_expr( freq_expr, freq_meta_expr, pop, max_af=max_af, downsamplings=downsamplings, ) if count_singletons: "Counting singleton variants in downsamplings for population '%s', and" " adding as 'singleton_downsampling_counts_%s' annotation.", pop, pop, ) agg[f"singleton_downsampling_counts_{pop}"] = downsampling_counts_expr( freq_expr, freq_meta_expr, pop, max_af=max_af, downsamplings=downsamplings, singleton=True, ) # Apply each variant count aggregation in `agg` to get counts for all # combinations of `grouping`. if use_table_group_by: return ht.group_by(**grouping).partition_hint(partition_hint).aggregate(**agg) else: return ht.aggregate( hl.struct(**{field: hl.agg.group_by(grouping, agg[field]) for field in agg}) )
[docs]def get_downsampling_freq_indices( freq_meta_expr: hl.expr.ArrayExpression, pop: str = "global", variant_quality: str = "adj", genetic_ancestry_label: Optional[str] = None, subset: Optional[str] = None, downsamplings: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> hl.expr.ArrayExpression: """ Get indices of dictionaries in meta dictionaries that only have the "downsampling" key with specified `genetic_ancestry_label` and "variant_quality" values. :param freq_meta_expr: ArrayExpression containing the set of groupings for each element of the `freq_expr` array (e.g., [{'group': 'adj'}, {'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'nfe'}, {'downsampling': '5000', 'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'global'}]). :param pop: Population to use for filtering by the `genetic_ancestry_label` key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is 'global'. :param variant_quality: Variant quality to use for filtering by the 'group' key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is 'adj'. :param genetic_ancestry_label: Label defining the genetic ancestry groups. If None, "gen_anc" or "pop" is used (in that order of preference) if present. Default is None. :param subset: Subset to use for filtering by the 'subset' key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is None, which will return all downsampling indices without a 'subset' key in `freq_meta_expr`. :param downsamplings: Optional List of integers specifying what downsampling indices to obtain. Default is None, which will return all downsampling indices. :return: ArrayExpression of indices of dictionaries in `freq_meta_expr` that only have the "downsampling" key with specified `genetic_ancestry_label` and "variant_quality" values. """ if genetic_ancestry_label is None: gen_anc = ["gen_anc", "pop"] else: gen_anc = [genetic_ancestry_label] def _get_filter_expr(m: hl.expr.StructExpression) -> hl.expr.BooleanExpression: filter_expr = ( (m.get("group") == variant_quality) & (hl.any([m.get(l, "") == pop for l in gen_anc])) & m.contains("downsampling") ) if downsamplings is not None: filter_expr &= hl.literal(downsamplings).contains("downsampling", "0")) ) if subset is None: filter_expr &= ~m.contains("subset") else: filter_expr &= m.get("subset", "") == subset return filter_expr indices = hl.enumerate(freq_meta_expr).filter(lambda f: _get_filter_expr(f[1])) # Get an array of indices and meta dictionaries sorted by "downsampling" key. return hl.sorted(indices, key=lambda f:[1]["downsampling"]))
[docs]def downsampling_counts_expr( freq_expr: hl.expr.ArrayExpression, freq_meta_expr: hl.expr.ArrayExpression, pop: str = "global", variant_quality: str = "adj", singleton: bool = False, max_af: Optional[float] = None, genetic_ancestry_label: Optional[str] = None, subset: Optional[str] = None, downsamplings: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> hl.expr.ArrayExpression: """ Return an aggregation expression to compute an array of counts of all downsamplings found in `freq_expr` where specified criteria is met. The frequency metadata (`freq_meta_expr`) should be in a similar format to the `freq_meta` annotation added by `annotate_freq()`. Each downsampling should have 'group', `genetic_ancestry_label`, and 'downsampling' keys. Included downsamplings are those where 'group' == `variant_quality` and `genetic_ancestry_label` == `pop`. :param freq_expr: ArrayExpression of Structs with 'AC' and 'AF' annotations. :param freq_meta_expr: ArrayExpression containing the set of groupings for each element of the `freq_expr` array (e.g., [{'group': 'adj'}, {'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'nfe'}, {'downsampling': '5000', 'group': 'adj', 'pop': 'global'}]). :param pop: Population to use for filtering by the `genetic_ancestry_label` key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is 'global'. :param variant_quality: Variant quality to use for filtering by the 'group' key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is 'adj'. :param singleton: Whether to filter to only singletons before counting (AC == 1). Default is False. :param max_af: Maximum variant allele frequency to keep. By default no allele frequency cutoff is applied. :param genetic_ancestry_label: Label defining the genetic ancestry groups. If None, "gen_anc" or "pop" is used (in that order of preference) if present. Default is None. :param subset: Subset to use for filtering by the 'subset' key in `freq_meta_expr`. Default is None, which will return all downsampling counts without a 'subset' key in `freq_meta_expr`. If specified, only downsamplings with the specified subset will be included. :param downsamplings: Optional List of integers specifying what downsampling indices to obtain. Default is None, which will return all downsampling counts. :return: Aggregation Expression for an array of the variant counts in downsamplings for specified population. """ # Get an array of indices sorted by "downsampling" key. sorted_indices = get_downsampling_freq_indices( freq_meta_expr, pop, variant_quality, genetic_ancestry_label, subset, downsamplings, ).map(lambda x: x[0]) def _get_criteria(i: hl.expr.Int32Expression) -> hl.expr.Int32Expression: """ Return 1 when variant meets specified criteria (`singleton` or `max_af`), if requested, or with an AC > 0. :param i: The index of a downsampling. :return: Returns 1 if the variant in the downsampling with specified index met the criteria. Otherwise, returns 0. """ if singleton: return[i].AC == 1) elif max_af: return[i].AC > 0) & (freq_expr[i].AF <= max_af)) else: return[i].AC > 0) # Map `_get_criteria` function to each downsampling indexed by `sorted_indices` to # generate a list of 1's and 0's for each variant, where the length of the array is # the total number of downsamplings for the specified population and each element # in the array indicates if the variant in the downsampling indexed by # `sorted_indices` meets the specified criteria. # Return an array sum aggregation that aggregates arrays generated from mapping. return hl.agg.array_sum(, sorted_indices))
[docs]def explode_downsamplings_oe( ht: hl.Table, downsampling_meta: Dict[str, List[str]], metrics: List[str] = ["syn", "lof", "mis"], ) -> hl.Table: """ Explode observed and expected downsampling counts for each genetic ancestry group and metric. The input `ht` must contain struct of downsampling information for genetic ancestry groups under each metric name. For example: 'lof': struct {gen_anc_exp: struct {global: array<float64>}. :param ht: Input Table. :param metrics: List of metrics to explode. Default is '['syn', 'lof', 'mis']'. :param downsampling_meta: Dictionary containing downsampling metadata. Keys are the genetic ancestry group names and values are the list of downsamplings for that genetic ancestry group. Example: {'global': ['5000', '10000'], 'afr': ['5000', '10000']}. :return: Table with downsampling counts exploded so that observed and expected metric counts for each pair of genetic ancestry groups and downsamplings is a separate row. """ ht = _data=[ hl.struct( gen_anc=pop, downsampling=downsampling, **{ f"{metric}.{oe}": ht[metric][f"gen_anc_{oe}"][pop][i] for oe in ["obs", "exp"] for metric in metrics }, ) for pop, downsamplings in downsampling_meta.items() for i, downsampling in enumerate(downsamplings) ] ) ht = ht.explode("_data") ht = ht.transmute(**ht._data) return ht
[docs]def annotate_mutation_type( t: Union[hl.MatrixTable, hl.Table], context_length: Optional[int] = None, num_scan_context_length: Optional[int] = 100, ) -> Union[hl.MatrixTable, hl.Table]: """ Annotate mutation types. The following annotations are added to the output Table: - cpg - transition - mutation_type - one of "CpG", "non-CpG transition", or "transversion" - mutation_type_model ..note: This function uses the term 'mutation_type' because 'variant_type' is already used in this repo to indicate a variant's multiallelic and SNP/indel status. :param t: Input Table or MatrixTable. :param context_length: Length of the 'context' annotation in 't'. If this is not specified, the value will be determined by examining the first `num_scan_context_length` values of the 'context' annotation. Default is None. :param num_scan_context_length: Number of values in the 'context' annotation to use for determining `context_length` if it is not specified. If set to None, all values in 'context' will be used. Default is 100. :return: Table with mutation type annotations added. """ if context_length is None: # Determine the context length by collecting all the context lengths. if num_scan_context_length is None: context_lengths = t.aggregate(hl.agg.collect_as_set(hl.len(t.context))) msg = "all" else: context_lengths = hl.len(t.context).take(num_scan_context_length) msg = f"the first {num_scan_context_length}" context_lengths = list(filter(None, set(context_lengths))) if len(context_lengths) > 1: raise ValueError( f"More than one length was found among {msg} 'context' values. Length " "of 'context' should be consistent.", ) else: context_length = context_lengths[0] "Detected a length of %d for context length using %s 'context' values.", context_length, msg, ) # Determine the middle index of the context annotation. if context_length == 3: mid_index = 1 elif context_length == 7: mid_index = 3 else: raise ValueError( "The length of context should be either 3 or 7, instead of" f" {context_length}." ) transition_expr = hl.is_transition(t.ref, t.alt) cpg_expr = ( (t.ref == "G") & (t.alt == "A") & (t.context[mid_index - 1 : mid_index] == "C") ) | ( (t.ref == "C") & (t.alt == "T") & (t.context[mid_index + 1 : mid_index + 2] == "G") ) if isinstance(t, hl.MatrixTable): t = t.annotate_rows(transition=transition_expr, cpg=cpg_expr) else: t = t.annotate(transition=transition_expr, cpg=cpg_expr) mutation_type_expr = ( hl.switch(hl.len(t.context)) .when( context_length, .when(t.cpg, "CpG") .when(t.transition, "non-CpG transition") .default("transversion"), ) .or_error("Found 'context' value with unexpected context length!") ) mutation_type_model_expr = hl.if_else(t.cpg, t.context, "non-CpG") if isinstance(t, hl.MatrixTable): return t.annotate_rows( mutation_type=mutation_type_expr, mutation_type_model=mutation_type_model_expr, ) else: return t.annotate( mutation_type=mutation_type_expr, mutation_type_model=mutation_type_model_expr, )
[docs]def trimer_from_heptamer( t: Union[hl.MatrixTable, hl.Table], ) -> Union[hl.MatrixTable, hl.Table]: """ Trim heptamer context to create trimer context. :param t: Input MatrixTable or Table with context annotation. :return: MatrixTable or Table with trimer context annotated. """ trimer_expr = hl.if_else(hl.len(t.context) == 7, t.context[2:5], t.context) return ( t.annotate_rows(context=trimer_expr) if isinstance(t, hl.MatrixTable) else t.annotate(context=trimer_expr) )
[docs]def collapse_strand( t: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable], ) -> Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable]: """ Return the deduplicated context by collapsing DNA strands. Function returns the reverse complement for 'ref, 'alt', and 'context' if the reference allele is either 'G' or 'T'. The following annotations are added to the output Table: - was_flipped - whether the 'ref, 'alt', and 'context' were flipped (reverse complement taken) :param ht: Input Table. :return: Table with deduplicated context annotation (ref, alt, context, was_flipped). """ ref_g_or_t_expr = (t.ref == "G") | (t.ref == "T") collapse_expr = { "ref": hl.if_else(ref_g_or_t_expr, hl.reverse_complement(t.ref), t.ref), "alt": hl.if_else(ref_g_or_t_expr, hl.reverse_complement(t.alt), t.alt), "context": hl.if_else( ref_g_or_t_expr, hl.reverse_complement(t.context), t.context, ), "was_flipped": ref_g_or_t_expr, } return ( t.annotate(**collapse_expr) if isinstance(t, hl.Table) else t.annotate_rows(**collapse_expr) )
[docs]def transform_methylation_level( methylation_expr: Union[str, hl.expr.NumericExpression] = "methylation_level", methylation_cutoffs: Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]] = (0, 5), ht: Optional[hl.Table] = None, ) -> Union[hl.Table, hl.expr.NumericExpression]: """ Transform methylation level into a 0 to 2 scale. The methylation level is transformed to a 0-2 scale based on the provided cutoffs. The methylation level is assigned a value of 2 if it is greater than the second cutoff, 1 if it is greater than the first cutoff (but less than or equal to the second), and 0 otherwise. :param methylation_expr: Methylation level expression or annotation name in `ht`. If `methylation_expr` is a string, `ht` must be provided. :param methylation_cutoffs: Tuple of two integers/floats representing the cutoffs for the methylation level transformation. Default is (0, 5). :param ht: Input Table. Default is None. :return: Table with methylation level annotation added or methylation level expression. """ if isinstance(methylation_expr, str) and ht is None: raise ValueError("ht must be provided if methylation_expr is a string.") if isinstance(methylation_expr, str): methylation_expr = ht[methylation_expr] methylation_expr = ( .when(methylation_expr > methylation_cutoffs[1], 2) .when(methylation_expr > methylation_cutoffs[0], 1) .default(0) ) if ht is not None: return ht.annotate(methylation_level=methylation_expr) return methylation_expr
[docs]def assemble_constraint_context_ht( ht: hl.Table, methylation_ht: hl.Table = None, gerp_ht: hl.Table = None, coverage_hts: Dict[str, hl.Table] = None, an_hts: Dict[str, hl.Table] = None, freq_hts: Dict[str, hl.Table] = None, filter_hts: Dict[str, hl.Table] = None, transformation_funcs: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None, ) -> hl.Table: """ Assemble context Table with necessary annotations for constraint calculations. .. note:: Checks for 'was_split' annotation in Table. If not present, splits multiallelic sites. The following annotations are added to the output Table: - ref: Reference allele. - alt: Alternate allele. - context: Trimer context. - annotations added by `annotate_mutation_type()`, `collapse_strand()`, and `add_most_severe_csq_to_tc_within_vep_root()`. Depending on the annotations provided, the following annotations may also be added: - 'methylation_level': Methylation level annotation will be added if `methylation_ht` is provided. - 'gerp': GERP annotation will be added if `gerp_ht` is provided. - 'coverage': Coverage annotations will be added if `coverage_hts` is provided. - 'AN': Allele number annotations will be added if `an_hts` is provided. - 'freq': Frequency annotations will be added if `freq_hts` is provided. - 'filters': Filter annotations will be added if `filter_hts` is provided. The `transformation_funcs` parameter can be used to transform the HTs before adding annotations. The keys should be the annotation names ('coverage', 'gerp', etc.) and the values should be functions that take the annotation Table and the ht that is being annotated as input and return the transformed and keyed annotation. If not provided, the following default transformations are used: - 'methylation_level': Uses the 'methylation_level' annotation in the Methylation Table after transforming the methylation level to a 0-2 scale using `transform_grch37_methylation()` or `transform_grch38_methylation()`. - 'gerp': Uses the 'S' annotation in the GERP Table. If 'S' is missing, it defaults to 0. - 'coverage': If necessary, pulls out the first element of coverage statistics (which includes all samples). Relevant to v4, where coverage stats include additional elements to stratify by UK Biobank subset and platforms. - 'AN': Uses the 'AN' annotation in the allele number Table. - 'freq': Uses the 'freq' annotation in the frequency Table. - 'filters': Uses the 'filters' annotation in the filter Table. The following global annotations may also be added to the output Table: - 'an_globals': Global allele number annotations 'strata_sample_count' and 'strata_meta' will be added if `an_hts` is provided. - 'freq_globals': Global frequency annotations 'freq_meta_sample_count' and 'freq_meta' will be added if `freq_hts` is provided. :param ht: Input context Table with VEP annotation. :param methylation_ht: Optional Table with methylation annotation. Default is None. :param gerp_ht: Optional Table with GERP annotation. Default is None. :param coverage_hts: An optional Dictionary with key as one of 'exomes' or 'genomes' and values as corresponding coverage Tables. Default is None. :param an_hts: A Dictionary with key as one of 'exomes' or 'genomes' and values as corresponding allele number Tables. Default is None. :param transformation_funcs: An optional Dictionary to transform the HTs before adding annotations. Default is None, which will use some default transformations as described above. :return: Table with sites split and necessary annotations. """ ref = get_reference_genome( if ref == hl.get_reference("GRCh37"): from gnomad.resources.grch37 import transform_grch37_methylation as trans_methyl else: from gnomad.resources.grch38 import transform_grch38_methylation as trans_methyl # Check if context Table is split, and if not, split multiallelic sites. if "was_split" not in list(ht.row): ht = hl.split_multi_hts(ht) # Only need to keep the keys (locus, alleles) and the context and vep annotations. ht ="context", "vep") # Filter Table to only contigs 1-22, X, Y. ht = hl.filter_intervals( ht, [hl.parse_locus_interval(c, for c in ref.contigs[:24]] ) # Add annotations for 'ref' and 'alt'. ht = ht.annotate(ref=ht.alleles[0], alt=ht.alleles[1]) # Trim heptamer context to create trimer context. ht = trimer_from_heptamer(ht) # Annotate mutation type (such as "CpG", "non-CpG transition", "transversion") and # collapse strands to deduplicate the context. ht = annotate_mutation_type(collapse_strand(ht)) # Add most_severe_consequence annotation to 'transcript_consequences' within the # vep root annotation. csqs = ht.vep.transcript_consequences csqs = add_most_severe_consequence_to_consequence(csqs) vep_csq_fields = [ "transcript_id", "gene_id", "gene_symbol", "biotype", "most_severe_consequence", "mane_select", "canonical", "lof", "lof_flags", ] vep_csq_fields = [x for x in vep_csq_fields if x in csqs.dtype.element_type] ht = ht.annotate( "most_severe_consequence", x:*vep_csq_fields)), ) ) # Add 'methylation_level' and 'gerp' annotations if specified. transformation_funcs = transformation_funcs or {} if "methylation_level" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["methylation_level"] = lambda x, t: hl.if_else( ht.cpg, trans_methyl(x)[].methylation_level, 0 ) if "gerp" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["gerp"] = lambda x, t: hl.if_else( hl.is_missing(x[].S), 0, x[].S ) # If necessary, pull out first element of coverage statistics (which includes all # samples). Relevant to v4, where coverage stats include additional elements to # stratify by ukb subset and platforms. if "coverage" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["coverage"] = lambda x, t: ( x[].coverage_stats[0] if "coverage_stats" in x.row else x[] ) if "AN" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["AN"] = lambda x, t: x[].AN if "freq" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["freq"] = lambda x, t: x[t.key].freq if "filters" not in transformation_funcs: transformation_funcs["filters"] = lambda x, t: x[t.key].filters hts = { "methylation_level": methylation_ht, "gerp": gerp_ht, "coverage": coverage_hts, "AN": an_hts, "freq": freq_hts, "filters": filter_hts, } hts = {k: v for k, v in hts.items() if v is not None} exprs = {} for ann, ann_ht in hts.items(): if isinstance(ann_ht, dict): ann_expr = hl.struct( **{k: transformation_funcs[ann](v, ht) for k, v in ann_ht.items()} ) else: ann_expr = transformation_funcs[ann](ann_ht, ht) exprs[ann] = ann_expr ht = ht.annotate(**exprs) # Add global annotations for 'AN' and 'freq' if HTs are provided. global_anns = { "an_globals": (an_hts, ["strata_sample_count", "strata_meta"]), "freq_globals": (freq_hts, ["freq_meta_sample_count", "freq_meta"]), } global_anns = {k: v for k, v in global_anns.items() if v[0] is not None} ht = ht.annotate_globals( **{ k: hl.struct( **{ data_type: ann_ht.select_globals( *[x for x in g if x in ann_ht.globals] ).index_globals() for data_type, ann_ht in hts.items() } ) for k, (hts, g) in global_anns.items() } ) return ht
[docs]def build_models( coverage_ht: hl.Table, coverage_expr: hl.expr.Int32Expression, weighted: bool = False, pops: Tuple[str] = (), keys: Tuple[str] = ( "context", "ref", "alt", "methylation_level", "mu_snp", ), high_cov_definition: int = COVERAGE_CUTOFF, upper_cov_cutoff: Optional[int] = None, skip_coverage_model: bool = False, log10_coverage: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Tuple[float, float]], hl.expr.StructExpression]: """ Build coverage and plateau models. This function builds models (plateau_models) using linear regression to calibrate mutation rate estimates against the proportion observed of each substitution, context, and methylation level in `coverage_ht`. Two plateau models are fit, one for CpG transitions, and one for the remainder of sites (transversions and non CpG transitions). The plateau models only consider high coverage sites, or sites above a median coverage of `high_cov_definition` and median coverage below `upper_cov_cutoff`. Plateau model: adjusts proportion of expected variation based on location in the genome and CpG status. The x and y of the plateau models: - x: `mu_snp` - mutation rate - y: proportion observed ('observed_variants' or 'observed_{pop}' / 'possible_variants') This function also builds models (coverage models) to calibrate the proportion of expected variation at low coverage sites (sites below `high_cov_definition`). The coverage models are built by creating a scaling factor across all high coverage sites, applying this ratio to the low coverage sites, and running a linear regression. Coverage model: corrects proportion of expected variation at low coverage sites. Low coverage sites are defined as sites with median coverage < `high_cov_definition`. The x and y of the coverage model: - x: log10 groupings of exome coverage at low coverage sites - y: sum('observed_variants')/ (`high_coverage_scale_factor` * sum('possible_variants' * 'mu_snp') at low coverage sites `high_coverage_scale_factor` = sum('observed_variants') / sum('possible_variants' * 'mu_snp') at high coverage sites .. note:: This function expects that the input Table(`coverage_ht`) was created using `get_proportion_observed_by_coverage`, which means that `coverage_ht` should contain only high quality synonymous variants below 0.1% frequency. This function also expects that the following fields are present in `coverage_ht`: - context - trinucleotide genomic context - ref - the reference allele - alt - the alternate allele - methylation_level - methylation level - cpg - whether the site is CpG site - observed_variants - the number of observed variants in the dataset for each variant. Note that the term "variant" here refers to a specific substitution, context, methylation level, and coverage combination - downsampling_counts_{pop} (optional) - array of observed variant counts per population after downsampling. Used only when `pops` is specified. - mu_snp - mutation rate - possible_variants - the number of possible variants in the dataset for each variant :param coverage_ht: Input coverage Table. :param coverage_expr: Expression that defines the coverage metric. :param weighted: Whether to weight the plateau models (a linear regression model) by 'possible_variants'. Default is False. :param pops: List of populations used to build plateau models. Default is (). :param keys: Annotations used to group observed and possible variant counts. Default is ("context", "ref", "alt", "methylation_level", "mu_snp"). :param high_cov_definition: Lower median coverage cutoff. Sites with coverage above this cutoff are considered well covered. Default is `COVERAGE_CUTOFF`. :param upper_cov_cutoff: Upper median coverage cutoff. Sites with coverage above this cutoff are excluded from the high coverage Table. Default is None. :param skip_coverage_model: Whether to skip generating the coverage model. If set to True, None is returned instead of the coverage model. Default is False. :param log10_coverage: Whether to convert coverage sites with log10 when building the coverage model. Default is True. :return: Coverage model and plateau models. """ # Annotate coverage_ht with coverage_expr set as a temporary annotation # '_coverage_metric' before modifying the coverage_ht. coverage_ht = coverage_ht.annotate(_coverage_metric=coverage_expr) # Filter to sites with coverage_expr equal to or above `high_cov_definition`. high_cov_ht = coverage_ht.filter( coverage_ht._coverage_metric >= high_cov_definition ) # Filter to sites with coverage_expr equal to or below `upper_cov_cutoff` if # specified. if upper_cov_cutoff is not None: high_cov_ht = high_cov_ht.filter( high_cov_ht._coverage_metric <= upper_cov_cutoff ) agg_expr = { "observed_variants": hl.agg.sum(high_cov_ht.observed_variants), "possible_variants": hl.agg.sum(high_cov_ht.possible_variants), } for pop in pops: agg_expr[f"observed_{pop}"] = hl.agg.array_sum( high_cov_ht[f"downsampling_counts_{pop}"] ) # Generate a Table with all necessary annotations (x and y listed above) # for the plateau models. high_cov_group_ht = high_cov_ht.group_by(*keys).aggregate(**agg_expr) high_cov_group_ht = annotate_mutation_type(high_cov_group_ht) # Build plateau models. plateau_models_agg_expr = build_plateau_models( cpg_expr=high_cov_group_ht.cpg, mu_snp_expr=high_cov_group_ht.mu_snp, observed_variants_expr=high_cov_group_ht.observed_variants, possible_variants_expr=high_cov_group_ht.possible_variants, pops_observed_variants_array_expr=[ high_cov_group_ht[f"observed_{pop}"] for pop in pops ], weighted=weighted, ) if pops: # Map the models to their corresponding populations if pops is specified. _plateau_models = dict( high_cov_group_ht.aggregate(hl.struct(**plateau_models_agg_expr)) ) pop_models = _plateau_models["pop"] plateau_models = { pop: hl.literal(pop_models[idx]) for idx, pop in enumerate(pops) } plateau_models["total"] = _plateau_models["total"] plateau_models = hl.struct(**plateau_models) else: plateau_models = high_cov_group_ht.aggregate( hl.struct(**plateau_models_agg_expr) ) if not skip_coverage_model: # Filter to sites with coverage below `high_cov_definition` and larger than 0. low_cov_ht = coverage_ht.filter( (coverage_ht._coverage_metric < high_cov_definition) & (coverage_ht._coverage_metric > 0) ) # Create a metric that represents the relative mutability of the exome calculated # on high coverage sites and will be used as scaling factor when building the # coverage model. high_coverage_scale_factor = high_cov_ht.aggregate( hl.agg.sum(high_cov_ht.observed_variants) / hl.agg.sum(high_cov_ht.possible_variants * high_cov_ht.mu_snp) ) # Generate a Table with all necessary annotations (x and y listed above) # for the coverage model. if log10_coverage:"Converting coverage sites by log10.") cov_value = hl.log10(low_cov_ht._coverage_metric) else: cov_value = low_cov_ht._coverage_metric low_cov_group_ht = low_cov_ht.group_by(cov_value=cov_value).aggregate( low_coverage_oe=hl.agg.sum(low_cov_ht.observed_variants) / ( high_coverage_scale_factor * hl.agg.sum(low_cov_ht.possible_variants * low_cov_ht.mu_snp) ) ) # Build the coverage model. # TODO: consider weighting here as well. coverage_model_expr = build_coverage_model( low_coverage_oe_expr=low_cov_group_ht.low_coverage_oe, coverage_expr=low_cov_group_ht.cov_value, ) coverage_model = tuple(low_cov_group_ht.aggregate(coverage_model_expr).beta) else: coverage_model = None return coverage_model, plateau_models
[docs]def build_plateau_models( cpg_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression, mu_snp_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, observed_variants_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression, possible_variants_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression, pops_observed_variants_array_expr: List[hl.expr.ArrayExpression] = [], weighted: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[bool, hl.expr.ArrayExpression], hl.ArrayExpression]]: """ Build plateau models to calibrate mutation rate to compute predicted proportion observed value. The x and y of the plateau models: - x: `mu_snp_expr` - y: `observed_variants_expr` / `possible_variants_expr` or `pops_observed_variants_array_expr`[index] / `possible_variants_expr` if `pops` is specified :param cpg_expr: BooleanExpression noting whether a site is a CPG site. :param mu_snp_expr: Float64Expression of the mutation rate. :param observed_variants_expr: Int64Expression of the observed variant counts. :param possible_variants_expr: Int64Expression of the possible variant counts. :param pops_observed_variants_array_expr: Nested ArrayExpression with all observed variant counts ArrayNumericExpressions for specified populations. e.g., `[[1,1, 1],[1,1,1]]`. Default is None. :param weighted: Whether to generalize the model to weighted least squares using 'possible_variants'. Default is False. :return: A dictionary of intercepts and slopes of plateau models. The keys are 'total' (for all sites) and 'pop' (optional; for populations). The values for 'total' is a dictionary (e.g., <DictExpression of type dict<bool, array<float64>>>), and the value for 'pop' is a nested list of dictionaries (e. g., <ArrayExpression of type array<array<dict<bool, array<float64>>>>>). The key of the dictionary in the nested list is CpG status (BooleanExpression), and the value is an ArrayExpression containing intercept and slope values. """ # Build plateau models for all sites plateau_models_agg_expr = { "total": hl.agg.group_by( cpg_expr, hl.agg.linreg( observed_variants_expr / possible_variants_expr, [1, mu_snp_expr], weight=possible_variants_expr if weighted else None, ).beta, ) } if pops_observed_variants_array_expr: # Build plateau models using sites in population downsamplings if # population is specified. plateau_models_agg_expr["pop"] = hl.agg.array_agg( lambda pop_obs_var_array_expr: hl.agg.array_agg( lambda pop_observed_variants: hl.agg.group_by( cpg_expr, hl.agg.linreg( pop_observed_variants / possible_variants_expr, [1, mu_snp_expr], weight=possible_variants_expr, ).beta, ), pop_obs_var_array_expr, ), pops_observed_variants_array_expr, ) return plateau_models_agg_expr
[docs]def build_coverage_model( low_coverage_oe_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, coverage_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Build coverage model. This function uses linear regression to build a model of coverage to correct proportion of expected variation at low coverage sites. The x and y of the coverage model: - x: `coverage_expr` - y: `low_coverage_oe_expr` :param low_coverage_oe_expr: The Float64Expression of observed:expected ratio for a given coverage level. :param coverage_expr: The Float64Expression of the coverage expression. :return: StructExpression with intercept and slope of the model. """ return hl.agg.linreg(low_coverage_oe_expr, [1, coverage_expr])
[docs]def get_all_pop_lengths( ht: hl.Table, pops: Tuple[str], obs_expr: hl.expr.StructExpression, ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Get the minimum length of observed variant counts array for each population downsampling. The observed variant counts for each population in `pops` are specified by annotations on the `obs_expr` expression. The function also performs a check that arrays of variant counts within population downsamplings all have the same lengths. :param ht: Input Table containing `obs_expr`. :param pops: Populations used to categorize observed variant counts in downsamplings. :param obs_expr: Expression for the population observed variant counts. Should be a struct containing an array for each pop in `pops`. :return: A Dictionary with the minimum array length for each population. """ # TODO: This function will be converted into doing just the length check if there # is no usage of pop_lengths in the constraint pipeline. # Get minimum length of downsamplings for each population. pop_downsampling_lengths = ht.aggregate( [hl.agg.min(hl.len(obs_expr[pop])) for pop in pops] ) # Zip population name with their downsampling length. pop_lengths = list(zip(pop_downsampling_lengths, pops))"Found: %s", "".join(map(str, pop_lengths))) assert ht.all( hl.all( lambda f: f, [hl.len(obs_expr[pop]) == length for length, pop in pop_lengths], ) ), ( "The arrays of variant counts within population downsamplings have different" " lengths!" ) return pop_lengths
[docs]def get_constraint_grouping_expr( vep_annotation_expr: hl.StructExpression, coverage_expr: Optional[hl.Int32Expression] = None, include_transcript_group: bool = True, include_canonical_group: bool = True, include_mane_select_group: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[hl.StringExpression, hl.Int32Expression, hl.BooleanExpression]]: """ Collect annotations used for constraint groupings. Function collects the following annotations: - annotation - 'most_severe_consequence' annotation in `vep_annotation_expr` - modifier - classic lof annotation from 'lof' annotation in `vep_annotation_expr`, LOFTEE annotation from 'lof' annotation in `vep_annotation_expr`, PolyPhen annotation from 'polyphen_prediction' in `vep_annotation_expr`, or "None" if neither is defined - gene - 'gene_symbol' annotation inside `vep_annotation_expr` - coverage - exome coverage if `coverage_expr` is specified - transcript - id from 'transcript_id' in `vep_annotation_expr` (added when `include_transcript_group` is True) - canonical from `vep_annotation_expr` (added when `include_canonical_group` is True) - mane_select from `vep_annotation_expr` (added when `include_mane_select_group` is True) .. note:: This function expects that the following fields are present in `vep_annotation_expr`: - lof - polyphen_prediction - most_severe_consequence - gene_symbol - transcript_id (if `include_transcript_group` is True) - canonical (if `include_canonical_group` is True) - mane_select (if `include_mane_select_group` is True) :param vep_annotation_expr: StructExpression of VEP annotation. :param coverage_expr: Optional Int32Expression of exome coverage. Default is None. :param include_transcript_group: Whether to include the transcript annotation in the groupings. Default is True. :param include_canonical_group: Whether to include canonical annotation in the groupings. Default is True. :param include_mane_select_group: Whether to include mane_select annotation in the groupings. Default is False. :return: A dictionary with keys as annotation names and values as actual annotations. """ lof_expr = vep_annotation_expr.lof polyphen_prediction_expr = vep_annotation_expr.polyphen_prediction # Create constraint annotations to be used for groupings. groupings = { "annotation": vep_annotation_expr.most_severe_consequence, "modifier": hl.coalesce(lof_expr, polyphen_prediction_expr, "None"), "gene": vep_annotation_expr.gene_symbol, "gene_id": vep_annotation_expr.gene_id, } if coverage_expr is not None: groupings["coverage"] = coverage_expr # Add 'transcript' and 'canonical' annotation if requested. if include_transcript_group: groupings["transcript"] = vep_annotation_expr.transcript_id if include_canonical_group: groupings["canonical"] = hl.or_else(vep_annotation_expr.canonical == 1, False) if include_mane_select_group: groupings["mane_select"] = hl.or_else( hl.is_defined(vep_annotation_expr.mane_select), False ) return groupings
[docs]def annotate_exploded_vep_for_constraint_groupings( ht: hl.Table, coverage_expr: hl.expr.Int32Expression, vep_annotation: str = "transcript_consequences", include_canonical_group: bool = True, include_mane_select_group: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable], Tuple[str]]: """ Annotate Table with annotations used for constraint groupings. Function explodes the specified VEP annotation (`vep_annotation`) and adds the following annotations: - annotation -'most_severe_consequence' annotation in `vep_annotation` - modifier - classic lof annotation from 'lof' annotation in `vep_annotation`, LOFTEE annotation from 'lof' annotation in `vep_annotation`, PolyPhen annotation from 'polyphen_prediction' in `vep_annotation`, or "None" if neither is defined - gene - 'gene_symbol' annotation inside `vep_annotation` - transcript - id from 'transcript_id' in `vep_annotation` (added when `include_transcript_group` is True) - canonical from `vep_annotation` (added when `include_canonical_group` is True) - mane_select from `vep_annotation` (added when `include_mane_select_group` is True) .. note:: This function expects that the following annotations are present in `ht`: - vep - exome_coverage :param ht: Input Table or MatrixTable. :param coverage_expr: Expression that defines the coverage metric. :param vep_annotation: Name of annotation in 'vep' annotation (one of "transcript_consequences" and "worst_csq_by_gene") that will be used for obtaining constraint annotations. Default is "transcript_consequences". :param include_canonical_group: Whether to include 'canonical' annotation in the groupings. Default is True. Ignored unless `vep_annotation` is "transcript_consequences". :param include_mane_select_group: Whether to include 'mane_select' annotation in the groupings. Default is False. Ignored unless `vep_annotation` is "transcript_consequences". :return: A tuple of input Table or MatrixTable with grouping annotations added and the names of added annotations. """ # Annotate ht with coverage_expr set as a temporary annotation '_coverage_metric' # before modifying ht. ht = ht.annotate(_coverage_metric=coverage_expr) if vep_annotation == "transcript_consequences": if not include_canonical_group and not include_mane_select_group: raise ValueError( "If 'vep_annotation' is 'transcript_consequences', one of either" " 'include_canonical_group' or 'include_mane_select_group' must be set!" ) include_transcript_group = True else: logger.warning( "Setting both 'include_canonical_group' and 'include_mane_select_group' to" " False (options cannot be used unless 'vep_annotation' is" " 'transcript_consequences')." ) include_transcript_group = False include_canonical_group = False include_mane_select_group = False # Annotate 'worst_csq_by_gene' to `ht` if it's specified for `vep_annotation`. if vep_annotation == "worst_csq_by_gene": ht = process_consequences(ht) # Explode the specified VEP annotation. ht = explode_by_vep_annotation(ht, vep_annotation) # Collect the annotations used for groupings. groupings = get_constraint_grouping_expr( ht[vep_annotation], coverage_expr=ht._coverage_metric, include_transcript_group=include_transcript_group, include_canonical_group=include_canonical_group, include_mane_select_group=include_mane_select_group, ) return ht.annotate(**groupings), tuple(groupings.keys())
[docs]def compute_expected_variants( ht: hl.Table, plateau_models_expr: hl.StructExpression, mu_expr: hl.Float64Expression, cov_corr_expr: hl.Float64Expression, possible_variants_expr: hl.Int64Expression, cpg_expr: hl.BooleanExpression, pop: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[hl.Float64Expression, hl.Int64Expression]]: """ Apply plateau models for all sites and for a population (if specified) to compute predicted proportion observed ratio and expected variant counts. :param ht: Input Table. :param plateau_models_expr: Linear models (output of `build_models()`, with the values of the dictionary formatted as a StructExpression of intercept and slope, that calibrates mutation rate to proportion observed for high coverage exomes. It includes models for CpG, non-CpG sites, and each population if specified. :param mu_expr: Float64Expression of mutation rate. :param possible_variants_expr: Int64Expression of possible variant counts. :param cov_corr_expr: Float64Expression of corrected coverage expression. :param cpg_expr: BooleanExpression noting whether a site is a CPG site. :param pop: Optional population to use when applying plateau model. Default is None. :return: A dictionary with predicted proportion observed ratio and expected variant counts. """ if pop is None: pop = "" plateau_model = hl.literal([cpg_expr] slope = plateau_model[1] intercept = plateau_model[0] agg_func = hl.agg.sum ann_to_sum = ["observed_variants", "possible_variants"] else: plateau_model = hl.literal(plateau_models_expr[pop]) slope = f: f[cpg_expr][1], plateau_model) intercept = f: f[cpg_expr][0], plateau_model) agg_func = hl.agg.array_sum pop = f"_{pop}" ann_to_sum = [f"downsampling_counts{pop}"] # Apply plateau models for specified population. ppo_expr = mu_expr * slope + intercept # Generate sum aggregators for 'predicted_proportion_observed' and # 'expected_variants', for specified population. agg_expr = { f"predicted_proportion_observed{pop}": agg_func(ppo_expr), f"expected_variants{pop}": agg_func( ppo_expr * cov_corr_expr * possible_variants_expr ), } # Generate sum aggregators for 'observed_variants' and 'possible_variants' on # the entire dataset if pop is None, and for 'downsampling_counts' for # specified population if pop is not None. agg_expr.update({ann: agg_func(ht[ann]) for ann in ann_to_sum}) return agg_expr
[docs]def oe_aggregation_expr( ht: hl.Table, filter_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression, pops: Tuple[str] = (), exclude_mu_sum: bool = False, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Get aggregation expressions to compute the observed:expected ratio for rows defined by `filter_expr`. Return a Struct containing aggregation expressions to sum the number of observed variants, possible variants, expected variants, and mutation rate (if `exclude_mu_sum` is not True) for rows defined by `filter_expr`. The Struct also includes an aggregation expression for the observed:expected ratio. The following annotations are in the returned StructExpression: - obs - the sum of observed variants filtered to `filter_expr`. - mu - the sum of mutation rate of variants filtered to `filter_expr`. - possible - possible number of variants filtered to `filter_expr`. - exp - expected number of variants filtered to `filter_expr`. - oe - observed:expected ratio of variants filtered to `filter_expr`. If `pops` is specified: - gen_anc_exp - Struct with the expected number of variants per population (for all pop in `pops`) filtered to `filter_expr`. - gen_anc_obs - Struct with the observed number of variants per population (for all pop in `pops`) filtered to `filter_expr`. .. note:: The following annotations should be present in `ht`: - observed_variants - mu - possible_variants - expected_variants If `pops` is specified, the following annotations should also be present: - expected_variants_{pop} for all pop in `pops` - downsampling_counts_{pop} for all pop in `pops` :param ht: Input Table to create observed:expected ratio aggregation expressions for. :param filter_expr: Boolean expression used to filter `ht` before aggregation. :param pops: List of populations to compute constraint metrics for. Default is (). :param exclude_mu_sum: Whether to exclude mu sum aggregation expression from returned struct. Default is False. :return: StructExpression with observed:expected ratio aggregation expressions. """ # Create aggregators that sum the number of observed variants, possible variants, # and expected variants and compute observed:expected ratio. agg_expr = { "obs": hl.agg.sum(ht.observed_variants), "exp": hl.agg.sum(ht.expected_variants), "possible": hl.agg.sum(ht.possible_variants), } agg_expr["oe"] = divide_null(agg_expr["obs"], agg_expr["exp"]) # Create an aggregator that sums the mutation rate. if not exclude_mu_sum: agg_expr["mu"] = hl.agg.sum( # Create aggregators that sum the number of observed variants # and expected variants for each population if pops is specified. if pops: agg_expr["gen_anc_exp"] = hl.struct( **{pop: hl.agg.array_sum(ht[f"expected_variants_{pop}"]) for pop in pops} ) agg_expr["gen_anc_obs"] = hl.struct( **{pop: hl.agg.array_sum(ht[f"downsampling_counts_{pop}"]) for pop in pops} ) agg_expr = hl.struct(**agg_expr) return hl.agg.group_by(filter_expr, agg_expr).get(True, hl.missing(agg_expr.dtype))
[docs]def compute_pli( ht: hl.Table, obs_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression, exp_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, expected_values: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, min_diff_convergence: float = 0.001, ) -> hl.StructExpression: """ Compute the pLI score using the observed and expected variant counts. Full details on pLI can be found in the ExAC paper: Lek, M., Karczewski, K., Minikel, E. et al. Analysis of protein-coding genetic variation in 60,706 humans. Nature 536, 285–291 (2016). pLI is the probability of being loss-of-function intolerant, and this function computes that probability using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. We assume a 3 state model, where each gene fits into one of three categories with respect loss-of-function variation sensitivity: - Null: where protein truncating variation is completely tolerated by natural selection. - Recessive (Rec): where heterozygous pLoFs are tolerated but homozygous pLoFs are not. - Haploinsufficient (LI): where heterozygous pLoFs are not tolerated. The function requires the expected amount of loss-of-function depletion for each of these states. The default provided is based on the observed depletion of protein-truncating variation in the Blekhman autosomal recessive and ClinGen dosage sensitivity gene sets (Supplementary Information Table 12 of the above reference): - Null: 1.0, assume tolerant genes have the expected amount of truncating variation. - Rec: 0.463, derived from the empirical mean observed/expected rate of truncating variation for recessive disease genes (0.463). - LI: 0.089, derived from the empirical mean observed/expected rate of truncating variation for severe haploinsufficient genes. The output StructExpression will include the following annotations: - pLI: Probability of loss-of-function intolerance; probability that transcript falls into distribution of haploinsufficient genes. - pNull: Probability that transcript falls into distribution of unconstrained genes. - pRec: Probability that transcript falls into distribution of recessive genes. :param ht: Input Table containing `obs_expr` and `exp_expr`. :param obs_expr: Expression for the number of observed variants on each gene or transcript in `ht`. :param exp_expr: Expression for the number of expected variants on each gene or transcript in `ht`. :param expected_values: Dictionary containing the expected values for 'Null', 'Rec', and 'LI' to use as starting values. :param min_diff_convergence: Minimum iteration change in LI to consider the EM model convergence criteria as met. Default is 0.001. :return: StructExpression for pLI scores. """ if expected_values is None: expected_values = {"Null": 1.0, "Rec": 0.463, "LI": 0.089} # Set up initial values. last_pi = {k: 0 for k in expected_values.keys()} pi = {k: 1 / len(expected_values.keys()) for k in expected_values.keys()} dpois_expr = { k: hl.or_missing( exp_expr > 0, hl.dpois(obs_expr, exp_expr * expected_values[k]) ) for k in pi } _ht = # Checkpoint the temp HT because it will need to be aggregated several times. _ht = _ht.checkpoint(new_temp_file(prefix="compute_pli", extension="ht")) # Calculate pLI scores. while abs(pi["LI"] - last_pi["LI"]) > min_diff_convergence: last_pi = copy.deepcopy(pi) pi_expr = {k: v * _ht.dpois[k] for k, v in pi.items()} row_sum_expr = hl.sum([pi_expr[k] for k in pi]) pi_expr = {k: pi_expr[k] / row_sum_expr for k, v in pi.items()} pi = _ht.aggregate({k: hl.agg.mean(pi_expr[k]) for k in pi.keys()}) # Get expression for pLI scores. pli_expr = {k: v * dpois_expr[k] for k, v in pi.items()} row_sum_expr = hl.sum([pli_expr[k] for k in pi]) return hl.struct(**{f"p{k}": pli_expr[k] / row_sum_expr for k in pi.keys()})
[docs]def oe_confidence_interval( obs_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression, exp_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, alpha: float = 0.05, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Determine the confidence interval around the observed:expected ratio. For a given pair of observed (`obs_expr`) and expected (`exp_expr`) values, the function computes the density of the Poisson distribution (performed using Hail's `dpois` module) with fixed k (`x` in `dpois` is set to the observed number of variants) over a range of lambda (`lamb` in `dpois`) values, which are given by the expected number of variants times a varying parameter ranging between 0 and 2 (the observed:expected ratio is typically between 0 and 1, so we want to extend the upper bound of the confidence interval to capture this). The cumulative density function of the Poisson distribution density is computed and the value of the varying parameter is extracted at points corresponding to `alpha` (defaults to 5%) and 1-`alpha` (defaults to 95%) to indicate the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. The following annotations are in the output StructExpression: - lower - the lower bound of confidence interval - upper - the upper bound of confidence interval :param obs_expr: Expression for the observed variant counts of pLoF, missense, or synonymous variants in `ht`. :param exp_expr: Expression for the expected variant counts of pLoF, missense, or synonymous variants in `ht`. :param alpha: The significance level used to compute the confidence interval. Default is 0.05. :return: StructExpression for the confidence interval lower and upper bounds. """ # Set up range between 0 and 2. range_expr = hl.range(0, 2000).map(lambda x: hl.float64(x) / 1000) range_dpois_expr = x: hl.dpois(obs_expr, exp_expr * x)) # Compute cumulative density function of the Poisson distribution density. cumulative_dpois_expr = hl.cumulative_sum(range_dpois_expr) max_cumulative_dpois_expr = cumulative_dpois_expr[-1] norm_dpois_expr = x: x / max_cumulative_dpois_expr) # Extract the value of the varying parameter within specified range. lower_idx_expr = hl.argmax( x: hl.or_missing(x < alpha, x)) ) upper_idx_expr = hl.argmin( x: hl.or_missing(x > 1 - alpha, x)) ) return hl.struct( lower=hl.if_else(obs_expr > 0, range_expr[lower_idx_expr], 0), upper=range_expr[upper_idx_expr], )
[docs]def calculate_raw_z_score( obs_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression, exp_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Compute the signed raw z-score using observed and expected variant counts. The raw z-scores are positive when the transcript had fewer variants than expected, and are negative when transcripts had more variants than expected. :param obs_expr: Observed variant count expression. :param exp_expr: Expected variant count expression. :return: StructExpression for the raw z-score. """ chisq_expr = divide_null((obs_expr - exp_expr) ** 2, exp_expr) return hl.sqrt(chisq_expr) * hl.if_else(obs_expr > exp_expr, -1, 1)
[docs]def get_constraint_flags( exp_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, raw_z_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, raw_z_lower_threshold: Optional[float] = -5.0, raw_z_upper_threshold: Optional[float] = 5.0, flag_postfix: str = "", ) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.Expression]: """ Determine the constraint flags that define why constraint will not be calculated. Flags which are added: - "no_exp_{flag_postfix}" - for genes that have missing or zero expected variants. - "outlier_{flag_postfix}" - for genes that are raw z-score outliers: (`raw_z_expr` < `raw_z_lower_threshold`) or (`raw_z_expr` > `raw_z_upper_threshold`). :param exp_expr: Expression for the expected variant counts of pLoF, missense, or synonymous variants. :param raw_z_expr: Expression for the signed raw z-score of pLoF, missense, or synonymous variants. :param raw_z_lower_threshold: Lower threshold for the raw z-score. When `raw_z_expr` is less than this threshold it is considered an 'outlier'. Default is -5.0. :param raw_z_upper_threshold: Upper threshold for the raw z-score. When `raw_z_expr` is greater than this threshold it is considered an 'outlier'. Default is 5.0. :param flag_postfix: Postfix to add to the end of the constraint flag names. :return: Dictionary containing expressions for constraint flags. """ outlier_expr = False if raw_z_lower_threshold is not None: outlier_expr |= raw_z_expr < raw_z_lower_threshold if raw_z_upper_threshold is not None: outlier_expr |= raw_z_expr > raw_z_upper_threshold if flag_postfix: flag_postfix = f"_{flag_postfix}" constraint_flags = { f"no_exp{flag_postfix}": hl.or_else(exp_expr <= 0, True), f"outlier{flag_postfix}": hl.or_else(outlier_expr, False), } return constraint_flags
[docs]def calculate_raw_z_score_sd( raw_z_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression, flag_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression, mirror_neg_raw_z: bool = True, ) -> hl.expr.Expression: """ Calculate the standard deviation of the raw z-score. When using `mirror_neg_raw_z` is True, all the negative raw z-scores (defined by `raw_z_expr`) are combined with those same z-scores multiplied by -1 (to create a mirrored distribution). :param raw_z_expr: Expression for the raw z-score. :param flag_expr: Expression for the constraint flags. z-score will not be calculated if flags are present. :param mirror_neg_raw_z: Whether the standard deviation should be computed using a mirrored distribution of negative `raw_z_expr`. :return: StructExpression containing standard deviation of the raw z-score and the z-score. """ filter_expr = (hl.len(flag_expr) == 0) & hl.is_defined(raw_z_expr) if mirror_neg_raw_z: filter_expr &= raw_z_expr < 0 sd_expr = hl.agg.explode( lambda x: hl.agg.stats(x), [raw_z_expr, -raw_z_expr] ).stdev else: sd_expr = hl.agg.stats(raw_z_expr).stdev return hl.agg.filter(filter_expr, sd_expr)
[docs]def add_gencode_transcript_annotations( ht: hl.Table, gencode_ht: hl.Table, annotations: List[str] = ["level", "transcript_type"], ) -> hl.Table: """ Add GENCODE annotations to Table based on transcript id. .. note:: Added annotations by default are: - level - transcript_type Computed annotations are: - chromosome - cds_length - num_coding_exons :param ht: Input Table. :param gencode_ht: Table with GENCODE annotations. :param annotations: List of GENCODE annotations to add. Default is ["level", "transcript_type"]. Added annotations also become keys for the group by when computing "cds_length" and "num_coding_exons". :return: Table with transcript annotations from GENCODE added. """ gencode_ht = gencode_ht.annotate( length=gencode_ht.interval.end.position - gencode_ht.interval.start.position + 1, chromosome=gencode_ht.interval.start.contig, ) # Obtain CDS annotations from GENCODE file and calculate CDS length and # number of exons. annotations_to_add = set(annotations + ["chromosome", "transcript_id", "length"]) gencode_cds = ( gencode_ht.filter(gencode_ht.feature == "CDS") .select(*annotations_to_add) .key_by("transcript_id") .drop("interval") ) annotations_to_add.remove("length") gencode_cds = ( gencode_cds.group_by(*annotations_to_add) .aggregate( cds_length=hl.agg.sum(gencode_cds.length), num_coding_exons=hl.agg.count() ) .key_by("transcript_id") ) gencode_cds = gencode_cds.checkpoint( new_temp_file(prefix="gencode_cds", extension="ht") ) # Add GENCODE annotations to input Table. ht = ht.annotate(**gencode_cds[ht.transcript]) return ht