Source code for

# noqa: D100

import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import hail as hl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

from gnomad.utils.annotations import annotate_and_index_source_mt_for_sex_ploidy

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SEXES = {"Male": "Male", "Female": "Female"}

[docs]def adjusted_sex_ploidy_expr( locus_expr: hl.expr.LocusExpression, gt_expr: hl.expr.CallExpression, karyotype_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression, xy_karyotype_str: str = "XY", xx_karyotype_str: str = "XX", ) -> hl.expr.CallExpression: """ Create an entry expression to convert XY to haploid on non-PAR X/Y and XX to missing on Y. :param locus_expr: Locus expression. :param gt_expr: Genotype expression. :param karyotype_expr: Sex karyotype expression. :param xy_karyotype_str: String representing XY karyotype. Default is "XY". :param xx_karyotype_str: String representing XX karyotype. Default is "XX". :return: Genotype adjusted for sex ploidy. """ # An optimization that annotates the locus's source matrix table with the # fields in the case statements below, so they are not re-computed for every entry. col_idx, row_idx = annotate_and_index_source_mt_for_sex_ploidy( locus_expr, karyotype_expr, xy_karyotype_str, xx_karyotype_str ) return ( # Added to reduce the checks by entry. .when(row_idx.in_autosome, gt_expr) .when((row_idx.y_par | row_idx.y_nonpar) & col_idx.xx, hl.missing(hl.tcall)) .when(~row_idx.in_non_par, gt_expr) .when( (row_idx.x_nonpar | row_idx.y_nonpar) & col_idx.xy & gt_expr.is_het(), hl.missing(hl.tcall), ) .when( (row_idx.x_nonpar | row_idx.y_nonpar) & col_idx.xy,[0], phased=False), ) .default(gt_expr) )
[docs]def adjust_sex_ploidy( mt: hl.MatrixTable, sex_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression, male_str: str = "male", female_str: str = "female", ) -> hl.MatrixTable: """ Convert males to haploid on non-PAR X/Y, sets females to missing on Y. :param mt: Input MatrixTable :param sex_expr: Expression pointing to sex in MT (if not male_str or female_str, no change) :param male_str: String for males (default 'male') :param female_str: String for females (default 'female') :return: MatrixTable with fixed ploidy for sex chromosomes """ return mt.annotate_entries( GT=adjusted_sex_ploidy_expr(, mt.GT, sex_expr, male_str, female_str) )
[docs]def gaussian_mixture_model_karyotype_assignment( sex_ht: hl.Table, chrx_ploidy_expr: Union[hl.expr.NumericExpression, str] = "chrX_ploidy", chry_ploidy_expr: Union[hl.expr.NumericExpression, str] = "chrY_ploidy", karyotype_output_prefix: str = "gmm", ) -> hl.Table: """ Annotate the input Table with an X karyotype, Y karyotype, and sex karyotype based on a gaussian mixture model. This function uses two component Gaussian mixture models on `chrx_ploidy_expr` and `chry_ploidy_expr` to assign an X karyotype and a Y karyotype which are then combined into the sex karyotype. The following annotations are added: - {karyotype_output_prefix}_x_karyotype - {karyotype_output_prefix_y_karyotype - {karyotype_output_prefix}_karyotype = {karyotype_output_prefix}_x_karyotype + {karyotype_output_prefix}_y_karyotype .. note:: This uses a two component Gaussian mixture model so all samples are given one of the following sex karyotypes: X, XX, XY, YY. It's recommended that this annotation is only used to split samples into XX and XY groups that can then be used in `get_ploidy_cutoffs` to determine XX and XY ploidy means and stdevs. :param sex_ht: Input Table with chromosome X and chromosome Y ploidy values. :param chrx_ploidy_expr: Expression pointing to chromosome X ploidy in `sex_ht`. Default is 'chrX_ploidy'. :param chry_ploidy_expr: Expression pointing to chromosome Y ploidy in `sex_ht`. Default is 'chrY_ploidy'. :param karyotype_output_prefix: String to use as the prefix for the Gaussian mixture model karyotype output. Default is 'gmm'. :return: Input Table with Gaussian mixture model karyotype annotations added. """ if isinstance(chrx_ploidy_expr, str): chrx_ploidy_expr = sex_ht[chrx_ploidy_expr] if isinstance(chry_ploidy_expr, str): chry_ploidy_expr = sex_ht[chry_ploidy_expr] sex_pd = chrX_ploidy=chrx_ploidy_expr, chrY_ploidy=chry_ploidy_expr, ).to_pandas() def _run_gaussian_mixture_model( feature: str, karyotypes: List[str], karyotype_name: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Run Gaussian mixture model on ploidy estimates and infer karyotype. :param feature: Column name of ploidy feature to use in Gaussian mixture model. :param karyotypes: List of possible karyotypes in order of expected `feature` mean. :param karyotype_name: Column name to use for karyotype output. :return: Pandas DataFrame with karyotype assignment. """ df = sex_pd[["s", feature]].set_index("s") gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=2) probs = gmm.predict_proba(df) # Assign cluster to karyotype based on cluster means and the order of # `karyotypes` cluster_to_karyotype = dict( zip(np.argsort([m[0] for m in gmm.means_]), karyotypes) ) df[f"{feature}_cluster"] = gmm.predict(df) df[karyotype_name] = df.apply( lambda row: cluster_to_karyotype[row[f"{feature}_cluster"]], axis=1 ) for i in cluster_to_karyotype: df[f"{feature}_prob_{cluster_to_karyotype[i]}"] = probs[:, i] return df x_df = _run_gaussian_mixture_model( "chrX_ploidy", ["X", "XX"], f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_x_karyotype" ) y_df = _run_gaussian_mixture_model( "chrY_ploidy", ["", "Y"], f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_y_karyotype" ) xy_df = pd.concat( [ x_df[f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_x_karyotype"], y_df[f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_y_karyotype"], ], axis=1, ) xy_df[f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_karyotype"] = ( xy_df[f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_x_karyotype"] + xy_df[f"{karyotype_output_prefix}_y_karyotype"] ) xy_ht = hl.Table.from_pandas(xy_df.reset_index(), key=["s"]) return sex_ht.annotate(**xy_ht[sex_ht.key])
[docs]def get_ploidy_cutoffs( ht: hl.Table, f_stat_cutoff: float = None, normal_ploidy_cutoff: int = 5, aneuploidy_cutoff: int = 6, group_by_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression = None, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, Tuple[float, float], float], Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float]]: """ Get chromosome X and Y ploidy cutoffs for XY and XX samples. .. note:: This assumes the input hail Table has the fields chrX_ploidy, and chrY_ploidy, and f_stat if `f_stat_cutoff` is set. Return a tuple of sex chromosome ploidy cutoffs: ((x_ploidy_cutoffs), (y_ploidy_cutoffs)). x_ploidy_cutoffs: (upper cutoff for single X, (lower cutoff for double X, upper cutoff for double X), lower cutoff for triple X) y_ploidy_cutoffs: ((lower cutoff for single Y, upper cutoff for single Y), lower cutoff for double Y) Uses the normal_ploidy_cutoff parameter to determine the ploidy cutoffs for XX and XY karyotypes. Uses the aneuploidy_cutoff parameter to determine the cutoffs for sex aneuploidies. .. note:: `f_stat_cutoff` or `group_by_expr` must be supplied. If `f_stat_cutoff` is supplied then f-stat is used to split the samples into roughly 'XX' and 'XY'. If `group_by_expr` is supplied instead, then it must include an annotation grouping samples by 'XX' and 'XY'. These are both only used to divide samples into XX and XY to determine means and standard deviations for these categories and are not used in the final karyotype annotation. :param ht: Table with f_stat and sex chromosome ploidies :param f_stat_cutoff: f-stat to roughly divide 'XX' from 'XY' samples. Assumes XX samples are below cutoff and XY are above cutoff. :param normal_ploidy_cutoff: Number of standard deviations to use when determining sex chromosome ploidy cutoffs for XX, XY karyotypes. :param aneuploidy_cutoff: Number of standard deviations to use when sex chromosome ploidy cutoffs for aneuploidies. :param group_by_expr: Expression grouping samples into 'XX' and 'XY'. Can be used instead of and `f_stat_cutoff`. :return: Tuple of ploidy cutoff tuples: ((x_ploidy_cutoffs), (y_ploidy_cutoffs)) """ if (f_stat_cutoff is None and group_by_expr is None) or ( f_stat_cutoff is not None and group_by_expr is not None ): raise ValueError( "One and only one of 'f_stat_cutoff' or 'group_by_expr' must be supplied!" ) # If 'f_stat_cutoff' is supplied, group the sex chromosome ploidy table by # f_stat cutoff if f_stat_cutoff is not None: group_by_expr = hl.if_else(ht.f_stat < f_stat_cutoff, "XX", "XY") # Get mean/stdev for chrX/Y ploidies based on 'group_by_expr' sex_stats = ht.aggregate( hl.agg.group_by( group_by_expr, hl.struct(x=hl.agg.stats(ht.chrX_ploidy), y=hl.agg.stats(ht.chrY_ploidy)), ) ) if "XX" not in sex_stats: raise ValueError("No samples are grouped as XX!") if "XY" not in sex_stats: raise ValueError("No samples are grouped as XY!")"XX stats: %s", sex_stats["XX"])"XY stats: %s", sex_stats["XY"]) cutoffs = ( ( sex_stats["XY"].x.mean + (normal_ploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XY"].x.stdev), ( sex_stats["XX"].x.mean - (normal_ploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XX"].x.stdev), sex_stats["XX"].x.mean + (normal_ploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XX"].x.stdev), ), sex_stats["XX"].x.mean + (aneuploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XX"].x.stdev), ), ( ( sex_stats["XX"].y.mean + (normal_ploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XX"].y.stdev), sex_stats["XY"].y.mean + (normal_ploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XY"].y.stdev), ), sex_stats["XY"].y.mean + (aneuploidy_cutoff * sex_stats["XY"].y.stdev), ), )"X ploidy cutoffs: %s", cutoffs[0])"Y ploidy cutoffs: %s", cutoffs[1]) return cutoffs
[docs]def get_chr_x_hom_alt_cutoffs( ht: hl.Table, chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression, f_stat_cutoff: float = None, group_by_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression = None, cutoff_stdev: int = 5, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float]: """ Get cutoffs for the fraction homozygous alternate genotypes on chromosome X in 'XY' and 'XX' samples. .. note:: This assumes the input hail Table has the field 'f_stat' if `f_stat_cutoff` is set. Return a tuple of cutoffs for the fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes (hom-alt/(hom-alt + het)) on chromosome X: ((lower cutoff for more than one X, upper cutoff for more than one X), lower cutoff for single X). Uses the `cutoff_stdev` parameter to determine the fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes (hom-alt/(hom-alt + het)) on chromosome X cutoffs for 'XX' and 'XY' karyotypes. .. note:: `f_stat_cutoff` or `group_by_expr` must be supplied. If `f_stat_cutoff` is supplied then f-stat is used to split the samples into roughly 'XX' and 'XY'. If `group_by_expr` is supplied instead, then it must include an annotation grouping samples by 'XX' and 'XY'. These are both only used to divide samples into XX and XY to determine means and standard deviations for these categories and are not used in the final karyotype annotation. :param ht: Table with f_stat and fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes on chromosome X. :param chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr: Fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes (hom-alt/(hom-alt + het)) on chromosome X. :param f_stat_cutoff: f-stat to roughly divide 'XX' from 'XY' samples. Assumes XX samples are below cutoff and XY are above cutoff. :param group_by_expr: Expression grouping samples into 'XX' and 'XY'. Can be used instead of `f_stat_cutoff`. :param cutoff_stdev: Number of standard deviations to use when determining sex chromosome ploidy cutoffs for XX, XY karyotypes. :return: Tuple of cutoffs: ((lower cutoff for more than one X, upper cutoff for more than one X), lower cutoff for single X). """ if (f_stat_cutoff is None and group_by_expr is None) or ( f_stat_cutoff is not None and group_by_expr is not None ): raise ValueError( "One and only one of 'f_stat_cutoff' or 'group_by_expr' must be supplied!" ) # If 'f_stat_cutoff' is supplied, group the input Table by f_stat cutoff if f_stat_cutoff is not None: group_by_expr = hl.if_else(ht.f_stat < f_stat_cutoff, "XX", "XY") # Get mean/stdev based on 'group_by_expr' sex_stats = ht.aggregate( hl.agg.group_by( group_by_expr, hl.struct(chrx_homalt=hl.agg.stats(chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr)), ) ) if "XX" not in sex_stats: raise ValueError("No samples are grouped as XX!") if "XY" not in sex_stats: raise ValueError("No samples are grouped as XY!")"XX stats: %s", sex_stats["XX"])"XY stats: %s", sex_stats["XY"]) cutoffs = ( ( sex_stats["XX"].chrx_homalt.mean - (cutoff_stdev * sex_stats["XX"].chrx_homalt.stdev), sex_stats["XX"].chrx_homalt.mean + (cutoff_stdev * sex_stats["XX"].chrx_homalt.stdev), ), sex_stats["XY"].chrx_homalt.mean - (cutoff_stdev * sex_stats["XY"].chrx_homalt.stdev), )"chrx_homalt cutoffs: %s", cutoffs) return cutoffs
[docs]def get_sex_expr( chr_x_ploidy: hl.expr.NumericExpression, chr_y_ploidy: hl.expr.NumericExpression, x_ploidy_cutoffs: Tuple[float, Tuple[float, float], float], y_ploidy_cutoffs: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float], chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr: Optional[hl.expr.NumericExpression] = None, chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float]] = None, ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Create a struct with X_karyotype, Y_karyotype, and sex_karyotype. Note that X0 is currently returned as 'X'. :param chr_x_ploidy: Chromosome X ploidy (or relative ploidy). :param chr_y_ploidy: Chromosome Y ploidy (or relative ploidy). :param x_ploidy_cutoffs: Tuple of X chromosome ploidy cutoffs: (upper cutoff for single X, (lower cutoff for double X, upper cutoff for double X), lower cutoff for triple X). :param y_ploidy_cutoffs: Tuple of Y chromosome ploidy cutoffs: ((lower cutoff for single Y, upper cutoff for single Y), lower cutoff for double Y). :param chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr: Fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes (hom-alt/(hom-alt + het)) on chromosome X. :param chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs: Tuple of cutoffs for the fraction of homozygous alternate genotypes (hom-alt/(hom-alt + het)) on chromosome X: ((lower cutoff for more than one X, upper cutoff for more than one X), lower cutoff for single X). :return: Struct containing X_karyotype, Y_karyotype, and sex_karyotype. """ if sum([chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr is None, chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs is None]) == 1: raise ValueError( "None or both of `chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr` and `chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs`" " must be set!" ) if chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr is not None: lower_cutoff_for_single_x = chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs[1] lower_cutoff_for_multiple_x = chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs[0][0] upper_cutoff_for_multiple_x = chr_x_frac_hom_alt_cutoffs[0][1] add_x_condition = chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr > lower_cutoff_for_single_x add_xx_condition = (chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr > lower_cutoff_for_multiple_x) & ( chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr < upper_cutoff_for_multiple_x ) add_xxx_condition = chr_x_frac_hom_alt_expr < upper_cutoff_for_multiple_x else: add_x_condition = add_xx_condition = add_xxx_condition = True upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_x = x_ploidy_cutoffs[0] lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_xx = x_ploidy_cutoffs[1][0] upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_xx = x_ploidy_cutoffs[1][1] lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_xxx = x_ploidy_cutoffs[2] lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_y = y_ploidy_cutoffs[0][0] upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_y = y_ploidy_cutoffs[0][1] lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_yy = y_ploidy_cutoffs[1] sex_expr = hl.struct( X_karyotype=( .when((chr_x_ploidy < upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_x) & add_x_condition, "X") .when( ( (chr_x_ploidy > lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_xx) & (chr_x_ploidy < upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_xx) & add_xx_condition ), "XX", ) .when( (chr_x_ploidy >= lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_xxx) & add_xxx_condition, "XXX" ) .default("ambiguous") ), Y_karyotype=( .when(chr_y_ploidy < lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_y, "") .when( ( (chr_y_ploidy > lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_y) & (chr_y_ploidy < upper_ploidy_cutoff_for_y) ), "Y", ) .when(chr_y_ploidy >= lower_ploidy_cutoff_for_yy, "YY") .default("ambiguous") ), ) return sex_expr.annotate( sex_karyotype=hl.if_else( (sex_expr.X_karyotype == "ambiguous") | (sex_expr.Y_karyotype == "ambiguous"), "ambiguous", sex_expr.X_karyotype + sex_expr.Y_karyotype, ) )