# noqa: D100
import logging
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import hail as hl
import networkx as nx
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
UNRELATED = "unrelated"
String representation for a pair of unrelated individuals in this module.
Typically >2nd degree relatives, but the threshold is user-dependant.
SECOND_DEGREE_RELATIVES = "second degree relatives"
String representation for a pair of 2nd degree relatives in this module.
PARENT_CHILD = "parent-child"
String representation for a parent-child pair in this module.
SIBLINGS = "siblings"
String representation for a sibling pair in this module.
DUPLICATE_OR_TWINS = "duplicate/twins"
String representation for a pair of samples who are identical (either MZ twins of duplicate) in this module.
String representation for a pair of samples whose relationship is ambiguous.
This is used in the case of a pair of samples which kinship/IBD values do not correspond to any biological relationship between two individuals.
[docs]def get_duplicated_samples(
relationship_ht: hl.Table,
i_col: str = "i",
j_col: str = "j",
rel_col: str = "relationship",
) -> List[Set[str]]:
Extract the list of duplicate samples using a Table ouput from pc_relate.
:param relationship_ht: Table with relationships between pairs of samples
:param i_col: Column containing the 1st sample
:param j_col: Column containing the 2nd sample
:param rel_col: Column containing the sample pair relationship annotated with get_relationship_expr
:return: List of sets of samples that are duplicates
def get_all_dups(
s: str, dups: Set[str], samples_duplicates: Dict[str, Set[str]]
) -> Tuple[Set[str], Dict[str, Set[str]]]:
Create the set of all duplicated samples corresponding to `s` that are found in `sample_duplicates`.
Also return the remaining sample duplicates after removing all duplicated samples corresponding to `s`.
Works by recursively adding duplicated samples to the set.
:param s: sample to identify duplicates for
:param dups: set of corresponding samples already identified
:param samples_duplicates: dict of sample -> duplicate-pair left to assign
:return: (set of duplicates corresponding to s found in samples_duplicates, remaining samples_duplicates)
if s in samples_duplicates:
s_dups = samples_duplicates.pop(s)
for s_dup in s_dups:
if s_dup not in dups:
dups, samples_duplicates = get_all_dups(
s_dup, dups, samples_duplicates
return dups, samples_duplicates
logger.info("Computing duplicate sets")
dup_pairs = relationship_ht.aggregate(
relationship_ht[rel_col] == DUPLICATE_OR_TWINS,
hl.agg.collect(hl.tuple([relationship_ht[i_col], relationship_ht[j_col]])),
samples_duplicates = defaultdict(set)
for i, j in dup_pairs:
duplicated_samples = []
while len(samples_duplicates) > 0:
dup_set, samples_duplicates = get_all_dups(
list(samples_duplicates)[0], set(), samples_duplicates
return duplicated_samples
[docs]def get_duplicated_samples_ht(
duplicated_samples: List[Set[str]],
samples_rankings_ht: hl.Table,
rank_ann: str = "rank",
Create a HT with duplicated samples sets.
Each row is indexed by the sample that is kept and also contains the set of duplicate samples that should be filtered.
`samples_rankings_ht` is a HT containing a global rank for each of the samples (smaller is better).
:param duplicated_samples: List of sets of duplicated samples
:param samples_rankings_ht: HT with global rank for each sample
:param rank_ann: Annotation in `samples_ranking_ht` containing each sample global rank (smaller is better).
:return: HT with duplicate sample sets, including which to keep/filter
dups_ht = hl.Table.parallelize(
hl.struct(dup_set=i, dups=duplicated_samples[i])
for i in range(0, len(duplicated_samples))
dups_ht = dups_ht.explode(dups_ht.dups, name="_dup")
dups_ht = dups_ht.key_by("_dup")
dups_ht = dups_ht.annotate(rank=samples_rankings_ht[dups_ht.key][rank_ann])
dups_cols = hl.bind(
lambda x: hl.struct(kept=x[0], filtered=x[1:]),
hl.agg.collect(hl.tuple([dups_ht._dup, dups_ht.rank])), key=lambda x: x[1]
).map(lambda x: x[0]),
dups_ht = dups_ht.group_by(dups_ht.dup_set).aggregate(**dups_cols)
if isinstance(dups_ht.kept, hl.expr.StructExpression):
dups_ht = dups_ht.key_by(**dups_ht.kept).drop("kept")
dups_ht = dups_ht.key_by(
) # Since there is no defined name in the case of a non-struct type, use `s`
return dups_ht
[docs]def explode_duplicate_samples_ht(dups_ht: hl.Table) -> hl.Table:
Explode the result of `get_duplicated_samples_ht`, so that each line contains a single sample.
An additional annotation is added: `dup_filtered` indicating which of the duplicated samples was kept.
Requires a field `filtered` which type should be the same as the input duplicated samples Table key.
:param dups_ht: Input HT
:return: Flattened HT
def get_dups_to_keep_expr():
if dups_ht.filtered.dtype.element_type == dups_ht.key.dtype:
return (dups_ht.key, False)
elif (len(dups_ht.key) == 1) & (
dups_ht.filtered.dtype.element_type == dups_ht.key[0].dtype
return (dups_ht.key[0], False)
raise TypeError(
"Cannot explode table as types of the filtered field"
f" ({dups_ht.filtered.dtype}) and the key ({dups_ht.key.dtype}) are"
" incompatible."
dups_ht = dups_ht.annotate(
dups_ht.filtered.map(lambda x: (x, True))
dups_ht = dups_ht.explode("dups")
dups_ht = dups_ht.key_by()
return dups_ht.select(s=dups_ht.dups[0], dup_filtered=dups_ht.dups[1]).key_by("s")
[docs]def get_relationship_expr( # TODO: The threshold detection could be easily automated by fitting distributions over the data.
kin_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
ibd0_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
ibd1_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
ibd2_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
first_degree_kin_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.19, 0.4),
second_degree_min_kin: float = 0.1,
ibd0_0_max: float = 0.025,
ibd0_25_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.425),
# ibd0_50_thresholds = [0.37, 0.625], Not useful for relationship inference
# ibd0_100_threshold = 0.625 , Not useful for relationship inference
ibd1_0_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (-0.15, 0.1),
# ibd1_25_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.37), Not useful for
# relationship inference
ibd1_50_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.275, 0.75),
ibd1_100_min: float = 0.75,
ibd2_0_max: float = 0.125,
ibd2_25_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.5),
ibd2_100_thresholds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.75, 1.25),
) -> hl.expr.StringExpression:
Return an expression indicating the relationship between a pair of samples given their kin coefficient and IBDO, IBD1, IBD2 values.
The kinship coefficient values in the defaults are in line with those output from
`hail.methods.pc_relate <https://hail.is/docs/0.2/methods/genetics.html?highlight=pc_relate#hail.methods.pc_relate>`.
:param kin_expr: Kin coefficient expression
:param ibd0_expr: IBDO expression
:param ibd1_expr: IBD1 expression
:param ibd2_expr: IDB2 expression
:param first_degree_kin_thresholds: (min, max) kinship threshold for 1st degree relatives
:param second_degree_min_kin: min kinship threshold for 2nd degree relatives
:param ibd0_0_max: max IBD0 threshold for 0 IBD0 sharing
:param ibd0_25_thresholds: (min, max) thresholds for 0.25 IBD0 sharing
:param ibd1_0_thresholds: (min, max) thresholds for 0 IBD1 sharing. Note that the min is there because pc_relate can output large negative values in some corner cases.
:param ibd1_50_thresholds: (min, max) thresholds for 0.5 IBD1 sharing
:param ibd1_100_min: min IBD1 threshold for 1.0 IBD1 sharing
:param ibd2_0_max: max IBD2 threshold for 0 IBD2 sharing
:param ibd2_25_thresholds: (min, max) thresholds for 0.25 IBD2 sharing
:param ibd2_100_thresholds: (min, max) thresholds for 1.00 IBD2 sharing. Note that the min is there because pc_relate can output much larger IBD2 values in some corner cases.
:return: The relationship annotation using the constants defined in this module.
return (
.when(kin_expr < second_degree_min_kin, UNRELATED)
.when((kin_expr < first_degree_kin_thresholds[0]), SECOND_DEGREE_RELATIVES)
(kin_expr < first_degree_kin_thresholds[1])
& (ibd0_expr <= ibd0_0_max)
& (ibd1_expr >= ibd1_100_min)
& (ibd2_expr <= ibd2_0_max),
(kin_expr < first_degree_kin_thresholds[1])
& (ibd0_expr >= ibd0_25_thresholds[0])
& (ibd0_expr <= ibd0_25_thresholds[1])
& (ibd1_expr >= ibd1_50_thresholds[0])
& (ibd1_expr <= ibd1_50_thresholds[1])
& (ibd2_expr >= ibd2_25_thresholds[0])
& (ibd2_expr <= ibd2_25_thresholds[1]),
(kin_expr > first_degree_kin_thresholds[1])
& (ibd0_expr < ibd0_0_max)
& (ibd1_expr >= ibd1_0_thresholds[0])
& (ibd1_expr <= ibd1_0_thresholds[1])
& (ibd2_expr >= ibd2_100_thresholds[0])
& (ibd2_expr <= ibd2_100_thresholds[1]),
[docs]def get_slope_int_relationship_expr(
kin_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
y_expr: hl.expr.NumericExpression,
parent_child_max_y: float,
second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope: float,
second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept: float,
second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope: float,
second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept: float,
duplicate_twin_min_kin: float = 0.42,
second_degree_min_kin: float = 0.1,
duplicate_twin_ibd1_min: float = -0.15,
duplicate_twin_ibd1_max: float = 0.1,
ibd1_expr: Optional[hl.expr.NumericExpression] = None,
Return an expression indicating the relationship between a pair of samples given slope and intercept cutoffs.
The kinship coefficient (`kin_expr`) and an additional metric (`y_expr`) are used
to define the relationship between a pair of samples. For this function the
slope and intercepts should refer to cutoff lines where the x-axis, or independent
variable is the kinship coefficient and the y-axis, or dependent variable, is
the metric defined by `y_expr`. Typically, the y-axis metric IBS0, IBS0/IBS2, or
.. note::
No defaults are provided for the slope and intercept cutoffs because they are
highly dependent on the dataset and the metric used in `y_expr`.
The relationship expression is determined as follows:
- If `kin_expr` < `second_degree_min_kin` -> UNRELATED
- If `kin_expr` > `duplicate_twin_min_kin`:
- If `y_expr` < `parent_child_max_y`:
- If `ibd1_expr` is defined:
- If `duplicate_twin_ibd1_min` <= `ibd1_expr` <= `
duplicate_twin_ibd1_max` -> DUPLICATE_OR_TWINS
- If `y_expr` < `parent_child_max_y` -> PARENT_CHILD
- If pair is over second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff line:
- If pair is over second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff line -> SIBLINGS
- If none of the above conditions are met -> AMBIGUOUS_RELATIONSHIP
:param kin_expr: Kin coefficient expression. Used as the x-axis, or independent
variable, for the slope and intercept cutoffs.
:param y_expr: Expression for the metric to use as the y-axis, or dependent
variable, for the slope and intercept cutoffs. This is typically an expression
for IBS0, IBS0/IBS2, or IBD0.
:param parent_child_max_y: Maximum value of the metric defined by `y_expr` for a
parent-child pair.
:param second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope: Slope of the line to use as a
lower cutoff for second degree relatives and siblings from parent-child pairs.
:param second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept: Intercept of the line to use
as a lower cutoff for second degree relatives and siblings from parent-child
:param second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope: Slope of the line to use as
an upper cutoff for second degree relatives and a lower cutoff for siblings.
:param second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept: Intercept of the line to
use as an upper cutoff for second degree relatives and a lower cutoff for
:param duplicate_twin_min_kin: Minimum kinship for duplicate or twin pairs.
Default is 0.42.
:param second_degree_min_kin: Minimum kinship threshold for 2nd degree relatives.
Default is 0.08838835. Bycroft et al. (2018) calculates a theoretical kinship
of 0.08838835 for a second degree relationship cutoff, but this cutoff should be
determined by evaluation of the kinship distribution.
:param ibd1_expr: Optional IBD1 expression. If this expression is provided,
`duplicate_twin_ibd1_min` and `duplicate_twin_ibd1_max` will be used as an
additional cutoff for duplicate or twin pairs.
:param duplicate_twin_ibd1_min: Minimum IBD1 cutoff for duplicate or twin pairs.
Note: the min is because pc_relate can output large negative values in some
corner cases.
:param duplicate_twin_ibd1_max: Maximum IBD1 cutoff for duplicate or twin pairs.
:return: The relationship annotation using the constants defined in this module.
# Only use a duplicate/twin IBD1 cutoff if an ibd1_expr is supplied.
if ibd1_expr is not None:
dup_twin_ibd1_expr = (ibd1_expr >= duplicate_twin_ibd1_min) & (
ibd1_expr <= duplicate_twin_ibd1_max
dup_twin_ibd1_expr = True
return (
.when(kin_expr < second_degree_min_kin, UNRELATED)
kin_expr > duplicate_twin_min_kin,
dup_twin_ibd1_expr & (y_expr < parent_child_max_y),
.when(y_expr < parent_child_max_y, PARENT_CHILD)
> second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope * kin_expr
+ second_degree_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept,
> second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_slope * kin_expr
+ second_degree_upper_sibling_lower_cutoff_intercept,
[docs]def infer_families(
relationship_ht: hl.Table,
sex: Union[hl.Table, Dict[str, bool]],
duplicate_samples_ht: hl.Table,
i_col: str = "i",
j_col: str = "j",
relationship_col: str = "relationship",
) -> hl.Pedigree:
Generate a pedigree containing trios inferred from the `relationship_ht`.
This function takes a hail Table with a row for each pair of related individuals i, j in the data (it's OK to have
unrelated samples too).
The `relationship_col` should be a column specifying the relationship between each two samples as defined in this
module's constants.
This function returns a pedigree containing trios inferred from the data. Family ID can be the same for multiple
trios if one or more members of the trios are related (e.g. sibs, multi-generational family). Trios are ordered by family ID.
.. note::
This function only returns complete trios defined as: one child, one father and one mother (sex is required for both parents).
:param relationship_ht: Input relationship table
:param sex: A Table or dict giving the sex for each sample (`TRUE`=female, `FALSE`=male). If a Table is given, it should have a field `is_female`.
:param duplicated_samples: All duplicated samples TO REMOVE (If not provided, this function won't work as it assumes that each child has exactly two parents)
:param i_col: Column containing the 1st sample of the pair in the relationship table
:param j_col: Column containing the 2nd sample of the pair in the relationship table
:param relationship_col: Column contatining the relationship for the sample pair as defined in this module constants.
:return: Pedigree of complete trios
def group_parent_child_pairs_by_fam(
parent_child_pairs: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],
) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]:
Group parent-child pairs into a list of families.
A family here is defined as a list of sample-pairs which all share at least one sample with at least one other
sample-pair in the list.
:param parent_child_pairs: All the parent-children pairs
:return: A list of families, where each element of the list is a list of the parent-children pairs
fam_id = 1 # stores the current family id
s_fam = dict() # stores the family id for each sample
fams = defaultdict(list) # stores fam_id -> sample-pairs
for pair in parent_child_pairs:
if pair[0] in s_fam:
if pair[1] in s_fam:
if (
s_fam[pair[0]] != s_fam[pair[1]]
): # If both samples are in different families, merge the families
new_fam_id = s_fam[pair[0]]
fam_id_to_merge = s_fam[pair[1]]
for s in s_fam:
if s_fam[s] == fam_id_to_merge:
s_fam[s] = new_fam_id
else: # If only the 1st sample in the pair is already in a family, assign the 2nd sample in the pair to the same family
s_fam[pair[1]] = s_fam[pair[0]]
elif (
pair[1] in s_fam
): # If only the 2nd sample in the pair is already in a family, assign the 1st sample in the pair to the same family
s_fam[pair[0]] = s_fam[pair[1]]
else: # If none of the samples in the pair is already in a family, create a new family
s_fam[pair[0]] = fam_id
s_fam[pair[1]] = fam_id
fam_id += 1
return list(fams.values())
def get_trios(
fam_id: str,
parent_child_pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]],
related_pairs: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str],
) -> List[hl.Trio]:
Generate trios based on the list of parent-child pairs in the family and all related pairs in the data.
Only complete parent/offspring trios are included in the results.
The trios are assembled as follows:
1. All pairs of unrelated samples with different sexes within the family are extracted as possible parent pairs
2. For each possible parent pair, a list of all children is constructed (each child in the list has a parent-offspring pair with each parent)
3. If there are multiple children for a given parent pair, all children should be siblings with each other
4. Check that each child was only assigned a single pair of parents. If a child is found to have multiple parent pairs, they are ALL discarded.
:param fam_id: The family ID
:param parent_child_pairs: The parent-child pairs for this family
:param related_pairs: All related sample pairs in the data
:return: List of trios in the family
def get_possible_parents(samples: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
Return all pairs of unrelated samples with different sexes within the family are extracted as possible parent pairs.
:param samples: All samples in the family
:return: Possible parent pairs
possible_parents = []
for i in range(len(samples)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(samples)):
if (
related_pairs.get(tuple(sorted([samples[i], samples[j]])))
is None
if sex.get(samples[i]) is False and sex.get(samples[j]) is True:
possible_parents.append((samples[i], samples[j]))
elif (
sex.get(samples[i]) is True and sex.get(samples[j]) is False
possible_parents.append((samples[j], samples[i]))
return possible_parents
def get_children(possible_parents: Tuple[str, str]) -> List[str]:
Construct a list of all children for a given possible parent pair.
Each child in the list has a parent-offspring pair with each parent.
:param possible_parents: A pair of possible parents
:return: The list of all children (if any) corresponding to the possible parents
possible_offsprings = defaultdict(
) # stores sample -> set of parents in the possible_parents where (sample, parent) is found in possible_child_pairs
for pair in parent_child_pairs:
if possible_parents[0] == pair[0]:
elif possible_parents[0] == pair[1]:
elif possible_parents[1] == pair[0]:
elif possible_parents[1] == pair[1]:
return [
s for s, parents in possible_offsprings.items() if len(parents) == 2
def check_sibs(children: List[str]) -> bool:
Confirm that all children of a parent pair are siblings with each other.
If there are multiple children for a given parent pair, all children should be siblings with each other.
:param children: List of all children for a given parent pair
:return: Whether all children in the list are siblings
for i in range(len(children)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(children)):
if (
related_pairs[tuple(sorted([children[i], children[j]]))]
return False
return True
def discard_multi_parents_children(trios: List[hl.Trio]):
Check that each child was only assigned a single pair of parents.
If a child is found to have multiple parent pairs, they are ALL discarded.
:param trios: All trios formed for this family
:return: The list of trios for which each child has a single parents pair.
children_trios = defaultdict(list)
for trio in trios:
for s, s_trios in children_trios.items():
if len(s_trios) > 1:
"Discarded duplicated child %s found multiple in trios: %s",
", ".join([str(trio) for trio in s_trios]),
return [trios[0] for trios in children_trios.values() if len(trios) == 1]
# Get all possible pairs of parents in (father, mother) order
all_possible_parents = get_possible_parents(
list({s for pair in parent_child_pairs for s in pair})
trios = []
for possible_parents in all_possible_parents:
children = get_children(possible_parents)
if check_sibs(children):
for s in children
"Discarded family with same parents, and multiple offspring that"
" weren't siblings:\nMother: %s\nFather:%s\nChildren:%s",
", ".join(children),
return discard_multi_parents_children(trios)
# Get all the relations we care about:
# => Remove unrelateds and duplicates
dups = duplicate_samples_ht.aggregate(
lambda dup: hl.agg.collect_as_set(dup), duplicate_samples_ht.filtered
relationship_ht = relationship_ht.filter(
& ~dups.contains(relationship_ht[j_col])
& (relationship_ht[relationship_col] != UNRELATED)
# Check relatedness table format
if not relationship_ht[i_col].dtype == relationship_ht[j_col].dtype:
"i_col and j_col of the relatedness table need to be of the same type."
# If i_col and j_col aren't str, then convert them
if not isinstance(relationship_ht[i_col], hl.expr.StringExpression):
"Pedigrees can only be constructed from string IDs, but your relatedness_ht"
" ID column is of type: %s. Expression will be converted to string in"
" Pedigrees.",
if isinstance(relationship_ht[i_col], hl.expr.StructExpression):
"Struct fields %s will be joined by underscores to use as sample names"
" in Pedigree.",
relationship_ht = relationship_ht.key_by(
i_col: hl.delimit(
for x in relationship_ht[i_col]
j_col: hl.delimit(
for x in relationship_ht[j_col]
raise NotImplementedError(
"The `i_col` and `j_col` columns of the `relationship_ht` argument"
" passed to infer_families are not of type StringExpression or Struct."
# If sex is a Table, extract sex information as a Dict
if isinstance(sex, hl.Table):
sex = dict(hl.tuple([sex.s, sex.is_female]).collect())
# Collect all related sample pairs and
# create a dictionnary with pairs as keys and relationships as values
# Sample-pairs are tuples ordered by sample name
related_pairs = {
tuple(sorted([i, j])): rel
for i, j, rel in hl.tuple(
[relationship_ht.i, relationship_ht.j, relationship_ht.relationship]
parent_child_pairs_by_fam = group_parent_child_pairs_by_fam(
[pair for pair, rel in related_pairs.items() if rel == PARENT_CHILD]
return hl.Pedigree(
for fam_index, parent_child_pairs in enumerate(parent_child_pairs_by_fam)
for trio in get_trios(str(fam_index), parent_child_pairs, related_pairs)
[docs]def create_fake_pedigree(
n: int,
sample_list: List[str],
exclude_real_probands: bool = False,
max_tries: int = 10,
real_pedigree: Optional[hl.Pedigree] = None,
sample_list_stratification: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> hl.Pedigree:
Generate a pedigree made of trios created by sampling 3 random samples in the sample list.
- If `real_pedigree` is given, then children in the resulting fake trios will not
include any trio with proband - parents that are in the real ones.
- Each sample can be used only once as a proband in the resulting trios.
- Sex of probands in fake trios is random.
:param n: Number of fake trios desired in the pedigree.
:param sample_list: List of samples.
:param exclude_real_probands: If set, then fake trios probands cannot be in the
real trios probands.
:param max_tries: Maximum number of sampling to try before bailing out (preventing
infinite loop if `n` is too large w.r.t. the number of samples).
:param real_pedigree: Optional pedigree to exclude children from.
:param sample_list_stratification: Optional dictionary with samples as keys and
a value that should be used to stratify samples in `sample_list` into groups
that the trio should be picked from. This ensures that each fake trio will
contain samples from only the same stratification. For example, if all samples
within a fake trio should be chosen from the same platform, this can be a
dictionary of sample: platform.
:return: Fake pedigree.
real_trios = (
{trio.s: trio for trio in real_pedigree.trios}
if real_pedigree is not None
else dict()
if sample_list_stratification is not None:
sample_list_stratified = defaultdict(list)
for s in sample_list:
s_strata = sample_list_stratification.get(s)
if s_strata is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Sample {s} not found in 'sample_list_stratification' dict!"
sample_list_stratified = None
if exclude_real_probands and len(real_trios) == len(set(sample_list)):
"All samples are in the real probands list; cannot create any fake"
" pedigrees with exclude_real_probands=True. Returning an empty Pedigree."
return hl.Pedigree([])
fake_trios = {}
tries = 0
while len(fake_trios) < n and tries < max_tries:
s = random.choice(sample_list)
if sample_list_stratified is None:
curr_sample_list = sample_list
curr_sample_list = sample_list_stratified[sample_list_stratification[s]]
mat_id, pat_id = random.sample(curr_sample_list, 2)
if (
s in real_trios
and (
or {mat_id, pat_id} == {real_trios[s].mat_id, real_trios[s].pat_id}
) or s in fake_trios:
tries += 1
tries = 0
fake_trios[s] = hl.Trio(
if tries == max_tries:
"Only returning %d fake trios; random trio sampling stopped after reaching"
" the maximum %d iterations",
return hl.Pedigree(list(fake_trios.values()))
[docs]def filter_to_trios(
mtds: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable, hl.vds.VariantDataset], fam_ht: hl.Table
) -> Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable, hl.vds.VariantDataset]:
Filter a Table, MatrixTable or VariantDataset to a set of trios in `fam_ht`.
.. note::
Using `filter_cols` in MatrixTable will not affect the number of rows
(variants), however, using `filter_samples` in VariantDataset will remove the
variants that are not present in any of the trios.
:param mtds: A Variant Dataset or a Matrix Table or a Table to filter to only trios.
:param fam_ht: A Table of trios to filter to, loaded using `hl.import_fam`.
:return: A Table, MatrixTable or VariantDataset with only the trios in `fam_ht`.
# Filter to samples present in any of the trios.
fam_ht = fam_ht.annotate(fam_members=[fam_ht.id, fam_ht.pat_id, fam_ht.mat_id])
fam_ht = fam_ht.explode("fam_members", name="s")
fam_ht = fam_ht.key_by("s").select().distinct()
if isinstance(mtds, hl.Table):
mtds = mtds.semi_join(fam_ht)
elif isinstance(mtds, hl.MatrixTable):
mtds = mtds.filter_cols(hl.is_defined(fam_ht[mtds.col_key]))
elif isinstance(mtds, hl.vds.VariantDataset):
mtds = hl.vds.filter_samples(mtds, fam_ht)
raise ValueError("mtds must be a Table, MatrixTable, or VariantDataset")
return mtds
[docs]def generate_trio_stats_expr(
trio_mt: hl.MatrixTable,
transmitted_strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = {"raw": True},
de_novo_strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = {"raw": True},
ac_strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = {"raw": True},
proband_is_female_expr: Optional[hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = None,
) -> hl.expr.StructExpression:
Generate a row-wise expression containing trio transmission stats.
The expression will generate the following counts:
- Number of alleles in het parents transmitted to the proband
- Number of alleles in het parents not transmitted to the proband
- Number of de novo mutations
- Parent allele count
- Proband allele count
Transmission and de novo mutation metrics and allele counts can be stratified using additional filters.
`transmitted_strata`, `de_novo_strata`, and `ac_strata` all expect a dictionary of filtering expressions keyed
by their desired suffix to append for labeling. The default will perform counts using all genotypes and append
'raw' to the label.
.. note::
Expects that `mt` is dense if dealing with a sparse MT `hl.experimental.densify` must be run first.
:param trio_mt: A trio standard trio MT (with the format as produced by hail.methods.trio_matrix)
:param transmitted_strata: Strata for the transmission counts
:param de_novo_strata: Strata for the de novo counts
:param ac_strata: Strata for the parent and child allele counts
:param proband_is_female_expr: An optional expression giving the sex the proband. If not given, DNMs are only computed for autosomes.
:return: An expression with the counts
# Create map for transmitted, untransmitted and DNM
hom_ref = 0
het = 1
hom_var = 2
auto_or_par = 2
hemi_x = 1
hemi_y = 0
trans_config_counts = {
# kid, dad, mom, copy -> t, u
(hom_ref, het, het, auto_or_par): (0, 2),
(hom_ref, hom_ref, het, auto_or_par): (0, 1),
(hom_ref, het, hom_ref, auto_or_par): (0, 1),
(het, het, het, auto_or_par): (1, 1),
(het, hom_ref, het, auto_or_par): (1, 0),
(het, het, hom_ref, auto_or_par): (1, 0),
(het, hom_var, het, auto_or_par): (0, 1),
(het, het, hom_var, auto_or_par): (0, 1),
(hom_var, het, het, auto_or_par): (2, 0),
(hom_var, het, hom_var, auto_or_par): (1, 0),
(hom_var, hom_var, het, auto_or_par): (1, 0),
(hom_ref, hom_ref, het, hemi_x): (0, 1),
(hom_ref, hom_var, het, hemi_x): (0, 1),
(hom_var, hom_ref, het, hemi_x): (1, 0),
(hom_var, hom_var, het, hemi_x): (1, 0),
trans_count_map = hl.literal(trans_config_counts)
def _get_copy_state(locus: hl.expr.LocusExpression) -> hl.expr.Int32Expression:
"""Get copy-state int from LocusExpression for indexing into trans_count_map."""
return (
.when(locus.in_autosome_or_par(), auto_or_par)
.when(locus.in_x_nonpar(), hemi_x)
.when(locus.in_y_nonpar(), hemi_y)
def _is_dnm(
proband_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
father_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
mother_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
locus: hl.expr.LocusExpression,
proband_is_female: Optional[hl.expr.BooleanExpression],
) -> hl.expr.BooleanExpression:
"""Determine whether a trio genotype combination is a DNM."""
if proband_is_female is None:
"Since no proband sex expression was given to generate_trio_stats_expr,"
" only DNMs in autosomes will be counted."
return hl.or_missing(
proband_gt.is_het() & father_gt.is_hom_ref() & mother_gt.is_hom_ref(),
return hl.if_else(
locus.in_autosome_or_par() | (proband_is_female & locus.in_x_nonpar()),
proband_gt.is_het() & father_gt.is_hom_ref() & mother_gt.is_hom_ref(),
~proband_is_female, proband_gt.is_hom_var() & father_gt.is_hom_ref()
def _ac_an_parent_child_count(
proband_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
father_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
mother_gt: hl.expr.CallExpression,
) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.Int64Expression]:
"""Get AC and AN for parents and children."""
ac_parent_expr = hl.agg.sum(
father_gt.n_alt_alleles() + mother_gt.n_alt_alleles()
an_parent_expr = hl.agg.sum(
(hl.is_defined(father_gt) + hl.is_defined(mother_gt)) * 2
ac_child_expr = hl.agg.sum(proband_gt.n_alt_alleles())
an_child_expr = hl.agg.sum(hl.is_defined(proband_gt) * 2)
return {
"ac_parents": ac_parent_expr,
"an_parents": an_parent_expr,
"ac_children": ac_child_expr,
"an_children": an_child_expr,
# Create transmission counters
trio_stats = hl.struct(
f"{name2}_{name}": hl.agg.filter(
| trio_mt.father_entry.GT.is_non_ref()
| trio_mt.mother_entry.GT.is_non_ref()
& expr,
default=(0, 0),
for name, expr in transmitted_strata.items()
for i, name2 in enumerate(["n_transmitted", "n_untransmitted"])
# Create de novo counters
trio_stats = trio_stats.annotate(
f"n_de_novos_{name}": hl.agg.filter(
& expr,
for name, expr in de_novo_strata.items()
trio_stats = trio_stats.annotate(
f"{name2}_{name}": hl.agg.filter(
for name, expr in ac_strata.items()
for name2 in ["ac_parents", "an_parents", "ac_children", "an_children"]
return trio_stats
[docs]def generate_sib_stats_expr(
mt: hl.MatrixTable,
sib_ht: hl.Table,
i_col: str = "i",
j_col: str = "j",
strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = {"raw": True},
is_female: Optional[hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = None,
) -> hl.expr.StructExpression:
Generate a row-wise expression containing the number of alternate alleles in common between sibling pairs.
The sibling sharing counts can be stratified using additional filters using `stata`.
.. note::
This function expects that the `mt` has either been split or filtered to only bi-allelics
If a sample has multiple sibling pairs, only one pair will be counted
:param mt: Input matrix table
:param sib_ht: Table defining sibling pairs with one sample in a col (`i_col`) and the second in another col (`j_col`)
:param i_col: Column containing the 1st sample of the pair in the relationship table
:param j_col: Column containing the 2nd sample of the pair in the relationship table
:param strata: Dict with additional strata to use when computing shared sibling variant counts
:param is_female: An optional column in mt giving the sample sex. If not given, counts are only computed for autosomes.
:return: A Table with the sibling shared variant counts
def _get_alt_count(locus, gt, is_female):
"""Calculate alt allele count with sex info if present."""
if is_female is None:
return hl.or_missing(locus.in_autosome(), gt.n_alt_alleles())
return (
.when(locus.in_autosome_or_par(), gt.n_alt_alleles())
~is_female & (locus.in_x_nonpar() | locus.in_y_nonpar()),
hl.min(1, gt.n_alt_alleles()),
.when(is_female & locus.in_y_nonpar(), 0)
if is_female is None:
"Since no sex expression was given to generate_sib_stats_expr, only"
" variants in autosomes will be counted."
# If a sample is in sib_ht more than one time, keep only one of the sibling pairs
# First filter to only samples found in mt to keep as many pairs as possible
s_to_keep = mt.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.collect_as_set(mt.s), _localize=False)
sib_ht = sib_ht.filter(
s_to_keep.contains(sib_ht[i_col].s) & s_to_keep.contains(sib_ht[j_col].s)
sib_ht = sib_ht.add_index("sib_idx")
sib_ht = sib_ht.annotate(sibs=[sib_ht[i_col].s, sib_ht[j_col].s])
sib_ht = sib_ht.explode("sibs")
sib_ht = sib_ht.group_by("sibs").aggregate(
sib_idx=(hl.agg.take(sib_ht.sib_idx, 1, ordering=sib_ht.sib_idx)[0])
sib_ht = sib_ht.group_by(sib_ht.sib_idx).aggregate(sibs=hl.agg.collect(sib_ht.sibs))
sib_ht = sib_ht.filter(hl.len(sib_ht.sibs) == 2).persist()
"Generating sibling variant sharing counts using %d pairs.", sib_ht.count()
sib_ht = sib_ht.explode("sibs").key_by("sibs")[mt.s]
# Create sibling sharing counters
sib_stats = hl.struct(
f"n_sib_shared_variants_{name}": hl.sum(
hl.agg.sum(hl.is_defined(mt.GT)) == 2,
hl.agg.min(_get_alt_count(mt.locus, mt.GT, is_female)),
for name, expr in strata.items()
sib_stats = sib_stats.annotate(
f"ac_sibs_{name}": hl.agg.filter(
expr & hl.is_defined(sib_ht.sib_idx), hl.agg.sum(mt.GT.n_alt_alleles())
for name, expr in strata.items()
return sib_stats