Source code for gnomad.sample_qc.filtering

# noqa: D100

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import hail as hl
import pandas as pd
from annoy import AnnoyIndex
from hail.utils.misc import divide_null, new_temp_file
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

from gnomad.utils.gen_stats import get_median_and_mad_expr, merge_stats_counters_expr

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def compute_qc_metrics_residuals( ht: hl.Table, pc_scores: hl.expr.ArrayNumericExpression, qc_metrics: Dict[str, hl.expr.NumericExpression], use_pc_square: bool = True, n_pcs: Optional[int] = None, regression_sample_inclusion_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression = hl.bool(True), strata: Optional[Dict[str, hl.expr.Expression]] = None, ) -> hl.Table: """ Compute QC metrics residuals after regressing out PCs (and optionally PC^2). .. note:: The `regression_sample_inclusion_expr` can be used to select a subset of the samples to include in the regression calculation. Residuals are always computed for all samples. :param ht: Input sample QC metrics HT. :param pc_scores: The expression in the input HT that stores the PC scores. :param qc_metrics: A dictionary with the name of each QC metric to compute residuals for and their corresponding expression in the input HT. :param use_pc_square: Whether to use PC^2 in the regression or not. :param n_pcs: Numer of PCs to use. If not set, then all PCs in `pc_scores` are used. :param regression_sample_inclusion_expr: An optional expression to select samples to include in the regression calculation. :param strata: Optional dictionary used for stratification. Keys are strata names and values are filtering expressions. These expressions should refer to data with discrete types! :return: Table with QC metrics residuals. """ if strata is None: strata = {"all": True} collapse_lms = True else: collapse_lms = False # Annotate QC HT with fields necessary for computation _sample_qc_ht = **qc_metrics, scores=pc_scores, _keep=regression_sample_inclusion_expr, _strata=hl.tuple([strata[x] for x in strata]), ) # If n_pcs wasn't provided, use all PCs if n_pcs is None: n_pcs = _sample_qc_ht.aggregate(hl.agg.min(hl.len(_sample_qc_ht.scores))) "Computing regressed QC metrics filters using %d PCs for metrics: %s", n_pcs, ", ".join(qc_metrics), ) # Prepare regression variables, adding 1.0 first for the intercept # Adds square of variables if use_pc_square is true x_expr = [1.0] + [_sample_qc_ht.scores[i] for i in range(0, n_pcs)] if use_pc_square: x_expr.extend( [_sample_qc_ht.scores[i] * _sample_qc_ht.scores[i] for i in range(0, n_pcs)] ) # Compute linear regressions lms = _sample_qc_ht.aggregate( hl.agg.group_by( _sample_qc_ht._strata, hl.struct( **{ metric: hl.agg.filter( _sample_qc_ht._keep, hl.agg.linreg(y=_sample_qc_ht[metric], x=x_expr), ) for metric in qc_metrics } ), ), _localize=False, ) _sample_qc_ht = _sample_qc_ht.annotate_globals(lms=lms) _sample_qc_ht = _sample_qc_ht.checkpoint( new_temp_file("compute_qc_metrics_residuals.lms", extension="ht") ) # Compute residuals def get_lm_prediction_expr(metric: str): lm_pred_expr = _sample_qc_ht.lms[_sample_qc_ht._strata][metric].beta[ 0 ] + hl.sum( hl.range(n_pcs).map( lambda i: _sample_qc_ht.lms[_sample_qc_ht._strata][metric].beta[i + 1] * _sample_qc_ht.scores[i] ) ) if use_pc_square: lm_pred_expr = lm_pred_expr + hl.sum( hl.range(n_pcs).map( lambda i: _sample_qc_ht.lms[_sample_qc_ht._strata][metric].beta[ i + n_pcs + 1 ] * _sample_qc_ht.scores[i] * _sample_qc_ht.scores[i] ) ) return lm_pred_expr residuals_ht = **{ f"{metric}_residual": _sample_qc_ht[metric] - get_lm_prediction_expr(metric) for metric in qc_metrics } ) if collapse_lms: residuals_ht = residuals_ht.annotate_globals( lms=residuals_ht.lms[hl.tuple([True])] ) residuals_ht = residuals_ht.checkpoint( new_temp_file("compute_qc_metrics_residuals.residuals", extension="ht") ) return residuals_ht
[docs]def compute_stratified_metrics_filter( ht: hl.Table, qc_metrics: Dict[str, hl.expr.NumericExpression], strata: Optional[Dict[str, hl.expr.Expression]] = None, lower_threshold: float = 4.0, upper_threshold: float = 4.0, metric_threshold: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, filter_name: str = "qc_metrics_filters", comparison_sample_expr: Optional[ Union[hl.expr.BooleanExpression, hl.expr.CollectionExpression] ] = None, ) -> hl.Table: """ Compute median, MAD, and upper and lower thresholds for each metric used in outlier filtering. :param ht: HT containing relevant sample QC metric annotations. :param qc_metrics: List of metrics (name and expr) for which to compute the critical values for filtering outliers. :param strata: Dictionary of annotations used for stratification. These metrics should be discrete types! :param lower_threshold: Lower MAD threshold. :param upper_threshold: Upper MAD threshold. :param metric_threshold: Can be used to specify different (lower, upper) thresholds for one or more metrics. :param filter_name: Name of resulting filters annotation. :param comparison_sample_expr: Optional BooleanExpression or CollectionExpression of sample IDs to use for computation of the metric median, MAD, and upper and lower thresholds to use for each sample. For instance, this works well with the output of `determine_nearest_neighbors` or a boolean expression defining releasable samples. :return: Table grouped by strata, with upper and lower threshold values computed for each sample QC metric. """ _metric_threshold = { metric: (lower_threshold, upper_threshold) for metric in qc_metrics } if metric_threshold is not None: _metric_threshold.update(metric_threshold) no_strata = False if strata is None: no_strata = True strata = {"all": True} strata = list(strata.items()) select_expr = { "_qc_metrics": qc_metrics, "_strata": hl.tuple([x[1] for x in strata]), } sample_explode = False if comparison_sample_expr is not None: if isinstance(comparison_sample_expr, hl.expr.BooleanExpression): select_expr["_comparison_qc_metrics"] = hl.or_missing( comparison_sample_expr, qc_metrics ) ht =**select_expr) metric_ann = "_comparison_qc_metrics" strata_ann = "_strata" else: sample_explode = True select_expr["_comparison_sample"] = comparison_sample_expr pre_explode_ht =**select_expr) ht = pre_explode_ht.explode(pre_explode_ht._comparison_sample) ht = ht.annotate( _comparison_qc_metrics=ht[ht._comparison_sample]._qc_metrics, _comparison_strata=ht[ht._comparison_sample]._strata, ) metric_ann = "_comparison_qc_metrics" strata_ann = "_comparison_strata" else: ht =**select_expr) metric_ann = "_qc_metrics" strata_ann = "_strata" ht = ht.checkpoint( new_temp_file("compute_stratified_metrics_filter", extension="ht") ) agg_expr = hl.agg.group_by( ht[strata_ann], hl.struct( **{ metric: hl.bind( lambda x: x.annotate( lower=x.median - _metric_threshold[metric][0] * x.mad, upper=x.median + _metric_threshold[metric][1] * x.mad, ), get_median_and_mad_expr(ht[metric_ann][metric]), ) for metric in qc_metrics } ), ) select_expr = {} if sample_explode: ht = pre_explode_ht.annotate( **ht.group_by(ht.s).aggregate(qc_metrics_stats=agg_expr)[pre_explode_ht.key] ) select_expr = {"qc_metrics_stats": ht.qc_metrics_stats} else: ht = ht.annotate_globals( qc_metrics_stats=ht.aggregate(agg_expr, _localize=False) ) metrics_stats_expr = ht.qc_metrics_stats[ht._strata] select_expr.update( **{ f"fail_{metric}": ( ht._qc_metrics[metric] <= metrics_stats_expr[metric].lower ) | (ht._qc_metrics[metric] >= metrics_stats_expr[metric].upper) for metric in qc_metrics } ) ht =**select_expr) stratified_filters = hl.set( hl.filter( lambda x: hl.is_defined(x), [hl.or_missing(ht[f"fail_{metric}"], metric) for metric in qc_metrics], ) ) ht = ht.annotate(**{filter_name: stratified_filters}) if no_strata: ann_expr = {"qc_metrics_stats": ht.qc_metrics_stats[(True,)]} if sample_explode: ht = ht.annotate(**ann_expr) else: ht = ht.annotate_globals(**ann_expr) else: ht = ht.annotate_globals(strata=hl.tuple([x[0] for x in strata])) ht = ht.annotate_globals(qc_metrics=list(qc_metrics.keys())) return ht
[docs]def compute_stratified_sample_qc( mtds: Union[hl.MatrixTable, hl.vds.VariantDataset], strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression], tmp_ht_prefix: Optional[str], gt_col: Optional[str] = None, ) -> hl.Table: """ Run hl.sample_qc on different strata and then also merge the results into a single expression. .. note:: Strata should be non-overlapping, e.g. SNV vs indels or bi-allelic vs multi-allelic :param mtds: Input MatrixTable or VariantDataset :param strata: Strata names and filtering expressions :param tmp_ht_prefix: Optional path prefix to write the intermediate strata results to (recommended for larger datasets) :param gt_col: Name of entry field storing the genotype. Default: 'GT' :return: Sample QC table, including strat-specific numbers """ is_vds = isinstance(mtds, hl.vds.VariantDataset) if is_vds: mt = mtds.variant_data else: mt = mtds mt = mt.select_rows(**strata) if gt_col is not None: mt = mt.select_entries(GT=mt[gt_col]) else: mt = mt.select_entries("GT") strat_hts = {} for strat in strata: if is_vds: ht = mt.filter_rows(mt[strat]).rows() strat_sample_qc_ht = hl.vds.sample_qc(hl.vds.filter_variants(mtds, ht)) else: strat_sample_qc_ht = hl.sample_qc(mt.filter_rows(mt[strat])).cols() if tmp_ht_prefix is not None: strat_sample_qc_ht = strat_sample_qc_ht.checkpoint( tmp_ht_prefix + f"_{strat}.ht", overwrite=True ) else: strat_sample_qc_ht = strat_sample_qc_ht.persist() strat_hts[strat] = strat_sample_qc_ht sample_qc_ht = strat_hts.pop(list(strata)[0]) if is_vds: sample_qc_ht = **{ f"{list(strata)[0]}_sample_qc": hl.struct( **{ f"{field}": sample_qc_ht[field] for field in sample_qc_ht.row_value } ) }, **{ f"{strat}_sample_qc": hl.struct( **{ f"{field}": strat_hts[strat][sample_qc_ht.key][field] for field in sample_qc_ht.row_value } ) for strat in list(strata)[1:] }, ) else: sample_qc_ht = **{f"{list(strata)[0]}_sample_qc": sample_qc_ht.sample_qc}, **{ f"{strat}_sample_qc": strat_hts[strat][sample_qc_ht.key].sample_qc for strat in list(strata)[1:] }, ) sample_qc_ht = sample_qc_ht.annotate( sample_qc=merge_sample_qc_expr(list(sample_qc_ht.row_value.values())) ) return sample_qc_ht
[docs]def merge_sample_qc_expr( sample_qc_exprs: List[hl.expr.StructExpression], ) -> hl.expr.StructExpression: """ Create an expression that merges results from non-overlapping strata of hail.sample_qc. E.g.: - Compute autosomes and sex chromosomes metrics separately, then merge results - Compute bi-allelic and multi-allelic metrics separately, then merge results Note regarding the merging of ``dp_stats`` and ``gq_stats``: Because ``n`` is needed to aggregate ``stdev``, ``n_called`` is used for this purpose. This should work very well on a standard GATK VCF and it essentially assumes that: - samples that are called have `DP` and `GQ` fields - samples that are not called do not have `DP` and `GQ` fields Even if these assumptions are broken for some genotypes, it shouldn't matter too much. :param sample_qc_exprs: List of sample QC struct expressions for each stratification :return: Combined sample QC results """ # List of metrics that can be aggregated by summing additive_metrics = ( [ "n_called", "n_not_called", "n_filtered", "n_hom_ref", "n_het", "n_hom_var", "n_non_ref", "n_snp", "n_insertion", "n_deletion", "n_singleton", "n_transition", "n_transversion", "n_star", "n_singleton_ti", "n_singleton_tv", ] + ["gq_over_" + f"{GQ}" for GQ in range(0, 70, 10)] + ["dp_over_" + f"{DP}" for DP in range(0, 40, 10)] ) # List of metrics that are ratio of summed metrics (name, nominator, denominator) ratio_metrics = [ ("call_rate", "n_called", "n_not_called"), ("r_ti_tv", "n_transition", "n_transversion"), ("r_ti_tv_singleton", "n_singleton_ti", "n_singleton_tv"), ("r_het_hom_var", "n_het", "n_hom_var"), ("r_insertion_deletion", "n_insertion", "n_deletion"), ] # List of metrics that are struct generated by a stats counter stats_metrics = ["gq_stats", "dp_stats"] # Gather metrics present in sample qc fields sample_qc_fields = set(sample_qc_exprs[0]) for sample_qc_expr in sample_qc_exprs[1:]: sample_qc_fields = sample_qc_fields.union(set(sample_qc_expr)) # Merge additive metrics in sample qc fields merged_exprs = { metric: hl.sum([sample_qc_expr[metric] for sample_qc_expr in sample_qc_exprs]) for metric in additive_metrics if metric in sample_qc_fields } # Merge ratio metrics in sample qc fields merged_exprs.update( { metric: hl.float64(divide_null(merged_exprs[nom], merged_exprs[denom])) for metric, nom, denom in ratio_metrics if nom in sample_qc_fields and denom in sample_qc_fields } ) # Merge stats counter metrics in sample qc fields # Use n_called as n for DP and GQ stats if "n_called" in sample_qc_fields: merged_exprs.update( { metric: merge_stats_counters_expr( [ sample_qc_expr[metric].annotate(n=sample_qc_expr.n_called) for sample_qc_expr in sample_qc_exprs ] ).drop("n") for metric in stats_metrics if metric in sample_qc_fields } ) return hl.struct(**merged_exprs)
[docs]def determine_nearest_neighbors( ht: hl.Table, scores_expr: hl.expr.ArrayNumericExpression, strata: Optional[Dict[str, hl.expr.Expression]] = None, n_pcs: Optional[int] = None, n_neighbors: int = 50, n_jobs: int = -1, add_neighbor_distances: bool = False, distance_metric: str = "euclidean", use_approximation: bool = False, n_trees: int = 10, ) -> hl.Table: """ Determine the nearest neighbors of each sample with information in `scores_expr`. .. note:: If strata is provided, the nearest neighbors for each sample is limited to the other samples with the same strata values. If `n_neighbors` is greater than the number of samples in a stratification grouping, all samples within the stratification are returned and a warning is raised indicating that any sample within the stratification group has less than the expected `n_neighbors`. The following annotations are in the returned Table: - nearest_neighbors - nearest_neighbor_dists (if `add_neighbor_distances` is True) :param ht: Input Table. :param scores_expr: Expression in the input HT that stores the PC scores. :param strata: Optional dictionary used for stratification. Keys are strata names and values are filtering expressions. These expressions should refer to data with discrete types! :param n_pcs: Number of PCs to use. If not set, then all PCs in `scores_expr` are used. :param n_neighbors: Number of nearest neighbors to identify for each sample. Default is 50. :param n_jobs: Number of threads to use when finding the nearest neighbors. Default is -1 which uses the number of CPUs on the head node -1. :param add_neighbor_distances: Whether to return an annotation for the nearest neighbor distances. :param distance_metric: Distance metric to use. Default is euclidean. Options using scikit-learn are: "euclidean", "cityblock", "cosine", "haversine", "l1", "l2", and "manhattan". Options using Annoy: "angular", "euclidean", "manhattan", "hamming", and "dot". :param use_approximation: Whether to use the package Annoy to determine approximate nearest neighbors instead of using scikit-learn's `NearestNeighbors`. This method is faster, but only needed for very large datasets, for instance > 500,000 samples. :param n_trees: Number of trees to use in the annoy approximation approach. `n_trees` is provided during build time and affects the build time and the index size. A larger value will give more accurate results, but larger indexes. Default is 10. :return: Table with an annotation for the nearest neighbors and optionally their distances. """ # Get spark session for conversion of pandas DataFrame to a spark DataFrame. # This method is faster and uses less memory than hl.Table.from_pandas. spark = # Annotate HT with fields necessary for nearest neighbors computation. # Checkpoint before filtering and exporting to pandas dataframes. ann_expr = {"scores": scores_expr} if strata is not None: ann_expr["strata"] = hl.tuple([strata[x] for x in strata]) else: ann_expr["strata"] = True # If `n_pcs` wasn't provided, use all PCs. if n_pcs is None: n_pcs = ht.aggregate(hl.agg.min(hl.len(scores_expr))) _ht =**ann_expr) _ht = _ht.filter(hl.is_defined(_ht.scores)) _ht = _ht.transmute(**{f"PC{i + 1}": _ht.scores[i] for i in range(n_pcs)})"Checkpointing intermediate Table before converting to pandas...") _ht = _ht.checkpoint(new_temp_file("determine_nearest_neighbors", extension="ht")) all_strata_vals = _ht.aggregate(hl.agg.collect_as_set(_ht.strata)) all_nbr_hts = [] for group in all_strata_vals: logger_str = "" if strata is not None: logger_str += f", for the following stratification group: {group}" "Finding %d %snearest neighbors, using the %s distance metric%s.", n_neighbors, "approximate " if use_approximation else "", distance_metric, logger_str, ) scores_pd = _ht.filter(_ht.strata == group).to_pandas() scores_pd_s = scores_pd.s scores_pd = scores_pd[[f"PC{i + 1}" for i in range(n_pcs)]] # Get the number of rows/samples in the stratification group. group_n = scores_pd.shape[0] group_n_neighbors = min(n_neighbors, group_n) if n_neighbors > group_n: logger.warning( "The requested number of nearest neighbors (%d) is larger than the " "number of samples in the %s stratification group (%d). Only %d " "neighbors will be returned for all samples in this group.", n_neighbors, group, group_n, group_n, ) if use_approximation: nbrs = AnnoyIndex(n_pcs, distance_metric) for i, row in scores_pd.iterrows(): nbrs.add_item(i, row), n_jobs=n_jobs) indexes = [] for i in range(group_n): indexes.append( nbrs.get_nns_by_item( i, group_n_neighbors, include_distances=add_neighbor_distances ) ) if add_neighbor_distances: distances = [d for i, d in indexes] indexes = [i for i, d in indexes] else: scores = scores_pd.values nbrs = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=group_n_neighbors, n_jobs=n_jobs, metric=distance_metric ) indexes = nbrs.kneighbors(scores, return_distance=add_neighbor_distances) if add_neighbor_distances: distances, indexes = indexes # Format neighbor indexes as a Hail Table. indexes_pd = pd.DataFrame(indexes) indexes_pd = pd.concat([scores_pd_s, indexes_pd], axis=1) indexes_pd = indexes_pd.rename( columns={i: f"nbrs_index_{i}" for i in range(group_n_neighbors)} ) indexes_ht = hl.Table.from_spark(spark.createDataFrame(indexes_pd), key=["s"]) indexes_ht = indexes_ht.transmute( nearest_neighbor_idxs=hl.array( [indexes_ht[f"nbrs_index_{i}"] for i in range(group_n_neighbors)] ) ) if add_neighbor_distances: # Format neighbor distances as a Hail Table. distances_pd = pd.DataFrame(distances) distances_pd = distances_pd.rename( columns={i: f"nbrs_{i}" for i in range(group_n_neighbors)} ) distances_pd = pd.concat([scores_pd_s, distances_pd], axis=1) distances_ht = hl.Table.from_spark( spark.createDataFrame(distances_pd), key=["s"] ) distances_indexed = distances_ht[indexes_ht.key] nbrs_ht = indexes_ht.annotate( nearest_neighbor_dists=hl.array( [ distances_indexed[f"nbrs_{str(i)}"] for i in range(group_n_neighbors) ] ) ) else: nbrs_ht = indexes_ht # Add nearest_neighbors annotation to use instead of indexes. nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.add_index() nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.annotate( _nearest_neighbor_idxs=hl.enumerate(nbrs_ht.nearest_neighbor_idxs) ) explode_nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.key_by("idx").explode("_nearest_neighbor_idxs") nbrs_idx_expr = explode_nbrs_ht._nearest_neighbor_idxs explode_nbrs_ht = explode_nbrs_ht.transmute( nbr=(nbrs_idx_expr[0], explode_nbrs_ht[hl.int64(nbrs_idx_expr[1])].s) ) explode_nbrs_ht = explode_nbrs_ht.group_by("s").aggregate( nearest_neighbors=hl.sorted(hl.agg.collect(explode_nbrs_ht.nbr)).map( lambda x: x[1] ) ) nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.annotate( nearest_neighbors=explode_nbrs_ht[nbrs_ht.key].nearest_neighbors ) nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.drop("_nearest_neighbor_idxs") "Checkpointing intermediate Table with nearest neighbor information..." ) nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.checkpoint( new_temp_file("determine_nearest_neighbors.strata", extension="ht") ) all_nbr_hts.append(nbrs_ht) nbrs_ht = all_nbr_hts[0] if len(all_nbr_hts) > 1:"Combining all nearest neighbor stratification Tables...") nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.union(*all_nbr_hts[1:]) nbrs_ht = nbrs_ht.annotate_globals(n_pcs=n_pcs, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) return ht.annotate(**nbrs_ht[ht.key])