# noqa: D100
import itertools
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import hail as hl
from gnomad.utils.filtering import filter_low_conf_regions, low_conf_regions_expr
from gnomad.utils.vep import (
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(name)s %(lineno)s): %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def freq_bin_expr(
freq_expr: Union[hl.expr.StructExpression, hl.expr.ArrayExpression],
index: int = 0,
ac_cutoffs: Optional[List[Union[int, Tuple[int, str]]]] = [
(0, "AC0"),
(1, "singleton"),
(2, "doubleton"),
af_cutoffs: Optional[List[Union[float, Tuple[float, str]]]] = [
(1e-4, "0.01%"),
(1e-3, "0.1%"),
(1e-2, "1%"),
(1e-1, "10%"),
upper_af: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, str]]] = (0.95, "95%"),
) -> hl.expr.StringExpression:
Return frequency string annotations based on input AC or AF.
.. note::
- Default index is 0 because function assumes freq_expr was calculated with
- Frequency index 0 from `annotate_freq` is frequency for all pops calculated
on adj genotypes only.
:param freq_expr: Array of structs containing frequency information.
:param index: Which index of freq_expr to use for annotation. Default is 0.
:param ac_cutoffs: List of AC cutoffs to use for binning.
:param af_cutoffs: List of AF cutoffs to use for binning.
:param upper_af: Upper AF cutoff to use for binning.
:return: StringExpression containing bin name based on input AC or AF.
if isinstance(freq_expr, hl.expr.ArrayExpression):
freq_expr = freq_expr[index]
if ac_cutoffs and isinstance(ac_cutoffs[0], int):
ac_cutoffs = [(c, f"AC{c}") for c in ac_cutoffs]
if af_cutoffs and isinstance(af_cutoffs[0], float):
af_cutoffs = [(f, f"{f*100}%") for f in af_cutoffs]
if isinstance(upper_af, float):
upper_af = (upper_af, f"{upper_af*100}%")
freq_bin_expr = hl.case().when(hl.is_missing(freq_expr.AC), "Missing")
prev_af = None
for ac, name in sorted(ac_cutoffs):
freq_bin_expr = freq_bin_expr.when(freq_expr.AC == ac, name)
prev_af = name
for af, name in sorted(af_cutoffs):
prev_af = "<" if prev_af is None else f"{prev_af} - "
freq_bin_expr = freq_bin_expr.when(freq_expr.AF < af, f"{prev_af}{name}")
prev_af = name
if upper_af:
freq_bin_expr = freq_bin_expr.when(
freq_expr.AF > upper_af[0], f">{upper_af[1]}"
default_af = "<" if prev_af is None else f"{prev_af} - "
default_af = f"{default_af}{upper_af[1]}"
default_af = f">{prev_af}"
return freq_bin_expr.default(default_af)
[docs]def get_summary_counts_dict(
locus_expr: hl.expr.LocusExpression,
allele_expr: hl.expr.ArrayExpression,
lof_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
no_lof_flags_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression,
most_severe_csq_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
prefix_str: str = "",
) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.Int64Expression]:
Return dictionary containing containing counts of multiple variant categories.
Categories are:
- Number of variants
- Number of indels
- Number of SNVs
- Number of LoF variants
- Number of LoF variants that pass LOFTEE
- Number of LoF variants that pass LOFTEE without any flgs
- Number of LoF variants annotated as 'other splice' (OS) by LOFTEE
- Number of LoF variants that fail LOFTEE
- Number of missense variants
- Number of synonymous variants
- Number of autosomal variants
- Number of allosomal variants
.. warning::
Assumes `allele_expr` contains only two variants (multi-allelics have been split).
:param locus_expr: LocusExpression.
:param allele_expr: ArrayExpression containing alleles.
:param lof_expr: StringExpression containing LOFTEE annotation.
:param no_lof_flags_expr: BooleanExpression indicating whether LoF variant has any flags.
:param most_severe_csq_expr: StringExpression containing most severe consequence annotation.
:param prefix_str: Desired prefix string for category names. Default is empty str.
:return: Dict of categories and counts per category.
logger.warning("This function expects that multi-allelic variants have been split!")
return {
f"{prefix_str}num_variants": hl.agg.count(),
f"{prefix_str}indels": hl.agg.count_where(
hl.is_indel(allele_expr[0], allele_expr[1])
f"{prefix_str}snps": hl.agg.count_where(
hl.is_snp(allele_expr[0], allele_expr[1])
f"{prefix_str}LOF": hl.agg.count_where(hl.is_defined(lof_expr)),
f"{prefix_str}pass_loftee": hl.agg.count_where(lof_expr == "HC"),
f"{prefix_str}pass_loftee_no_flag": hl.agg.count_where(
(lof_expr == "HC") & (no_lof_flags_expr)
f"{prefix_str}loftee_os": hl.agg.count_where(lof_expr == "OS"),
f"{prefix_str}fail_loftee": hl.agg.count_where(lof_expr == "LC"),
f"{prefix_str}num_missense": hl.agg.count_where(
most_severe_csq_expr == "missense_variant"
f"{prefix_str}num_synonymous": hl.agg.count_where(
most_severe_csq_expr == "synonymous_variant"
f"{prefix_str}num_autosomal_variants": hl.agg.filter(
locus_expr.in_autosome_or_par(), hl.agg.count()
f"{prefix_str}num_allosomal_variants": hl.agg.filter(
locus_expr.in_x_nonpar() | locus_expr.in_y_nonpar(), hl.agg.count()
[docs]def get_summary_ac_dict(
ac_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression,
lof_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
no_lof_flags_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression,
most_severe_csq_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.Int64Expression]:
Return dictionary containing containing total allele counts for variant categories.
Categories are:
- All variants
- LoF variants
- LoF variants that pass LOFTEE
- LoF variants that pass LOFTEE without any flags
- LoF variants that are annotate as 'other splice' (OS) by LOFTEE
- LoF variants that fail LOFTEE
- Missense variants
- Synonymous variants
.. warning::
Assumes `allele_expr` contains only two variants (multi-allelics have been split).
:param allele_expr: ArrayExpression containing alleles.
:param lof_expr: StringExpression containing LOFTEE annotation.
:param no_lof_flags_expr: BooleanExpression indicating whether LoF variant has any flags.
:return: Dict of variant categories and their total allele counts.
logger.warning("This function expects that multi-allelic variants have been split!")
return {
"total_ac": hl.agg.sum(ac_expr),
"total_ac_LOF": hl.agg.filter(hl.is_defined(lof_expr), hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)),
"total_ac_pass_loftee": hl.agg.filter(lof_expr == "HC", hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)),
"total_ac_pass_loftee_no_flag": hl.agg.filter(
(lof_expr == "HC") & (no_lof_flags_expr), hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)
"total_ac_loftee_os": hl.agg.filter(lof_expr == "OS", hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)),
"total_ac_fail_loftee": hl.agg.filter(lof_expr == "LC", hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)),
"total_ac_missense": hl.agg.filter(
most_severe_csq_expr == "missense_variant", hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)
"total_ac_synonymous": hl.agg.filter(
most_severe_csq_expr == "synonymous_variant", hl.agg.sum(ac_expr)
[docs]def get_summary_counts(
ht: hl.Table,
freq_field: str = "freq",
filter_field: str = "filters",
filter_decoy: bool = False,
canonical_only: bool = True,
mane_select_only: bool = False,
index: int = 0,
) -> hl.Table:
Generate a struct with summary counts across variant categories.
Summary counts:
- Number of variants
- Number of indels
- Number of SNVs
- Number of LoF variants
- Number of LoF variants that pass LOFTEE (including with LoF flags)
- Number of LoF variants that pass LOFTEE without LoF flags
- Number of OS (other splice) variants annotated by LOFTEE
- Number of LoF variants that fail LOFTEE filters
Also annotates Table's globals with total variant counts.
Before calculating summary counts, function:
- Filters out low confidence regions
- Uses the most severe consequence
- Filters to canonical transcripts (if `canonical_only` is True) or MANE Select
transcripts (if `mane_select_only` is True)
Assumes that:
- Input HT is annotated with VEP.
- Multiallelic variants have been split and/or input HT contains bi-allelic variants only.
- freq_expr was calculated with `annotate_freq`.
- (Frequency index 0 from `annotate_freq` is frequency for all pops calculated on adj genotypes only.)
:param ht: Input Table.
:param freq_field: Name of field in HT containing frequency annotation (array of structs). Default is "freq".
:param filter_field: Name of field in HT containing variant filter information. Default is "filters".
:param canonical_only: Whether to filter to canonical transcripts. Default is True.
:param mane_select_only: Whether to filter to MANE Select transcripts. Default is False.
:param filter_decoy: Whether to filter decoy regions. Default is False.
:param index: Which index of freq_expr to use for annotation. Default is 0.
:return: Table grouped by frequency bin and aggregated across summary count categories.
if canonical_only and mane_select_only:
raise ValueError(
"Only one of `canonical_only` and `mane_select_only` can be True."
logger.info("Checking if multi-allelic variants have been split...")
max_alleles = ht.aggregate(hl.agg.max(hl.len(ht.alleles)))
if max_alleles > 2:
logger.info("Splitting multi-allelics and VEP transcript consequences...")
ht = hl.split_multi_hts(ht)
logger.info("Filtering to PASS variants in high confidence regions...")
ht = ht.filter((hl.len(ht[filter_field]) == 0))
ht = filter_low_conf_regions(ht, filter_decoy=filter_decoy)
if canonical_only:
logger.info("Filtering to canonical transcripts...")
ht = filter_vep_to_canonical_transcripts(ht)
elif mane_select_only:
logger.info("Filtering to mane select transcripts...")
ht = filter_vep_to_mane_select_transcripts(ht)
logger.info("Getting VEP summary annotations...")
ht = get_most_severe_consequence_for_summary(ht)
logger.info("Annotating with frequency bin information...")
ht = ht.annotate(freq_bin=freq_bin_expr(ht[freq_field], index))
"Annotating HT globals with total counts/total allele counts per variant"
" category..."
summary_counts = ht.aggregate(
summary_ac_counts = ht.aggregate(
ht = ht.annotate_globals(
return ht.group_by("freq_bin").aggregate(
[docs]def get_an_criteria(
mt: hl.MatrixTable,
samples_by_sex: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
meta_root: str = "meta",
sex_field: str = "sex_imputation.sex_karyotype",
xy_str: str = "XY",
xx_str: str = "XX",
freq_field: str = "freq",
freq_index: int = 0,
an_proportion_cutoff: float = 0.8,
) -> hl.expr.BooleanExpression:
Generate criteria to filter samples based on allele number (AN).
Uses allele number as proxy for call rate.
:param mt: Input MatrixTable.
:param samples_by_sex: Optional Dictionary containing number of samples (value) for each sample sex (key).
:param meta_root: Name of field in MatrixTable containing sample metadata information. Default is 'meta'.
:param sex_field: Name of field in MatrixTable containing sample sex assignment. Defualt is 'sex_imputation.sex_karyotype'.
:param xy_str: String marking whether a sample has XY sex. Default is 'XY'.
:param xx_str: String marking whether a sample has XX sex. Default is 'XX'.
:param freq_field: Name of field in MT that contains frequency information. Default is 'freq'.
:param freq_index: Which index of frequency struct to use. Default is 0.
:param an_proportion_cutoff: Desired allele number proportion cutoff. Default is 0.8.
if samples_by_sex is None:
samples_by_sex = mt.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.counter(mt[meta_root][sex_field]))
return (
>= an_proportion_cutoff * 2 * sum(samples_by_sex.values()),
>= an_proportion_cutoff
* (samples_by_sex[xy_str] + samples_by_sex[xx_str] * 2),
>= an_proportion_cutoff * samples_by_sex[xy_str],
[docs]def get_tx_expression_expr(
key_expr: hl.expr.StructExpression,
tx_ht: hl.Table,
csq_expr: hl.expr.StructExpression,
gene_field: str = "ensg",
csq_field: str = "csq",
tx_struct: str = "tx_annotation",
) -> hl.expr.Float64Expression:
Pull appropriate transcript expression annotation struct given a specific locus and alleles (provided in `key_expr`).
Assumes that `key_expr` contains a locus and alleles.
Assumes that multi-allelic variants have been split in both `tx_ht` and `key_expr`.
:param row_key_expr: StructExpression containing locus and alleles to search in `tx_ht`.
:param tx_ht: Input Table containing transcript expression information.
:param csq_expr: Input StructExpression that contains VEP consequence information.
:param gene_field: Field in `csq_expr` that contains gene ID.
:param csq_field: Field in `csq_expr` that contains `most_severe_consequence` annotation.
:param tx_struct: StructExpression that contains transcript expression information.
:return: StructExpression that contains transcript expression information for given gene ID in `csq_expr`.
return hl.find(
lambda csq: (csq[gene_field] == csq_expr.gene_id)
& (csq[csq_field] == csq_expr.most_severe_consequence),
[docs]def get_summary_stats_variant_filter_expr(
t: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable],
filter_lcr: bool = False,
filter_expr: hl.expr.SetExpression = None,
freq_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression = None,
grpmax_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression = None,
max_af: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
max_grpmax: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
min_an_proportion: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Union[hl.expr.BooleanExpression, hl.expr.StructExpression]]:
Generate variant filtering expression for summary stats.
The possible filtering groups are:
- 'no_lcr' if `filter_lcr` is True.
- 'variant_qc_pass' if `filter_expr` is provided.
- 'max_af' as a struct with a field for each `af` in `max_af` if `max_af` is
- 'max_grpmax' as a struct with a field for each `grpmax` in `max_grpmax` if
`max_grpmax` is provided.
- 'min_an' as a struct with a field for each `an_proportion` in
`min_an_proportion` if `min_an_proportion` is provided.
:param t: Input Table/MatrixTable.
:param filter_lcr: Whether to filter out low confidence regions. Default is False.
:param filter_expr: SetExpression containing variant filters. Default is None.
:param freq_expr: Float64Expression containing frequency information. Default is
:param grpmax_expr: Float64Expression containing group max frequency
information. Default is None.
:param max_af: Maximum allele frequency cutoff(s). Can be a single float or a list
of floats. Default is None.
:param max_grpmax: Maximum genetic ancestry group max frequency cutoff(s). Can be a
single float or a list of floats. Default is None.
:param min_an_proportion: Minimum allele number proportion (used as a proxy for
call rate). Default is None.
:return: Dict of BooleanExpressions or StructExpressions for filtering variants.
if max_af is not None and freq_expr is None:
raise ValueError("Frequency expression must be provided when filtering by AF!")
log_list = []
ss_filter_expr = {}
if filter_lcr:
log_list.append("variants not in low confidence regions")
ss_filter_expr["no_lcr"] = low_conf_regions_expr(t.locus, filter_decoy=False)
if filter_expr is not None:
log_list.append("variants that pass all variant QC filters")
ss_filter_expr["variant_qc_pass"] = hl.len(filter_expr) == 0
def get_max_filter(
max_expr: hl.expr.Float64Expression,
max_cutoff: Union[float, List[float], None],
name: str = "af",
) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.StructExpression]:
Generate filtering expression for maximum frequency cutoffs.
:param max_expr: Float64Expression containing frequency information.
:param max_cutoff: Maximum frequency cutoff(s). Can be a single float or a
list of floats.
:param name: Name of frequency field. Default is empty str. Default is 'af'.
:return: StructExpression containing filtering expression for maximum frequency
if max_cutoff is None:
return {}
if isinstance(max_cutoff, float):
max_cutoff = [max_cutoff]
log_list.extend([f"variants with ({name} < {c:.2e})" for c in max_cutoff])
return {f"max_{name}": hl.struct(**{f"{c}": max_expr < c for c in max_cutoff})}
ss_filter_expr.update(get_max_filter(freq_expr, max_af, "af"))
ss_filter_expr.update(get_max_filter(grpmax_expr, max_grpmax, "grpmax"))
if min_an_proportion is not None:
"variants that meet a minimum call rate of %.2f (using AN as a call rate "
"proxy)" % min_an_proportion,
ss_filter_expr[f"min_an_{min_an_proportion}"] = get_an_criteria(
t, an_proportion_cutoff=min_an_proportion
logger.info("Adding filtering for:\n\t%s...", "\n\t".join(log_list))
return ss_filter_expr
[docs]def get_summary_stats_csq_filter_expr(
t: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable, hl.StructExpression],
lof_csq_set: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
lof_label_set: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
lof_no_flags: bool = False,
lof_any_flags: bool = False,
additional_csq_sets: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None,
additional_csqs: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Union[hl.expr.BooleanExpression, hl.expr.StructExpression]]:
Generate consequence filtering expression for summary stats.
.. note::
- Assumes that input Table/MatrixTable/StructExpression contains the required
annotations for the requested filtering groups.
- 'lof' annotation for `lof_csq_set`.
- 'no_lof_flags' annotation for `lof_no_flags` and `lof_any_flags`.
The possible filtering groups are:
- 'lof' if `lof_csq_set` is provided.
- 'loftee_no_flags' if `lof_no_flags` is True.
- 'loftee_with_flags' if `lof_any_flags` is True.
- 'loftee_label' as a struct with a field for each `lof_label` in
`lof_label_set` if provided.
- 'csq' as a struct with a field for each consequence in `additional_csqs` and
`lof_csq_set` if provided.
- 'csq_set' as a struct with a field for each consequence set in
`additional_csq_sets` if provided. This will also have an `lof` field if
`lof_csq_set` is provided.
:param t: Input Table/MatrixTable/StructExpression.
:param lof_csq_set: Set of LoF consequence strings. Default is None.
:param lof_label_set: Set of LoF consequence labels. Default is None.
:param lof_no_flags: Whether to filter to variants with no flags. Default is
:param lof_any_flags: Whether to filter to variants with any flags. Default
is False.
:param additional_csq_sets: Dictionary containing additional consequence sets.
Default is None.
:param additional_csqs: Set of additional consequences to keep. Default is None.
:return: Dict of BooleanExpressions or StructExpressions for filtering by
if (lof_no_flags or lof_any_flags) and "no_lof_flags" not in t.row:
raise ValueError(
"The required 'no_lof_flags' annotation is not found in input "
if lof_label_set and "lof" not in t.row:
raise ValueError(
"The required 'lof' annotation is not found in input "
def _create_filter_by_csq(
t: Union[hl.Table, hl.MatrixTable],
csq_set: Union[Set, List, hl.expr.CollectionExpression],
) -> hl.expr.BooleanExpression:
Create filtering expression for a set of consequences.
:param t: Input Table/MatrixTable.
:param csq_set: Set of consequences to filter.
:return: BooleanExpression for filtering by consequence.
if not isinstance(csq_set, hl.expr.CollectionExpression):
csq_set = hl.set(csq_set)
return csq_set.contains(t.most_severe_csq)
# Set up filters for specific consequences or sets of consequences.
csq_filters = {
"csq": {
**({f"{c}": {c} for c in lof_csq_set or []}),
**({f"{c}": {c} for c in additional_csqs or []}),
"csq_set": {
**({"lof": lof_csq_set or {}}),
**({f"{l}": c for l, c in (additional_csq_sets or {}).items()}),
# Create filtering expressions for each consequence/ consequence set.
ss_filter_expr = {
group_name: hl.struct(
filter_name: _create_filter_by_csq(t, csq_set)
for filter_name, csq_set in group.items()
for group_name, group in csq_filters.items()
# Add filtering expressions for LOFTEE labels.
ss_filter_expr["loftee_label"] = hl.struct(
lof_label: hl.or_else(t.lof == lof_label, False)
for lof_label in lof_label_set or []
# Add filtering expressions variants with no flags or any flags.
if lof_no_flags:
ss_filter_expr["loftee_no_flags"] = t.no_lof_flags
if lof_any_flags:
ss_filter_expr["loftee_with_flags"] = ~t.no_lof_flags
return ss_filter_expr
[docs]def generate_filter_combinations(
combos: List[Union[List[str], Dict[str, List[str]]]],
combo_options: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Generate list of all possible filter combinations from a list of filter options.
Example input:
.. code-block:: python
{'pass_filters': [False, True]},
{'pass_filters': [False, True], 'capture': ['ukb', 'broad']}
Example output:
.. code-block:: python
{'pass_filters': False},
{'pass_filters': True},
{'pass_filters': False, 'capture': 'ukb'},
{'pass_filters': False, 'capture': 'broad'},
{'pass_filters': True, 'capture': 'ukb'},
{'pass_filters': True, 'capture': 'broad'},
:param combos: List of filter groups and their options.
:param combo_options: Dictionary of filter groups and their options that can be
supplied if `combos` is a list of lists.
:return: List of all possible filter combinations for each filter group.
if isinstance(combos[0], list):
if combo_options is None:
raise ValueError(
"If `combos` is a list of lists, `combo_options` must be provided."
combos = [{k: combo_options[k] for k in combo} for combo in combos]
# Create combinations of filter options.
def _expand_combinations(filter_dict: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Expand filter combinations.
:param filter_dict: Dictionary of filter options.
:return: List of dicts of expanded filter options.
keys, values = zip(*filter_dict.items())
return [dict(zip(keys, combo)) for combo in itertools.product(*values)]
# Flatten list of combinations.
expanded_meta = sum([_expand_combinations(sublist) for sublist in combos], [])
return expanded_meta
[docs]def default_generate_gene_lof_matrix(
mt: hl.MatrixTable,
tx_ht: Optional[hl.Table],
high_expression_cutoff: float = 0.9,
low_expression_cutoff: float = 0.1,
filter_field: str = "filters",
freq_field: str = "freq",
freq_index: int = 0,
additional_csq_set: Set[str] = {"missense_variant", "synonymous_variant"},
all_transcripts: bool = False,
filter_an: bool = False,
filter_to_rare: bool = False,
pre_loftee: bool = False,
lof_csq_set: Set[str] = LOF_CSQ_SET,
remove_ultra_common: bool = False,
) -> hl.MatrixTable:
Generate loss-of-function gene matrix.
Used to generate summary metrics on LoF variants.
:param mt: Input MatrixTable.
:param tx_ht: Optional Table containing expression levels per transcript.
:param high_expression_cutoff: Minimum mean proportion expressed cutoff for a transcript to be considered highly expressed. Default is 0.9.
:param low_expression_cutoff: Upper mean proportion expressed cutoff for a transcript to lowly expressed. Default is 0.1.
:param filter_field: Name of field in MT that contains variant filters. Default is 'filters'.
:param freq_field: Name of field in MT that contains frequency information. Default is 'freq'.
:param freq_index: Which index of frequency struct to use. Default is 0.
:param additional_csq_set: Set of additional consequences to keep. Default is {'missense_variant', 'synonymous_variant'}.
:param all_transcripts: Whether to use all transcripts instead of just the transcript with most severe consequence. Default is False.
:param filter_an: Whether to filter using allele number as proxy for call rate. Default is False.
:param filter_to_rare: Whether to filter to rare (AF < 5%) variants. Default is False.
:param pre_loftee: Whether LoF consequences have been annotated with LOFTEE. Default is False.
:param lof_csq_set: Set of LoF consequence strings. Default is {"splice_acceptor_variant", "splice_donor_variant", "stop_gained", "frameshift_variant"}.
:param remove_ultra_common: Whether to remove ultra common (AF > 95%) variants. Default is False.
logger.info("Filtering to PASS variants...")
filt_criteria = hl.len(mt[filter_field]) == 0
if filter_an:
"Using AN (as a call rate proxy) to filter to variants that meet a minimum"
" call rate..."
mt = mt.filter_rows(get_an_criteria(mt))
if remove_ultra_common:
logger.info("Removing ultra common (AF > 95%) variants...")
filt_criteria &= mt[freq_field][freq_index].AF < 0.95
if filter_to_rare:
logger.info("Filtering to rare (AF < 5%) variants...")
filt_criteria &= mt[freq_field][freq_index].AF < 0.05
mt = mt.filter_rows(filt_criteria)
if all_transcripts:
logger.info("Exploding transcript_consequences field...")
explode_field = "transcript_consequences"
"Adding most severe (worst) consequence and expoding worst_csq_by_gene"
" field..."
mt = process_consequences(mt)
explode_field = "worst_csq_by_gene"
if additional_csq_set:
logger.info("Including these consequences: %s", additional_csq_set)
additional_cats = hl.literal(additional_csq_set)
if pre_loftee:
logger.info("Filtering to LoF consequences: %s", lof_csq_set)
lof_cats = hl.literal(lof_csq_set)
criteria = lambda x: lof_cats.contains(
if additional_csq_set:
criteria = lambda x: lof_cats.contains(
) | additional_cats.contains(
logger.info("Filtering to LoF variants that pass LOFTEE with no LoF flags...")
criteria = lambda x: (x.lof == "HC") & hl.is_missing(x.lof_flags)
if additional_csq_set:
criteria = lambda x: (x.lof == "HC") & hl.is_missing(
) | additional_cats.contains(
csqs = mt.vep[explode_field].filter(criteria)
mt = mt.select_rows(mt[freq_field], csqs=csqs)
mt = mt.explode_rows(mt.csqs)
annotation_expr = {
"gene_id": mt.csqs.gene_id,
"gene": mt.csqs.gene_symbol,
"indel": hl.is_indel(mt.alleles[0], mt.alleles[1]),
"most_severe_consequence": mt.csqs.most_severe_consequence,
if tx_ht:
logger.info("Adding transcript expression annotation...")
tx_annotation = get_tx_expression_expr(
annotation_expr["expressed"] = (
.when(tx_annotation >= high_expression_cutoff, "high")
.when(tx_annotation > low_expression_cutoff, "medium")
.when(hl.is_defined(tx_annotation), "low")
annotation_expr["transcript_id"] = mt.csqs.transcript_id
annotation_expr["canonical"] = hl.is_defined(mt.csqs.canonical)
mt = mt.annotate_rows(**annotation_expr)
return (
n_sites_array=hl.agg.array_sum(mt.freq.map(lambda x: hl.int(x.AC > 0))),
classic_caf_array=hl.agg.array_sum(mt[freq_field].map(lambda x: x.AF)),
[docs]def get_het_hom_summary_dict(
csq_set: Set[str],
most_severe_csq_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
defined_sites_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression,
num_homs_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression,
num_hets_expr: hl.expr.Int64Expression,
pop_expr: hl.expr.StringExpression,
) -> Dict[str, hl.expr.Int64Expression]:
Generate dictionary containing summary counts.
Summary counts are:
- Number of sites with defined genotype calls
- Number of samples with heterozygous calls
- Number of samples with homozygous calls
Function has option to generate counts by population.
:param csq_set: Set containing transcript consequence string(s).
:param most_severe_csq_expr: StringExpression containing most severe consequence.
:param defined_sites_expr: Int64Expression containing number of sites with defined genotype calls.
:param num_homs_expr: Int64Expression containing number of samples with homozygous genotype calls.
:param num_hets_expr: Int64Expression containing number of samples with heterozygous genotype calls.
:param pop_expr: StringExpression containing sample population labels.
:return: Dictionary of summary annotation names and their values.
csq_filter_expr = hl.literal(csq_set).contains(most_severe_csq_expr)
return {
"no_alt_calls": hl.agg.count_where(
& (defined_sites_expr > 0)
& (num_homs_expr + num_hets_expr == 0)
"obs_het": hl.agg.count_where(
(csq_filter_expr) & (num_homs_expr == 0) & (num_hets_expr > 0)
"obs_hom": hl.agg.count_where((csq_filter_expr) & (num_homs_expr > 0)),
"defined": hl.agg.count_where((csq_filter_expr) & (defined_sites_expr > 0)),
"pop_no_alt_calls": hl.agg.group_by(
& (defined_sites_expr > 0)
& (num_homs_expr + num_hets_expr == 0)
"pop_obs_het": hl.agg.group_by(
(csq_filter_expr) & (num_homs_expr == 0) & (num_hets_expr > 0)
"pop_obs_hom": hl.agg.group_by(
hl.agg.count_where((csq_filter_expr) & (num_homs_expr > 0)),
"pop_defined": hl.agg.group_by(
hl.agg.count_where((csq_filter_expr) & (defined_sites_expr > 0)),
[docs]def default_generate_gene_lof_summary(
mt: hl.MatrixTable,
collapse_indels: bool = False,
tx: bool = False,
lof_csq_set: Set[str] = LOF_CSQ_SET,
meta_root: str = "meta",
pop_field: str = "pop",
filter_loftee: bool = False,
) -> hl.Table:
Generate summary counts for loss-of-function (LoF), missense, and synonymous variants.
Also calculates p, proportion of of haplotypes carrying a putative LoF (pLoF) variant,
and observed/expected (OE) ratio of samples with homozygous pLoF variant calls.
Summary counts are (all per gene):
- Number of samples with no pLoF variants.
- Number of samples with heterozygous pLoF variants.
- Number of samples with homozygous pLoF variants.
- Total number of sites with genotype calls.
- All of the above stats grouped by population.
Assumes MT was created using `default_generate_gene_lof_matrix`.
.. note::
Assumes LoF variants in MT were filtered (LOFTEE pass and no LoF flag only).
If LoF variants have not been filtered and `filter_loftee` is True,
expects MT has the row annotation `vep`.
:param mt: Input MatrixTable.
:param collapse_indels: Whether to collapse indels. Default is False.
:param tx: Whether input MT has transcript expression data. Default is False.
:param lof_csq_set: Set containing LoF transcript consequence strings. Default is LOF_CSQ_SET.
:param meta_root: String indicating top level name for sample metadata. Default is 'meta'.
:param pop_field: String indiciating field with sample population assignment information. Default is 'pop'.
:param filter_loftee: Filters to LOFTEE pass variants (and no LoF flags) only. Default is False.
:return: Table with het/hom summary counts.
if collapse_indels:
grouping = ["gene_id", "gene", "most_severe_consequence"]
if tx:
grouping.extend(["transcript_id", "canonical"])
mt = (
if filter_loftee:
lof_ht = get_most_severe_consequence_for_summary(mt.rows())
mt = mt.filter_rows(
& (lof_ht[mt.row_key].lof == "HC")
& (lof_ht[mt.row_key].no_lof_flags)
ht = mt.annotate_rows(
ht = ht.annotate(
p=(1 - hl.sqrt(hl.float64(ht.lof.no_alt_calls) / ht.lof.defined)),
lambda x: (
1 - hl.sqrt(hl.float64(ht.lof.pop_no_alt_calls.get(x[0])) / x[1]),
ht = ht.annotate(exp_hom_lof=ht.lof.defined * ht.p * ht.p)
return ht.annotate(oe=ht.lof.obs_hom / ht.exp_hom_lof)