"""Script to parse logs from validity check output."""
import re
import hail as hl
[docs]def parse_log_file(log_file):
"""Parse a log file and categorizes messages for formatting, extracting function names and sources.
:param log_file: Path to the log file containing python logging output (such as INFO and WARNING statements).
:return: List of tuples containing logger information describing the validity check, status category, source, message, and associated table if relevant.
parsed_logs = []
log_pattern = re.compile(
r"^(INFO|WARNING|ERROR) \(([^)]+)\.(\w+) (\d+)\): (.*)"
) # Extract log level, module, function, line number, and message.
function_mapping = {
"validate_config": "general info",
"validate_ht_fields": "general info",
"main": "general info",
"validate_federated_data": "general info",
"summarize_variants": "variant summary",
"sum_group_callstats": "group summations",
"check_missingness": "missingness",
"compute_missingness": "missingness",
"make_group_sum_expr_dict": "group summations",
"check_sex_chr_metrics": "XY check",
"check_raw_and_adj_callstats": "raw/adj check",
with hl.hadoop_open(log_file, "r") as f:
current_message = ""
current_table = []
current_metadata = None # Stores log metadata before a table appears.
for line in f:
match = log_pattern.match(line)
if match:
# Store previous log if it had a table.
if current_message and current_metadata:
# Remove ASCII table lines from the message part but keep the full
# table separately.
cleaned_message = re.sub(r"\+\-.*\+$", "", current_message).strip()
# Start new log message.
log_level, module, function_name, line_number, message = match.groups()
source = f"{module}.{function_name} {line_number}"
validity_check = function_mapping.get(function_name, function_name)
# Determine the category.
message_lower = message.lower()
log_categories = {
"INFO": lambda msg: (
if "passed" in msg
else (
if any(word in msg for word in ["failed", "fail"])
else "info"
"WARNING": "warn",
"ERROR": "fail",
category = log_categories.get(log_level, "info")
category = category(message_lower) if callable(category) else category
# Reset tracking.
current_message = message
current_table = []
current_metadata = (validity_check, category, source)
elif "+----" in line or "| locus" in line: # Table start detection.
current_table.append(line.strip()) # Add table row.
elif current_table: # If already collecting a table.
# Store last log if it had a table.
if current_message and current_metadata:
cleaned_message = re.sub(r"\+\-.*\+$", "", current_message).strip()
(*current_metadata, cleaned_message, "\n".join(current_table).strip())
return parsed_logs
[docs]def generate_html_report(parsed_logs, output_file):
"""Generate an HTML report with sortable and filterable columns, with expandable tables for results."""
html_template = """
body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; }
th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 8px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; }
th { background-color: #f2f2f2; cursor: pointer; }
.pass { color: 0d1cb6; }
.fail { color: #D42736; font-weight: bold;}
.warn { color: #DAA520; }
.info { color: black; }
.hidden-table { display: none; }
.toggle-btn {
cursor: pointer;
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;
float: right; /* Moves "View Table" to the right */
margin-left: 15px; /* Adds spacing between message and button */
font-weight: normal;
.checkbox-container {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 20px;
pre {
text-align: left;
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-family: monospace;
background: #f8f8f8;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
overflow-x: auto;
width: 100%;
display: block;
color: black; /* Ensure table text is plain black */
font-weight: normal; /* Ensure no bolding */
function toggleTable(id) {
var tableDiv = document.getElementById(id);
tableDiv.style.display = (tableDiv.style.display === "none" || tableDiv.style.display === "") ? "block" : "none";
function toggleAllTables() {
var tables = document.getElementsByClassName("hidden-table");
var checkbox = document.getElementById("toggleAll");
var showAll = checkbox.checked;
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
tables[i].style.display = showAll ? "block" : "none";
function sortTable(n) {
var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldSwitch, dir, switchcount = 0;
table = document.getElementById("logTable");
switching = true;
dir = "asc";
while (switching) {
switching = false;
rows = table.rows;
for (i = 1; i < (rows.length - 1); i++) {
shouldSwitch = false;
x = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n].innerHTML.toLowerCase();
y = rows[i + 1].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n].innerHTML.toLowerCase();
if ((dir == "asc" && x > y) || (dir == "desc" && x < y)) {
shouldSwitch = true;
if (shouldSwitch) {
rows[i].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);
switching = true;
} else {
if (switchcount === 0 && dir === "asc") {
dir = "desc";
switching = true;
function filterTable() {
var validityFilter = document.getElementById("functionFilter").value.toLowerCase();
var statusFilter = document.getElementById("statusFilter").value.toLowerCase();
var table, tr, i;
table = document.getElementById("logTable");
tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (i = 1; i < tr.length; i++) {
var validityCheck = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML.toLowerCase();
var status = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML.toLowerCase();
if ((validityFilter === "all" || validityCheck === validityFilter) &&
(statusFilter === "all" || status === statusFilter)) {
tr[i].style.display = "";
} else {
tr[i].style.display = "none";
<h2>Log Report</h2>
<label for="functionFilter">Filter by Validity Check:</label>
<select id="functionFilter" onchange="filterTable()">
<option value="all">All</option>
validity_checks = set()
statuses = set()
for validity_check, category, source, message, table in parsed_logs:
for validity_check in sorted(validity_checks):
html_template += f'<option value="{validity_check}">{validity_check}</option>'
html_template += """
<label for="statusFilter">Filter by Status:</label>
<select id="statusFilter" onchange="filterTable()">
<option value="all">All</option>
for status in sorted(statuses):
html_template += f'<option value="{status}">{status.upper()}</option>'
html_template += """
<!-- Checkbox to show/hide all tables -->
<span class="checkbox-container">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggleAll" onclick="toggleAllTables()">
<label for="toggleAll">Show All Tables</label>
<table id="logTable">
<th onclick="sortTable(0)">Validity Check</th>
<th onclick="sortTable(1)">Status</th>
<th onclick="sortTable(2)">Source</th>
<th onclick="sortTable(3)">Message</th>
for i, (validity_check, category, source, message, table) in enumerate(parsed_logs):
table_id = f"table_{i}"
table_button = (
f'<span class="toggle-btn" onclick="toggleTable(\'{table_id}\')">View Table</span>'
if table
else ""
html_template += (
f'<tr class="{category}">'
f'<td class="{category}">{category.upper()}</td>'
f"<td>{message} {table_button}"
if table:
html_template += (
f'<div id="{table_id}" class="hidden-table"><pre>{table}</pre></div>'
html_template += "</td></tr>"
html_template += "</table></body></html>"
with hl.hadoop_open(output_file, "w") as f: